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Improve your writing in Vim by highlighting weasel words. The plugin highlights weaselwords in red and passive sentences in blue. Example:

vim-weaselwords example in Vim editor


  • Simply based on word lists that the user can edit or a community can maintain.
  • No need to connect to the internet. Your texts stay in your editor.
  • Experimental passive detection for English

Supported Languages

  • English
  • German
  • French (basic)
  • Spanish (basic)


Plugin Manager Plugin Section
Vim-Plug Plug 'mo42/vim-weaselwords'
pathogen.vim Plug 'mo42/vim-weaselwords'
Vundle Plugin 'mo42/vim-weaselwords'

Then, run :PluginInstall (Vundle) or :PlugInstall (Vim-plug).


Highlight weasel words

call HighlightWeaselWords(spell_language)

Currently, this plugin includes English ('en_us') and German ('de_de'). Calling this function with another languages clears previous highlights. To clear existing highlights call with the empty string:

call HighlightWeaselWords('')

Highlight passive sentences:

call HighlightPassive(g:current_spell_language)

Cycling through spell checkers, weasel words and passive

VimScript for cycling through spell checkers and enabling corresponding weasel words:

nnoremap <leader>l :call CycleSpellLanguage()<cr>
let g:current_spell_language = ''
function CycleSpellLanguage()
  let languages = ['', 'en_us', 'de_de']
  let i = (index(languages, g:current_spell_language) + 1) % len(languages)
  let g:current_spell_language = languages[i]
  call HighlightWeaselWords(g:current_spell_language)
  call HighlightPassive(g:current_spell_language)
  if empty(g:current_spell_language)
    set nospell
    echo 'No spell language'
    set spell
    let &spelllang=g:current_spell_language
    echo 'Current spell language ' . g:current_spell_language


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.