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Data Files and Resources

slluis edited this page Nov 20, 2014 · 2 revisions
Home > Programming Guide > Data Files and Resources

Extension Data in Resources

In the previous section we've seen how to use an extension point for registering extension data. Using attribute/value pairs is useful for simple metadata, but it may not be enough for more complex data. For example, let's say we are implementing a text editor and we want to allow add-ins to provide their own document templates. Each template will have a name, an icon and a text document with the template text. This extension point could be declared like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:ExtensionPoint ("/DocumentTemplates", ExtensionAttributeType=typeof(DocumentTemplateAttribute))]

public class DocumentTemplateAttribute: Attribute
	public DocumentTemplateAttribute ()

	public string Name { get; set; }

	public string IconResource { get; set; }

	public string TemplateResource { get; set; }

Notice that using the 'Resource' suffix in the property names is just a convention.

An add-in extending the above extension point would look like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:AddinDependency ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]

[assembly:DocumentTemplate (Name="Letter", IconResource="LetterIcon.png", TemplateResource="Letter.txt")}
[assembly:DocumentTemplate (Name="Fax", IconResource="FaxIcon.png", TemplateResource="Fax.txt")}

The add-in would embed the following files as resources in the add-in assembly: LetterIcon.png, FaxIcon.png, Letter.txt and Fax.txt.

Those extensions could be retrieved by the host application like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:AddinRoot ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]

class MainClass
	public static void Main ()
		AddinManager.Initialize ();
		AddinManager.Registry.Update ();
		foreach (ExtensionNode<DocumentTemplateAttribute> node in AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes ("/DocumentTemplates")) {
			Console.WriteLine ("Loading template: {0}", node.Data.Name);

			// Load the icon
			Stream iconStream = node.Addin.GetResource (node.Data.IconResource);
			Bitmap icon = new Bitmap (iconStream);
			iconStream.Close ();

			// Load the template
			Stream templateStream = node.Addin.GetResource (node.Data.TemplateResource);
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (templateStream);
			string templateText = sr.ReadtoEnd ();
			sr.Close ();

			// ... do something with 'icon' and 'templateText'

The Addin property of the ExtensionNode class returns an object of type Mono.Addins.RuntimeAddin which can be used to get resources and other kinds of data from the add-in assembly.

The GetResource() method is used in the example to get the stream of a resource.

Extension Data in Add-in Files

Instead of embedding data files as resources, it is also possible to deploy them as standalone files. The same example, using standalone files, would look like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:ExtensionPoint ("/DocumentTemplates", ExtensionAttributeType=typeof(DocumentTemplateAttribute))]

public class DocumentTemplateAttribute: Attribute
	public DocumentTemplateAttribute ()

	public string Name { get; set; }

	public string IconFile { get; set; }

	public string TemplateFile { get; set; }

An add-in extending the above extension point would look like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:AddinDependency ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]

[assembly:DocumentTemplate (Name="Letter", IconFile="LetterIcon.png", TemplateFile="Letter.txt")}
[assembly:DocumentTemplate (Name="Fax", IconFile="FaxIcon.png", TemplateFile="Fax.txt")}

In this case, the included files would not be embedded as resources, but instead provided together with the add-in assembly. The path provided in IconFile and TemplateFile should be relative to the add-in assembly.

Those extensions could be retrieved by the host application like this:

using System;
using Mono.Addins;

[assembly:AddinRoot ("HelloWorld", "1.0")]

class MainClass
	public static void Main ()
		AddinManager.Initialize ();
		AddinManager.Registry.Update ();
		foreach (ExtensionNode<DocumentTemplateAttribute> node in AddinManager.GetExtensionNodes ("/DocumentTemplates")) {
			Console.WriteLine ("Loading template: {0}", node.Data.Name);

			// Load the icon
			Stream iconStream = File.OpenRead (node.Addin.GetFilePath (node.Data.IconFile));
			Bitmap icon = new Bitmap (iconStream);
			iconStream.Close ();

			// Load the template
			StreamReader sr = new StreamReader (node.Addin.GetFilePath (node.Data.TemplateFile));
			string templateText = sr.ReadtoEnd ();
			sr.Close ();

			// ... do something with 'icon' and 'templateText'

Given a relative file name, the GetFilePath() method returns the corresponding absolute path.

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