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Current Development Status

cdytoby edited this page Aug 8, 2020 · 13 revisions

Update 2020.08.08 version 1.0

This is the 1.0 stable release, with Android support and SRP support.

Update 2020.07.07 version 0.8

This Cardboard SDK is just went into production in our main project, for iOS platform. But in this update, we added Android support.

Release Note an be found in release page of this repository.

Also, we created a fork of official cardboard sdk, location here:
We create this fork in order to track all the fixes and changes.

Update 2020.06.11 version 0.7

We're a little behind the schedule, a release candidate version should be released at this point, but due to some other issues we have to push release candidate to next time.

This is still a beta release with following changes:

  • Update Cardboard SDK to 1.1.0
  • Bug fixes for Unity 2019
  • Add feature, to set cardboard profile only when camera scan has not yet been triggered.

Update 2020.05.20 version 0.6

Not much happened on our side. We added recenter feature, and makes UI better so that you can use it right away.

In the same time, google has already released their official SDK. We're happy that they're finally released. But we won't abandon our project, at least not in a short time, because we take a different approch and we're going to use this SDK in our main project. It may not have the best possible performance, but it has better compatibility. We support Metal and OpenGL ES 3.0 Graphic API, and we support Unity 2018.4.

Update 2020.05.08 version 0.5

This is the release of Beta Version 0.5.

Here is a short video about current status:

It's not a pre-release, because it's relatively stable to use. But this plugin is still in Beta status.

  • Many refactoring, bug fix.
  • Set cardboard profile through script.
  • Switch VR and no-VR (magic window).
  • Add Cardboard Room from Cardboard SDK as a scene.
  • Documentation improvement.

Update 2020.04.29 version 0.3

A lot has happened in source codes, not many changes are visible on screen.

  • Image Rendering should now be correct, a new test scene will be added in upcoming version.
  • QR Code scanning now have a callback, you can register event in CardboardManager.
  • Main camera script is not split into multiple components, so that you can make changes easier.

Update 2020.04.21 version 0.2

  • Added Editor mockup, move mouse while holding left alt to move the camera.
  • Created Camera Prefab
  • Device Parameters can be extracted

Update 2020.04.15 version 0.1

This is the current dev status. Build with Unity 2018.4.18, device is a iphone 11 pro.

As you can see, we've successfully created the cardboard vr view, and scan profile is possible to switch the view.

There are still much to do, many technical issues are not yet solved, and the source code is not yet well organized. but this is a great start for the development.