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Forced Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence

Man-Long (Norman) Wong edited this page Oct 16, 2022 · 3 revisions

Tutorial 07: Forced Homogeneous Isotropic Turbulence

Tutorial Goal

In this tutorial, the setup of a statistically stationary turbulent simulation in a three-dimensional domain is demonstrated. This is a viscous, single-species problem with subgrid-scale stress and heat flux. The following capabilities of HAMeRS will be shown:

  • Kinetic-energy-preserving scheme with 13-point fourth order accurate dispersion-relation-preserving finite differencing
  • Subgrid-scale model with midpoint diffusive/viscous flux reconstructor
  • Special source term for forcing with the use of monitoring statistics

The linear forcing is used for the turbulent kinetic energy production and the Vreman's subgrid-scale viscosity is used for the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation. The ratio of specific heats is 5/3. The problem has a size of [0, 2π)3. This is an incompressible problem as the mean pressure is chosen to be very large.

The kinetic-energy-preserving scheme follows:

Pirozzoli, Sergio. "Generalized conservative approximations of split convective derivative operators." Journal of Computational Physics 229.19 (2010): 7180-7190.

And the 13-point fourth order accurate dispersion-relation-preserving finite difference scheme follows:

Bogey, Christophe, and Christophe Bailly. "A family of low dispersive and low dissipative explicit schemes for flow and noise computations." Journal of Computational physics 194.1 (2004): 194-214.

Initial Conditions

The file containing the initial conditions of this problem (HomogeneousIsotropicTurbulence3D.cpp) can be found in problems/Navier-Stokes/initial_conditions and the initial conditions should be set up by ln -sf <absolute path to HomogeneousIsotropicTurbulence3D.cpp> src/apps/Navier-Stokes/NavierStokesInitialConditions.cpp. The code has to be re-compiled after the link to the actual initial condition file is set.

Special Source Terms for the Flow Model

The file containing the special source terms of this problem (HomogeneousIsotropicTurbulence3D.cpp) can be found in problems/Navier-Stokes/source_terms and the initial conditions should be set up by ln -sf <absolute path to HomogeneousIsotropicTurbulence3D.cpp> src/flow/flow_models/FlowModelSpecialSourceTerms.cpp.

Input File Configurations

Since our problem is viscous, we first set the application type to be Navier-Stokes:

Application = "Navier-Stokes"

The next thing to set is the block NavierStokes:

    // Name of project
    project_name = "3D HIT"

    // Number of species
    num_species = 1 

    // Flow model to use 
    flow_model = "SINGLE_SPECIES"

        // Equation of state to use 
        equation_of_state = "IDEAL_GAS"

            species_gamma = 1.666666666666667
            species_R = 287.142857143

        // Equation of shear viscosity to use 
        equation_of_shear_viscosity = "CONSTANT"

            species_mu = 0.0 
            species_M = 1.0 

        // Equation of bulk viscosity to use 
        equation_of_bulk_viscosity = "CONSTANT"

            species_mu_v = 0.0 
            species_M = 1.0 

        // Equation of thermal conductivity to use 
        equation_of_thermal_conductivity = "PRANDTL"

            species_c_p = 1005
            species_Pr = 0.72
            species_M = 1.0
            species_mu = 0.0

            equation_of_shear_viscosity = "CONSTANT"

        use_subgrid_scale_model = TRUE

            subgrid_scale_model = "VREMAN"
            constant_sgs = 0.06
            species_Pr_t = 0.90
            species_c_p  = 1005

        monitoring_statistics_names = "KINETIC_ENERGY_AVG", "MACH_NUM_MAX"
        monitoring_time_step_interval = 1

        has_source_terms = TRUE
            has_special_source_terms = TRUE
            special_source_box_lo = 0, 0, 0
            special_source_box_hi = 6.283185307179586, 6.283185307179586, 6.283185307179586
            forcing_rate = 0.0001

    // Convective flux reconstructor to use
    convective_flux_reconstructor = "KEP"

        use_DRP4 = TRUE
        stencil_width = 13

    use_conservative_form_diffusive_flux = TRUE

    // Diffusive flux reconstructor to use
    diffusive_flux_reconstructor = "MIDPOINT_SIXTH_ORDER"


It can be seen that in the Flow_model section, a use_subgrid_scale_model is set to TRUE to turn on the subgrid-scale model and the settings of the subgrid-scale model is set inside Subgrid_scale_model. In this example, the Vreman's subgrid-scale model is chosen with constant turbulent Prandtl number. All physical transport coefficients are set to zero. The monitoring statistics are also chosen including KINETIC_ENERGY_AVG which are required in the special source terms for computing the forcing.

Midpoint diffusive/viscous flux reconstructors with different formal order of accuracy can also be used:

Settings diffusive_flux_reconstructor constant_sgs Formal order of accuracy

The following settings are used for CartesianGeometry:

    // Lower and upper indices of computational domain
    domain_boxes = [(0, 0, 0), (63, 63, 63)]
    x_lo         = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0                                              // Lower end of computational domain
    x_up         = 6.283185307179586, 6.283185307179586, 6.283185307179586    // Upper end of computational domain
    // Periodic dimension. A non-zero value indicates that the direction is periodic
    periodic_dimension = 1, 1, 1

The following settings are used for RungeKuttaLevelIntegrator and TimeRefinementIntegrator:

    cfl                      = 1.5e0 // Max cfl factor used in problem
    cfl_init                 = 1.5e0 // Initial cfl factor
    lag_dt_computation       = FALSE
    use_ghosts_to_compute_dt = TRUE

    start_time           = 0.0e0   // Initial simulation time
    end_time             = 4.0e2   // Final simulation time
    grow_dt              = 1.0e0   // Growth factor for timesteps
    max_integrator_steps = 1000000 // Max number of simulation timesteps

Other unmentioned sections are similar to previous tutorial cases particularly the inviscid Taylor Green vortex problem.

Running HAMeRS

To run the simulation with one core, first put the input file inside a directory named tutorial_07 under HAMeRS. Then, execute the built main executable inside build/src/exec/main with the input file:

../build/exec/main <input filename>

To run the simulation with multiple cores, you can try mpirun/mpiexec/srun, depending on the MPI library used for the compilation of HAMeRS. For example, if mpirun is used:

mpirun -np <number of processors> ../build/src/exec/main <input filename>

Results and Visualization

These are the time histories of the kinetic energy with diffusive_flux_reconstructor equal "MIDPOINT_SECOND_ORDER", "MIDPOINT_FOURTH_ORDER", and "MIDPOINT_SIXTH_ORDER" respectively:

These are the spectra of the x-component of velocity using different settings:

The instantaneous snapshot of x-component of velocity using the sixth order midpoint diffusive/viscous flux reconstructor is shown below: