The MOCA SDK for PhoneGap lets you turn you mobile app into a powerful marketing tool. Effortlessly add iBeacon and geolocation driven proximity experiences to your Cordova / PhoneGap / IONIC app, engage your users and understand them with MOCA analytics. The SDK enables you to quickly connect to MOCA backend platform, deploy beacon experiences from the cloud, and track your users.
MOCA PhoneGap SDK is a drop-in Cordova plugin that provides an easy way to integrate proximity experience services into your cross-platform hybrid apps.
For installation instructions and examples, please visit the MOCA Developer portal.
- This project uses SemVer
- Added iOS SDK 2.12.0. This version no longer uses UIWebView. It has been replaced by WKWebView.
- iOS: Fixed instance custom property getter
- Android: Instance custom property getter API normalized to respond equally than iOS.
- Android: Added compatibility with MOCA SDK 2.10.2
- This version requires Cordova Android 8.0.0
- iOS: Added compatibility with latest MOCA SDK (2.8.2) including usage of latest iOS notification APIs
- Android: Added compatibility with MOCA SDK 2.8.5
- Removed JavaScript Keywords not supported by certain mobile browsers.
- Project moved to root in order to support Cordova 7+
- Added compatibility with MOCA Android SDK 2.5.6
- Added compatibility with MOCA iOS SDK 2.4.5
- Removed dulpicate class declarations in the Android integration.
- Improved integration on Android: The Application declaration in the app’s AndroidManifest.xml is no longer done by a JavaScript script, but with Cordova native manipulation of XML files.
- Compatibility with Android SDK version 2.5.2
- Improved dependency declaration in order to minimize conflicts with other plugins.
- Compatibility with Android SDK version 2.5.0 which includes full support for Android Oreo (8.0)
- Compatibility with MOCA iOS SDK 2.3.1
- Compatibility with MOCA iOS SDK 2.3.0
- iOS Plugin implements extended 2.5.0 JS API.
- Force save user to Cloud when logging in.
- Extended MOCA SDK User API in JavaScript. Full support in Android. Android supported version: 2.4.5
- Automatically start SDK Push service if a GCMSenderId is set (Android)
- A new mechanism has been added to the plugin to avoid losing events on startup due to synchronization issues with the JS code. (Android)
- Latest Android SDK (2.3.2) that improves Wi-Fi Beacon behavior.
- Fixed integration with Latest Android SDK
- Latest iOS (2.2.1) and Android (2.3.2) Native SDKs.
- Unlimited number of geofences are now supported in both iOS and Android versions.
- Added new
mandatory key for iOS 10+ applications.
- Fixed an import issue in the Android implementation
- Added explicit background modes for the MOCA Plugin [iOS]
- Compatibility fix with latest versions of Cordova (iOS): Integration with native events in the AppDelegate is done via method swizzling.
- Latest Android library version.
- Fix: beacon proximity change callback is not called correctly on iOS.
- Support for MOCA iOS 1.9.6
- Support for Android SDK 1.9.1
- Support for MOCA iOS SDK 1.9.4
- Support for Android SDK 1.8.10
###v2.0.1 Fixed a bug that prevented JavaScript calls from being called in the very first app launch.
- Support for Andrdoid SDK 1.8.0 and iOS 1.7.0
- Support for MOCA iOS SDK v1.6.8 and Android v1.6.2.
- Removed Google Play Services as a plugin (Android), added as a gradle dependency.
- Support for MOCA SDK for Android v1.5.0 (proximity start/stop functionality)
- Extended JavaScript API
- Support for MOCA SDK for iOS from v1.5.2
- Support for MOCA SDK for Android from v1.4.9
- Tested with Cordova 4.3
###v1.3.0 This release provides support for both iOS and Android
- Support for MOCA SDK for iOS from v1.3.9
- Support for MOCA SDK for Android from v1.3.0
###v1.0.0 First release
- Support for MOCA SDK for iOS from v1.3.9