SWR is a simple wireframe renderer written with the hope that it will be beneficial to the people who try to understand the modelling, viewing and projection part of the graphics rendering pipeline. The reader will also get an idea of how low level graphics apis like OpenGL and DirectX works. It is coded for right handed coordinate system.
Prerequisites: The reader / developer must be familiar with C++, Windows programming, rendering pipeline, 3D maths and OpenGL 1.x to understand this code and should have a version of Visual studio.
Known issues: The frustum clipping is yet to be done, therefore the rendered image gets inverted when it is behind the camera. The rendering slows down when camera is very close to the model.
Features Implemented:
Modelling transformations (Scaling, Rotation and Translation)
View transformation (LookAt , View axes )
Projection transformations (Orthographic, Perspective)
Perspective division
Viewport transformation
Vertex and index buffers
Loading Wavefront Object file
Drawing line with depth interpolation
Backface culling with signed triangle area computation
Rendering points
Rendering triangle lists
Copying color buffer to Window
Book:Computer Graphics by F.S. Hill Jr. (View transformation)
Mesa3d 3.0 (Viewport transformation, Perspective projection, Z-buffering)
https://www.scratchapixel.com/ (Z-buffering)