Quickly construct an Error carrying additional context information and automatically pass or append stack information.
package main
func ExampleHowToUse() {
var err error
//Create Error
err = New("whoops")
//Warp some error have no stack
var originalError error
err = Wrap(originalError)
//add some message and stack
err = WithMessage(err, "msg1")
//add some ErrorCode
err = WithErrorInfo(err, CodeInfo{
Code: 101,
//get errorcode
codeInfo, ok := GetOriginalErrorInfo[CodeInfo](err)
fmt.Println(codeInfo.Code, ok)
//get stack
stack, ok := GetStack(err)
fmt.Printf("%v", stack)
//get cause stack location
cause, ok := GetStackCause(err)
fmt.Printf("%+v", cause)
see more example_test.go
All errors should carry stack and cause information and allow for easy appending of any context data
In principle, at any time, either handle the error (usually by restoring the scene or switching to fallback logic and recording the context) and stop throwing the error, or append the current context info and continue throwing the error. A typical counterexample is throwing the error while printing the error log.
When throw the error, use WithMessage/WithMessagef/WithErrorInfo/Wrap to append context information, or just append the stack. When Cause is nil, those functions will directly return nil. For any cause without stack information, these functions will append the current stack information. If the error already has stack information, it will not be appended repeatedly. Therefore, they can be easily and universally used.
You can easily create a new Error with stack information using New or Errorf.