A Flutter plugin for Android and iOS for scanning KTP
You can use the command to add MNC Identifier OCR as a dependency with the latest stable version:
$ dart pub add mnc_identifier_ocr
Or you can manually add MNC Identifier OCR into the dependencies section in your pubspec.yaml:
mnc_identifier_ocr: ^replace-with-latest-version
The latest version is: 1.0.20
This plugin requires Android SDK 21 or higher.
Add CaptureOCRActivity
into your AndroidManifest.xml
<activity android:name="id.mncinnovation.ocr.CaptureOCRActivity" android:theme="@style/Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar" />
This plugin requires iOS 12.0 or higher and only working on real device.
Add NSCameraUsageDescription
key to your info.plist
file. Describe why your app needs access to the camera. This is called Privacy - Camera Usage Description in the visual editor.
import 'package:mnc_identifier_ocr/mnc_identifier_ocr.dart';
import 'package:mnc_identifier_ocr/model/ocr_result_model.dart';
Future<void> scanKtp() async {
try {
OcrResultModel res = await MncIdentifierOcr.startCaptureKtp(withFlash: true, cameraOnly: true);
debugPrint('result: ${res.toString()}');
} catch (e) {
debugPrint('something goes wrong $e');
Note: on iOS, this plugin only works on real device