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GraphQL integration

Frank Tiggelman edited this page Mar 10, 2023 · 16 revisions

GraphQL allows you to query data from an external system in the format your application requires. This allows you to build a complete custom frontend for your Magento store, but still manage all products, categories, orders, etc. within Magento. The implementation of Mollie allows you to place an order within Magento using one of the Mollie payment methods.

Table of Contents

  1. Default checkout steps
  2. Before you begin
  3. GraphQL queries and mutations
    1. Retrieve the available payment methods
    2. Set the payment method
    3. Retrieving the Payment Fee totals
    4. Placing the order
    5. Redirection after placing the order
    6. Process transaction
    7. Resetting the cart
    8. Extra: Retrieving available payment methods
    9. Extra: Working with Mollie Components
  4. Retrieve the customer order
  5. Before version 1.26.0
  6. Example requests
    1. Request the available payment methods with issuers
    2. Request the available issuers for the current cart
    3. Place order request
    4. Create Mollie Transaction request
    5. Retrieve the customer order

Default checkout steps

When building a headless front for a webshop, most of the time you need to go through these steps to invoke a successful payment throug Mollie

  1. Retrieve the payment methods. This allows you to retrieve specific Mollie data, like the available issuers and the image for the payment method.
  2. Get customer input. The customer needs to pick a payment method, but it is also possible that
  3. Call the Place Order mutation.
  4. Check the payment status. Depending on the result you might need to redirect the user to the hosted checkout page.

Before you begin

Make sure you have completed these steps:

  • Install the Mollie Magento2 extension.
  • Installed & enabled the extension within Magento.
  • Entered your API key in Magento (Stores -> Configuration -> Mollie -> General).
  • Successfully checked the API keys.

GraphQL queries and mutations

Retrieve the available payment methods

This is the regular Magento GraphQL cart query, but enhanced with Mollie specific attributes:

query($cartId: String!) {
  cart(cart_id: $cartId) {
    available_payment_methods {
      mollie_meta {
      mollie_available_issuers {

In here, the mollie_meta and mollie_available_issuers attributes are added.


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Set the payment method

When setting the payment method on the cart, you can add payment method-specific user input. In this example, we've added a field called mollie_selected_issuer to set the selected issuer, and the mollie_card_token field, to set the token generated by Mollie Components.

(We recommend using GrahpQL variables like $cartId for the code and mollie_selected_issuer fields, but for clarity we've used hard-coded values here)

mutation($cartId: String!) {
  setPaymentMethodOnCart(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
      payment_method: {
          code: "mollie_methods_ideal"
          mollie_selected_issuer: "ideal_ABNANL2A"
          mollie_card_token: "token-generated-by-Mollie-Components"
  }) {
    cart {
      selected_payment_method {
      mollie_available_issuers {

This mutation has the field mollie_selected_issuer added.


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Retrieving the Payment Fee totals

When retrieving the cart you can also retrieve the applied payment fee. The amount will only be filled when a payment is set and that payment method has a payment fee activated.

query {
    cart(cart_id: $cartId) {
        prices {
            mollie_payment_fee {
                fee {
                base_fee {
                fee_tax {
                base_fee_tax {


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Placing the order

When placing the order, you can request the mollie_redirect_url. This is where you need to redirect your customer after placing the order to finish the transaction. After finishing the transaction the user is redirected back to the Magento store, or the URL configured in the advanced settings.

Please note: Depending on your implementation it is possible that the mollie_redirect_url is empty. This only happens with Apple Pay and Credit Card payments. With Credit Card payments this only happens when the Mollie Components are implemented. In those cases, a visit to the hosted payment page is not required anymore. You can then call the Process Transaction mutation to check the outcome of the payment and redirect appropriately.

mutation PlaceMollieOrder($cartId: String!) {
  placeOrder(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
  }) {
    order {
      // ...


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Redirection after placing the order

The above mutation will create an order, but when the customer finishes the transaction, they will be redirected to the default Magento success page. Mollie offers 2 ways of setting a custom URL: static or dynamic.

Static setting the URL can be done by navigating in the backend to Stores -> Configuration -> Mollie -> Advanced -> PWA Storefront Integration and set Use custom return URL? to Yes. In the field that appears you can set a fixed URL where the user will get redirected after the transaction.

You can also set the return URL using GraphQL. You can do this by adding the mollie_return_url attribute to the PlaceOrder mutation input like so:

(depend on your situation the mollie_return_url can be static or dynamic. If this is dynamic we recommend that you use a variable for this)

mutation PlaceMollieOrder($cartId: String!) {
  placeOrder(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
      mollie_return_url: "{{order_id}}&payment_token={{payment_token}}"
  }) {
    order {
      // ...

Both URLs can be set at the same time, but the URL provided in the GraphQL request takes precedence over the URL from the configuration.

Please note that it is recommended that you check the transaction when the customer is returned from Mollie. See the next chapter for this.


