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miyula edited this page Feb 22, 2012 · 3 revisions

Data structure

This page describe the ER model and database tables of RePortal. The default drupal database structure is ignored here, only the users and node tables which are used directly by reportal.

ER model

(to be updated later)

Database description

Database Diagram

(to be updated later)

Tables Overview

Table name Description Module Folder
research_projects Basic information of research project. reProject
research_projects_operation_logs Records all user operations belongs to research projects. reProject
research_projects_persons_list Stores the persons list of the project reProject
research_projects_contents Content nodes of the research project reProjectContent
research_projects_onetime_invite_code Stores the one-time invite code for research project. reProjectUser
research_projects_participants_cards Stores participants information for project reProjectUser
research_projects_participants_tags Stores tags that are used to group participants in the project. reProjectUser
research_project_invitation_templates Stores invitation templates contents for project. reProjectUser
project_message_templates Message templates contents for research projects ProjectMessageTemplate
research_tools Stores the information of research tools reTool
research_project_tools_list The list of tools for each project reTool
research_tool_links Stores the links related with the tools reTool
research_project_tool_links The links that related with the project but only used in specific project reTool
research_project_user_profile The specific user profile for project used reProjectUserProfile

Table Details

Table: research_projects

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
creator int not null FK FK→users.uid
name varchar(255) not null
path varchar(45) not null unique
url varchar(255)
founder varchar(255) not null The name of the project founder
introduction text not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_projects_operation_logs

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
operator int not null FK FK→users.uid
type varchar(128) not null The category of the operation
ip varchar(15) not null The ip address of the operator
content text not null
link varchar(255) not null The link where operation happened
module varchar(45) not null The module name where call the log function
time datetime not null The time when operation logged

Table: research_projects_persons_list

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
user int Fk→users.uid
role varchar(128) not null
active int(1) not null 1
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_projects_contents

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
node int not null FK FK→node.nid
title_path varchar(128) not null the path to visit the content page
permission varchar(45) not null CONFIDENTIAL e.g. CONFIDENTIAL, PUBLIC
delectable int(1) not null 1 User can delete the content from the project or not.
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_projects_onetime_invite_code

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
email varchar(128)
phone varcahr(20)
person int FK FK→
code varchar(32) not null unique
used int(1) not null 0
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_projects_participants_cards

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
user int FK FK→users.uid
name varchar(45) not null
email varchar(255)
phone varcahr(20)
tabs varchar(255) ’’
notes text Some description or note about the participant
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_projects_participants_tags

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
tag text not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_project_invitation_templates

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
template int not null FK FK→
for_role varchar(20) not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: project_message_templates

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
title varchar(255) not null
type varchar(16) not null e.g. email, sms
content text not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_tools

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
name varchar(255) not null
logo varchar(255) The logo image path
introduction text not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_project_tools_list

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
tool int not null FK FK→
created datetime not null

Table: research_tool_links

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
tool int not null FK FK→
title varchar(45) not null
url varchar(255) not null
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_project_tool_links

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
id serial(int) not null PRI auto_increment
project int not null FK FK→
tool int not null FK FK→
title varchar(45) not null
url varchar(255) not null
permission varchar(45) not null PUBLIC e.g. PUBLIC, CONFIDENTIAL
weight int(1) not null 0
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null

Table: research_project_user_profile

Field Type Null Key Default Extra
user int not null FK FK→users.uid
firstname varchar(45) not null ’’
lastname varchar(45) not null ’’
gender varchar(1) not null
birthday varchar(10) not null
weight float unit is kg
height float unit is cm
created datetime not null
changed datetime not null