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development dependencies


  • createdb modernator
  • lein ragtime migrate

local dev


To add or configure environment variables differently than the default, simply copy the .lein-env.sample file and name it .lein-env.


  • Set up box with postgres and java (just jre)
    • Create postgres user
  • Run migrations from migrations folder (still up in the air about the best way, I just scp-ed the files up and ran them)
  • Create uberjar from project (lein uberjar)
  • Upload standalone jar to box
  • Set appropriate env vars
    • export MODERNATOR_URL=http://<domain_or_ip>:8080/
    • export DATABASE_URL=postgres://user:password@localhost:5432/modernator
    • export SMTP_HOST=
    • export SMTP_USER=
    • export SMTP_PASS=
  • java -jar <the_jar>
  • See the fruit of your labor at http://<domain_or_ip>:8080

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