Many interactive sites use slider input, both on desktop and mobile, but the jQuery-UI slider that we typically rely on has a number of limitations that could be overcome with further development. Our projects increasingly require sliders to be touch-friendly, have clear value displays, provide adjustable min/max 'stops', use higher-order output transformations (e.g. exponential curves), and format their value in different ways (e.g. as %, $, or other units).
#Functional requirements
Inherits all properites/methods/events from jQuery-UI slider
- responds to touch events
- keep track of ‘internal’ stops - a min and max value that the slider cannot move beyond
- has an HTML label that is dynamically updated with the value ($.fn.html)
- default to an element generated internally
- optional: set to any provided selector
- optional: can be supplied with output formatting function (currency, %, etc.)
- optional: can be supplied with a function that will be used in place of the raw slider value (e.g. exponential input)
#Technical spec
As for jQuery-UI slider, plus:
- min-stop = false;
- int value < max-stop
- max-stop = false;
- int value > min-stop
$label = $ (‘’);- can pass in any jQuery selector to make that jQuery set the label
- trans_value = this.value_transform(this.value)
- this probably won’t work right.
- this.value might not return anything
- this also optimizes for setting the value (not actually re-calculated onslide)
- calculating onslide would optimize for getting the value
- this probably won’t work right.
- label_format = function() { return this.trans_value; }
- can be set to any alternative function that returns the formatted value
- value_transform = function(raw_value) { return raw_value; }
- can be set to any alternative function that returns a number (not a string)