- Install CMSSW release
cmsrel CMSSW_8_0_26
cd CMSSW_8_0_26/src
- Clone git project
mkdir Histo
cd Histo
git clone https://github.com/mmasciov/shortTrackNtuplizer.git ./ -b myShortTrackNtuplizer
Modify username: edit HistoAnalyzer/python/crabConfig*py and replace 'mmasciov' with your username
cd HistoAnalyzer
scram b clean
scram b distclean
scram b
- Local test
- first, modify python/ConfFile_cfg.py to run only on 10 events, then Build (3), make sure you have a valid proxy, then:
cmsRun python/ConfFile_cfg.py
- Crab submission
- first, modify python/ConfFile_cfg.py to run on all (-1) events, select/enter dataset, then Build (3), make sure you have a valid proxy, then:
source /cvmfs/cms.cern.ch/crab3/crab.sh
crab submit -c python/crabConfig_MC.py (or python/crabConfig_Data.py)
- Sorting/friending
once a consistent set of mt2 babies and short track babies are there, one can run treesort.py (for both), and treefriend.py. Header of each is self-explanatory.
Then, can run the updated looper.