Trees, and data structures based on trees
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These kinds of trees (and their derivative data structures) are in this repo:
- Binary search tree
- Heap-ordered tree
- Leftist min heap
- Binomial tree
- Binomial heap
- Red-black tree
- Map
- Set
- Splay tree
- Splay heap
- Heap-ordered multitree
- Pairing heap
- Rose tree (with Traversable instance)
- 2-3 B-trees
- Ternary tree
- Exponential trees (with dimensionality constraints enforced by types)
This work is inspired by Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures. I've cleaned up some of the implementations here based on that reference, but I tried to come up with my own implementations first before consulting it. Any implementation not found in that book is my own.