Implementation of the Temporal Basis Function Model (TBFM)
If you are looking to use the TBFM implementation, simply install this module; e.g.:
pip install .
then use it as follows:
model = tbfm.TBFM(NUM_CHANNELS, # Dimensionality of time series
STIM_DESC_DIM, # Dimensionality of stimulation descriptor
RUNWAY_LENGTH, # Length of runway, in time steps
NUM_BASES, # Number of bases we will learn
FORECAST_HORIZON, # Length of forecast, in time steps
batchy=y_train, # A training dataset, for estimating means/stdevs
latent_dim=LATENT_DIM, # Latent dimension of basis generator network
basis_depth=BASIS_DEPTH, # Depth of basis generator network
device=DEVICE) # Choice of device, e.g. "cpu" or "cuda:0"
optim = model.get_optim(lr=2e-4) # Optimizer for use in training
A forward pass looks like this:
yhat = model(
runways, # tensor shaped (batch_size, RUNWAY_LENGTH, NUM_CHANNELS)
stim_descriptor, # tensor shaped (batch_size, FORECAST_HORIZON, STIM_DESC_DIM)
# yhat is a tensor shaped (batch_size, FORECAST_HORIZON, NUM_CHANNELS)
TBFM Demo.ipynb
provides a detailed walkthrough which uses some synthetic data.
TBFM FSAM Demo.ipynb
provides an additional demo where we build the TBFM using forward stagewise additive modeling. It's recommended to go through this one after the first.