👻 This project was created for the final examination of Boot Camp 3
The main idea behind this, is that we have to create a e-grocery store that sales several products from various vendors. The grocery shop earn profits only through commissions.
A Vendor can
- Create account.
- Add quantity on existed products.
- View all the sales that he commited to the consortium.
- View all the orders of his products.
- View a chart with the last five days orders.
A Admin can
- Create , Update, Delete accounts.
- Approval or disapproval orders and sales.
- Create , Update, Delete Categories.
- Create , Delete images.
A User can
- Create account.
- Reset password.
- Log in.
- Buy Products.
- See order history.
When a user commit an order, automatically the web app send them an email with the order details and the invoice of the order in pdf format.
web.xml : JSF 2.0 Servlet Configuration
persistence.xml: database configurations
The “context-param” tag is define in “web.xml” file and it provides parameters to the entire web application.
- vat: 0.24
[docker-machine ip]:80/java-e-commerce/
Use the maven plug-in (wildfly-maven-plugin) for wildfly server in order to automatically deploy this project in your local server. You can find this plug-in in pom.xml file in order to modify with yours configurations, also don't forget to add in settings.xml your credentials for tomcat server.
You can run the below command in order to deploy the artifact in your local wildfly server
mvn clean wildfly:deploy
You can use the dataBase.sql in order to create the poll database and insert some values.
Username: admin
Password: admin