With bash compare files to see which lines present in one but not another, similar to python's
Use following
sort haystack | uniq > haystack.sorted
sort needles_set | uniq > needles_set.sorted
diff haystack.sorted needles_set.sorted | grep '^>' | sed 's/^>\ //' > missing_needles
With bash make previews by resizing/resampling all big photos in a directory:
for f in 0_ALL-PHOTOS/*.JPG; do s=${f##*/}; convert 0_ALL-PHOTOS/${s} -resize 200 0_ALL_PHOTOS_SMALL/${s%.*}_browse.png; done;
With python read a CSV file containing multi-character separator (e.g. ',\t'):
import csv
with open("SearchResults.csv") as _:
_=csv.reader((_.replace(',\t',',') for _ in _), delimiter=',')
Same but return an ordered dict instead of list:
with open("SearchResults.csv") as _: CSV_dict=[*csv.DictReader(_.replace(',\t',',') for _ in _)]
With python remove multiple characters from a string:
myString=' BAND_BIN_BAND_NUMBER = (4, 9, 10)'
toRemove='( )'
print(''.join([{_:'' for _ in toRemove}.get(_, _) for _ in myString]))
#Output: 'BAND_BIN_BAND_NUMBER=4,9,10'
Remove double spaces from file names in bash:
while read i; do mv "${i}" "$(echo ${i} | sed 's/ / /g')"; done << EOF
Docker build and run image:
docker build . -t <imageName>:<versionTag>;docker run -it $_
To check version of the python package:
python -c "import csv as _; print(_.__version__)"
Unzip all files into one directory and replace nested folders with underscore prefexes (flatten tree).
# first unzip into directories with the same name as archive, then remove zips
for i in $(ls *.zip);
do mkdir ${i%.*};
unzip $i -d ${i%.*};
rm $i;
# now walk the tree and move the files
for i in $(tree -Fif | grep -v /$ | grep /);
do mv $i $(echo $i | tr '/' '_' | sed 's/^..//');
# remove all directories
rm -r $(ls -d */)
To use pprint instead of print everywhere in py3:
from pprint import pprint as print
Print keys in a json file from bash
python3 -c "import json; f=open('/path/to/file'); [print(_) for _ in json.load(f).keys()]; f.close()"
To embed images in html:
- Convert image to base64
base64 someImage.png > someImage.png.base64
- Place code into the page like so:
<img src="data:image/jpg;base64,
" style="width:100%" />
- In case the image repeats multiple times on the page use JS:
var base64Data=[
var img = "url('data:image/png;base64, "+base64Data + "')";
var x = document.getElementsByClassName("header");
var i;
for (i = 0; i < x.length; i++) {
// x[i].style.backgroundImage = img;
To make this directly usable in JS, use the following script
echo "var base64Data=[" > $2
base64 $1 | while read -r; do printf '"%s",\n' "$REPLY"; done >> $2
echo "].join(\"\");" >> $2
Flatten nested list:
[i for j in [[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] for i in j]
Get links from file
cat index.html | grep -o -P '(?<=href\=\").*(?=\")'
Plot geochemistry in QGIS replacing less than values with 0's:
if( regexp_match( "Au_x_ppb", '\\s<' ) ,0, to_real("Au_x_ppb"))/if( regexp_match( "Ag_ppm", '\\s<' ) ,0, to_real("Ag_ppm"))
Create python anonymous class object:
f=type("", (), {})()
Rotate point around another point
def rotatePnt(org,pt,th):
#ensure points are numpy arrays
# translate point to the origin
#apply rotation
#restore point
return pt
## Example use
unwrapLine=lambda _: [[_[0] for _ in _],[_[1] for _ in _]]
for i in range(10,360,10):
plt.plot(*unwrapLine([rotatePnt([1,1],_,np.radians(i)) for _ in testLine]))
Clean read-only filesystem error on usb:
sudo dosfsck -r -v /dev/sde1
Convert xlsx to csv:
for i in $(seq 1 19); do xlsx2csv input.xlsx -s $i > csv/$i.csv;done
Convert xls to csv:
for i in $(seq 1 19); do xls2csv input.xls -s $i > csv/$i.csv;done
Convert ods to csv:
libreoffice --headless --convert-to csv --outdir csv *
Grep through a list of xlsx:
for i in *.xlsx; do xlsx2csv "$i" -s 3 | grep 3420151; done
Replace "< " with "-" in a csv:
for i in $(ls *.csv); do sed -i 's/< /-/g' $i;done
Replace "> some_value" with "-888" in csv (replace overlimit with "-888"):
sed -i 's/> [0-9\.][0-9\.]*/-888/g' AR-ICP.csv
Calculate sample id's from grid X/Y coordinates in QGIS3:
if(length("X")<3,lpad("X",3,0),"X") +'E '+to_string(if(Y>=0,lpad(abs("Y"),3,0),abs("Y")))+if("Y"<0,'S','N')
List unique headers in a several numbered folders containing multiple csv tables:
head -qn 1 tableGroupNumber*/* | sort | uniq > uniqueHeaders.csv
Combine unique headers in bash with python while preserving the order (new keys are added to the end of the list):
python3 -c "import csv; from functools import reduce; f=open(\"uniqueHeaders.csv\"); rows=list(csv.reader(f)); result=reduce(lambda a,b: a+(list(set(b)-set(a))),rows); print(\",\".join(result))"
Check if a CSV file has duplicate values in the first column:
sort input.csv | cut -d "," -f1 | uniq -d
Cut out the first 3 columns from a CSV (assuming no data values has commas):
cut -d "," -f 1-3 input.csv > output.csv
Replace space with underscore between two numbers only if the second number is followed by a column (useful for cleaning date-time fields in CSV):
sed 's/\([0-9]\)[[:space:]]\([0-9]*[0-9]:\)/\1_\2/g'
Increment feature attribute default value by certain number on feature creation in QGIS3: (This will default to "+150E" upon creation of 264th point, "+200E" upon creation of 265th point, and so on)
'+'+to_string((count( 'YourLayerName')-260)*50)+'E'
Remove dirty byte from CSV file:
LC_CType=C sed -i -e's/\xb0//g' ./myfile.csv
Alternatively you can in Python use
open(file, errors='ignore')
Make ordered set:
from collections import OrderedDict
makeOrderedSet=lambda _: list(OrderedDict.fromkeys(_).keys())
To reduce array of bool in Python, use:
from functools import reduce
from operator import or_, and_
reduce(or_, [_ for _ in arrayOfBool])
To split a list in two on first occurence of specific condition:
import copy
def splitListOnCondition(sourceList,condition):
while True:
if condition(z):
return a,b
>>> splitListOnCondition(['a','b','c','d','e'], lambda z: z=='c')
(['a', 'b'], ['c', 'd', 'e'])
In bash copy file into folder with a datestamp:
mkdir ~/bak/$(date "+%Y%m%d_%H%M%S")
cp /path/to/django/code/mysite/db.sqlite3 $_