An automated discord bot for handling typical tasks.
Masabot has been dockerized! To run it as dockerized, ensure that you have Docker installed on your system, then do the following in the project dir to build an image and launch it:
docker build -t masabot:local .
Then, to execute it, just do:
./ local on linux, or .run-dockerized.ps1 local on windows.
Masabot requires python 3. If you don't have it, install it.
To install masabot, first clone the repo to the local system:
git clone [email protected]:moe-serifu-circle/masabot.git
Masabot is currently a long-running foreground process; to prevent accidental disconnection ighly-recommended
Masabot has a, so that can be used to install all library dependencies, but this should be done in a virtual environment. Set up one somewhere; this one uses masabot's home directory, and creates it in a directory that is ignored by git:
cd masabot python3 -m venv .venv
Then, to enter the virtual environment (which should always be done to avoid polluting the global python namespace), you run the activation script.
On Windows, this is:
On Mac/Unix/Linux, this is:
. .venv/bin/activate
Now the environment is prepared, but before launching masabot, its Configuration_ must be set up. Copy the config-example.json file to config.json, and fill in the values approriately. At minimum, the discord-api-key must be set to the token for your bot, and the superops list should contain at least one user's uuid. For information on obtaining a bot token, see `Obtaining a Discord Key`_ in the Configuration_ section; for information on superop users, see `Superops List`_ in the Configuration_ section.
Once masabot is fully configured, it can be started via its supervisor. To launch the masabot supervisor, execute the script:
Assuming everything is configured properly, MasaBot will now be started and running on the servers she has been invited to.
First, go to anilist at and create a new API v2 client. Set the name to anything you want, but be sure to set the redirect URI to something on your system.
Then, copy the secret and client ID to your config.json file.
Some environment variables may be used to override settings in the config.json
file. If present, the value
of the environment variable takes precedence over any that are defined in config.
The following environment variables are recognized:
corresponds to"discord-api-key"
corresponds to"animelist"."anilist-client-id"
corresponds to"animelist"."anilist-client-secret"
corresponds to"announce-channels"
in the config file. This variable contains the name of each room to announce in, separated by commas.
To execute integration tests, go to the project root directory and then type in ./