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Locators File

Márcio Mendes edited this page Oct 30, 2017 · 5 revisions

The Locators File is used to map all important elements from your tested website. For this you need to inform the elements using this two nodes:

  • container - A page or its part (use this for better organization).
    • name - Define a specific name for your container
    • locators - Each container may contain a list of locators
  • locator - Represents an element in a page (textbox, button, link etc.).
    • key - Define a specific key for each element/locator
    • type - Set the type of interaction with element (model, xpath, id etc). see list
      • Obs: If you need to use the parameterized interaction write p: before the type ex: p:xpath
    • value - Inform the value for interaction
    • options (optional) - Define a specific filter for current locator result
      • enabled: get the isEnabled() element from list
      • displayed: get the isDisplayed() element from list
      • first: get the first element from list
      • last: get the last element from list

Inside your project, create a folder named locators and put a file *_locators.json


        "containers": [
                "name": "Login",
                "locators": [
                        "key": "username",
                        "type": "model",
                        "value": "login.usuario"
                        "key": "password",
                        "type": "xpath",
                        "value": "//input[@placeholder='Senha']"
                        "key": "btnEntrar",
                        "type": "buttonText",
                        "value": "Entrar"
                        "key": "buttonByText",
                        "type": "p:xpath",
                        "value": "//button[text()='{0}']",
                        "options": "enabled"
                "name": "Menu",
                "locators": [
                        "key": "Navigate",
                        "type": "p:linktext",
                        "value": "{0}"
                        "key": "SubMenu",
                        "type": "p:xpath",
                        "value": "(//span[text()='{0}'])[2]"
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