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Muhammed Jishin Jamal TCP edited this page Apr 1, 2023 · 4 revisions


Welcome to the official repository for GooCart, an e-commerce web application built with Go!


GooCart is an open-source web application for e-commerce, built with Go and designed to be fast, secure, and scalable. The project is split into several modules, including controllers, models, interfaces, and middleware, and uses a Postgres database to store user and product data.

Repository Structure The repository is structured as follows:

├── controller
│   ├── adminController.go
│   ├── productController.go
│   ├── productController_test.go
│   ├── UserController.go
│   └── UserController_test.go
├── database
│   ├── connectToDB.go
│   └── syncDataBase.go
├── docker-compose.yml
├── Dockerfile
├── DockerfileSingle
├── go.mod
├── go.sum
├── interfaces
│   ├── IAdmin.go
│   ├── IBill.go
│   ├── IDatabase.go
│   ├── IProduct.go
│   ├── IToken.go
│   └── IUser.go
├── k8s
│   ├── gocart-deployment.yml
│   ├── gocart-Persistent.yml
│   └── gocart-service.yml
├── main.go
├── makefile
├── media
│   └── images
│       └── logo.png
├── middleware
│   └── requireAuth.go
├── model
│   ├── admin.go
│   ├── orders.go
│   ├── products.go
│   └── user.go
├── routes
│   ├── admin.go
│   └── user.go
└── utils
    ├── billGen.go
    ├── billGEn_test.go
    ├── error.go
    ├── GraceFullShutdown.go
    ├── GraceFullShutdown_test.go
    ├── helpers.go
    ├── helpers_test.go
    ├── jwt.go
    ├── jwt_test.go
    ├── otp.go
    └── payment.go


GooCart includes a Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml for easy deployment using Docker. To build and run GooCart with Docker

GitHub Actions

This repository includes GitHub Actions workflows for continuous integration and deployment. The workflows are defined in .github/workflows/ and use self-hosted runners for faster build times and improved security.


Please see the file for documentation on how to install and use GooCart.


Thank you for considering GooCart for your e-commerce needs! If you have any questions or issues, please open an issue in the repository or contact the project maintainers directly.

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