virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
wget -P data/ -nc
git checkout -b experiments
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=/path/to/your/credentials/json
jupyter-notebook demo[-remote].ipynb
Demonstrates how to communicate with tracking server running by mlpanel directly from Jupyter notebook.
In this part first function which used in ML-workflow are defined. The main function is run_experiment() - creates new run on tracking server.
Part one has screenshots of UI usage: view projects, experiments, runs, register models and create deployments.
There is ML project example - IrisProject. It's MLflow project ready to use.
In Part II IrisProject logs parameters, metrics, artifacts and models to tracking server
running also by mlpanel.
Both parts shows that it's not difference where from to communicate with mlpanel - main you must specify MLflow tracking uri for you project and run it.
Like in demo
About how to predict data