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Releases: mokies/ratelimitj

Sawtooth Peak, (Sequoia National Park) California

30 Jul 08:29
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  • Support for Dropwizard 2.x, dropped support for Dropwizard 1.x
  • Library updates: Lettuce 5.3.2, reactor-core 3.3.8, slf4j-api 1.7.30

The ironbound, Tasmania (1st ascent)

04 May 06:44
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  • Breaking API change to RateLimit to better communicate precision
  • Fixed CRITICAL defect in the in-memory rate limiter
  • Library update Lettuce 5.1.6
  • Removal of deprecated logic

Mt Agung, Bali

25 Aug 22:41
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  • Support for Redis Cluster, see RedisClusterRateLimiterFactory
  • Breaking change - RequestLimitRule interface as it now uses java.time.Duration
  • Breaking change - Removed support for Java async interfaces which can be migrated to reactive interfaces
  • Breaking change - @ratelimited interface change. key replaced with keys
  • Improvements to handling of NOSCRIPT error. All applications using Redis based rate limiters should upgrade

Mount Ossa, Tasmania (5th ascent)

12 Aug 00:41
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  • Gracefully handles NOSCRIPT error that was occurring when Redis scripts are flushed
  • Library updates Lettuce 5.0.5, Dropwizard 1.3.5

Mount Ossa, Tasmania (3nd ascent)

04 Mar 03:33
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  • Introduced grouped key prefix to Dropwizard @ratelimited annotation to support rate limiting acrossed grouped Dropwizard resources.
  • Library updates Lettuce 5.0.2, Dropwizard 1.2.3

Mount Ossa, Tasmania (2nd ascent)

26 Nov 05:57
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  • Library updates Lettuce 5.0.1, Dropwizard 1.2.0. Guava removed
  • Some implementation polish
  • Upgraded build to Gradle 4.3 and Junit 5

Mount Ossa, Tasmania

18 Aug 23:45
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  • Introduced ConcurrentRequestRateLimiter with in-memory implementation of a concurrent rate limiter, AKA a semaphore
  • Deprecating AsyncRequestRateLimiter, users should migrate to ReactiveRequestRateLimiter
  • Changes to RequestRateLimiter interfaces, previously called RateLimiter
  • API breaking method name change: overLimit tooverLimitOrIncrement
  • Introduced new metho geLimitWhenIncremented to determine if the given key, after incrementing by the given weight, is >= the configured rate limit.
  • Library updates Gradle 4.1, Lettuce 4.4.0, Dropwizard 1.1.3, Guava 22.0 (will be removed in 0.5.0)
  • Correcting race condition in InMemorySlidingWindowRequestRateLimiter if equal string based keys had different identities
  • Javadoc and Github doc improvements
  • Avoid work when weight is zero in InMemorySlidingWindow & RedisSlidingWindow


04 Aug 22:52
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0.4.0.M2 Pre-release
removed checkout in .class files. what a mess

Mt Feathertop, Victoria (3rd ascent)

20 May 22:43
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  • Added Dropwizard @ratelimit Key.IP limits on IP (HTTP Header X-Forwarded-For or servlet remote address)
  • Fixed Dropwizard integration defect that broke in-memory and impacted performance for redis

Mt Feathertop, Victoria (2rd ascent)

20 May 11:00
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  • Dropwizard @ratelimit now provides three key types:
    • Key.AUTHENTICATED limits on the authenticated dropwizard principle
    • Key.RESOURCE limits on the resource name
    • Key.ANY limits on any identifying key
  • First release of ratelimit-inmemory to maven central