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Process transaction

When the user is redirected from Mollie back to your processing page (see Redirection after placing the order), it is possible that the order status isn't updated yet by the webhook. For this reason, it is recommended to trigger this process, which also resets the cart for the user when required, for example, when the transaction was canceled. You can use redirect_to_success_page and redirect_to_cart to know where to redirect the user.

mutation($paymentToken: String!) {
  mollieProcessTransaction(input: {
      payment_token: $paymentToken
  }) {
    paymentStatus // SUCCESS, FAILED, etc.
    redirect_to_cart // True of false, always the opposite of redirect_to_success_page
    redirect_to_success_page // True of false, always the opposite of redirect_to_cart
    cart {
      // ...

For all available statuses see this enum:


Resetting the cart

Note: We recommend using the above-stated mollieProcessTransaction which is better suitable for this purpose.

When the order gets placed, the cart is set to inactive. When the users get redirected back from the payment page to your webshop page, the payment can be in a canceled or expired state. In that case, it is possible to restore the cart:

mutation($cartId: String!) {
  mollieRestoreCart(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
  }) {


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Extra: Retrieving available payment methods

Warning: This is not intended to be used in the checkout

In some cases, you want to retrieve the available payment methods from Mollie, to show them in your footer, for example. You can use this endpoint to retrieve them depending on the current currency:

query($amount: Float!, $currency: String!) { 
 molliePaymentMethods(input:{amount:$amount, currency:$currency}) {
   methods {

The amount and currency parameters are optional, but if you have a multicurrency setup, you must provide the currency for the current view, as payment methods may vary depending on the currency.

Tip: Use GET requests to retrieve the methods. This way, the result will be cached.


  • $amount: The total amount of the current cart. For example: 20.00.
  • $currency: The currency currently active. For example: EUR.

Extra: Working with Mollie Components

If you want to let customers enter their credit card data in your checkout, you must implement Mollie Components. This is a set of Javascript APIs you need to implement in your PWA. More information on implementing this can be found here.

To initialize the javascript part for Mollie Components, you need the profile id. You can set this manually in your code, but you can also fetch this from the Magento configuration:

query {
    storeConfig {
        mollie {

You need to do an extra step to integrate this with the Magento 2 GraphQL APIs. When a user has entered their Credit Card data, you can then retrieve a token with this call (Source):

var { token, error } = await mollie.createToken();

This token then needs to be sent to your Magento 2 backend in the mollie_card_token field:

mutation($cartId: String!) {
  setPaymentMethodOnCart(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
      payment_method: {
          code: "mollie_methods_creditcard"
          mollie_card_token: "token-generated-by-Mollie-Components"
  }) {
    // ...

Please note: After calling the PlaceOrder mutation, the mollie_redirect_url field may be empty. In that case, you can call the Process transaction mutation to check the outcome of the payment and redirect appropriately.


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.
  • $mollieCardToken: The token generated by Mollie Components.

Retrieve the customer order

When the customer finishes the transaction they will get returned back to the store. Depending on your settings (see Configurtion -> Mollie -> Advanced -> PWA Storefront Integration -> Use custom return url?) this URL contains the order_hash parameter. You can use this order_hash to retrieve the CustomerOrder data like this:

query($orderHash: String!) {
    mollieCustomerOrder (
        hash: $orderHash
    ) {


  • $orderHash: The string provided in the URL.

Before version 1.26.0

To create an order using GraphQL you normally should roughly follow these steps:

  • Create a shopping cart
  • Add products
  • Select Shipping method
  • Get payment methods
  • Select Payment method
  • Place order

When placing an order using Mollie the method should look like this (bold = changed/new):

  • Create a shopping cart
  • Add products
  • Select Shipping method
  • Get payment methods (and retrieve a list of available issuers)
  • Select Payment method
  • Place order (but add mollie_payment_token in your request)
  • Start the mollie transaction by calling createMollieTransaction (add the value of mollie_payment_token and issuers in your request)
  • This last step will return the checkout URL. You need to redirect your customer to this URL so the payment can be handled by Mollie.

The Mollie extension also allows you to retrieve the order details using the generated payment token.

Example requests

Request the available payment methods with issuers

query($cartId: String!) {
  cart(cart_id: $cartId) {
    available_payment_methods {
      mollie_meta {
      mollie_available_issuers {


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Request the available issuers for the current cart

query($cartId: String!) {
  cart(cart_id: $cartId) {
    selected_payment_method {
      mollie_meta {
    mollie_available_issuers {


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Place order request

mutation($cartId: String!) {
  placeOrder(input: {
      cart_id: $cartId
  }) {
    order {


  • $cartId: Your reference to the cart of the shopper.

Create Mollie Transaction request

mutation($paymentToken: String!, $issuer: String) {
  createMollieTransaction(input: {
      payment_token: $paymentToken
      issuer: $issuer
  }) {


Retrieve the customer order

type Query($orderHash: String!) {
    mollieCustomerOrder (
        hash: $orderHash
    ) {


  • $orderHash: The string provided in the URL.