Created by Donos Nicolae BTW!!!!! Keep in mind teacher, please
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some images!
First u will need hyprland and its dependences, i think these are all the packs.
yay -S hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git network-manager-applet blueman python rustup kitty fish wofi-emoji xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland swayidle swaylock-effects grim slurp mako wl-clipboard chayang cliphist swww nwg-look o swappy wofi wofi-calc wofi-emoji ttf-material-design-icons-extended ttf-iosevka xdg-user-dirs noto-fonts-emoji polkit-kde-agent clipman imagemagick hyprpicker gpick acpi qt5ct sweet-cursors-theme-git lighdm lightdm-elephant-greeter-git spotify waybar-mpris-git brightnessctl pamixer papirus-icon-theme ttf-jetbrains-mono-nerd pipewire pipewire-jack pipewire-alsa pipewire-pulse thunar sway-audio-idle-inhibit-git cava-git spicetify-cli
then ig u will need to clone my repo
git clone
cd MyHyprlandRice
#cd to a color scheme then >
cp -r .config/ ~/.config
cp -r .themes/ ~/
please do this if u want charging notifications:
sudoedit /etc/udev/rules.d/power.rules
then u need to copy this, please note that there is my username ananas
change to your username (thats how udev works ig)
# Rule for when switching to battery
ACTION=="change", SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{type}=="Mains", ATTR{online}=="0", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", ENV{XAUTHORITY}="/home/ananas/.Xauthority" RUN+="/usr/bin/su ananas -c '/home/ananas/.config/hypr/scripts/chargingnotify 0'"
# Rule for when switching to AC
ACTION=="change", SUBSYSTEM=="power_supply", ATTR{type}=="Mains", ATTR{online}=="1", ENV{DISPLAY}=":0", ENV{XAUTHORITY}="/home/USERNAME/.Xauthority" RUN+="/usr/bin/su ananas -c 'home/ananas/.config/hypr/scripts/chargingnotify 1'"
then reload udev rules
sudo udevadm control --reload
thats all for now, i will add more things, i will correct more things, this git is wip
Add all the files, correctly soo that anybody who uses them to not have errors -
Use better and more customizable packs alternatives to work better/fit with the theme (the rosepine theme has more features and better packages)
Idk, its 80% wip
- @mooncoffee1 me :)