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Merge pull request #445 from OwenConoly/master
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Add some lemmas relating the different semantics
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andres-erbsen authored Jan 31, 2025
2 parents d07c3d3 + 8446c9e commit dca97a1
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Showing 7 changed files with 512 additions and 180 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion bedrock2/src/bedrock2/FE310CSemantics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics bedrock2.LeakageSemantics bedrock2.MetricLeakageSemantics.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics bedrock2.LeakageSemantics.
Require Import bedrock2.SemanticsRelations.
Require coqutil.Datatypes.String coqutil.Map.SortedList coqutil.Map.SortedListString.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Interface.
Require Export coqutil.Word.Bitwidth32.
Expand Down
19 changes: 15 additions & 4 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/LeakageProgramLogic.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,9 +6,10 @@ Require Import bedrock2.LeakageWeakestPrecondition.
Require Import bedrock2.LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.
Require Import bedrock2.LeakageLoops.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.SeparationLogic bedrock2.Scalars.
Require bedrock2.ProgramLogic.
Require Import bedrock2.SemanticsRelations.

Definition spec_of (procname:String.string) := Semantics.env -> Prop.
Existing Class spec_of.
Notation spec_of := bedrock2.ProgramLogic.spec_of.

Module Import Coercions.
Import Map.Interface Word.Interface BinInt.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -388,7 +389,6 @@ Ltac straightline_call_noex :=
| |- ?functions ?callee _ _ _ _ _ =>
let callee_spec := lazymatch constr:(_:spec_of callee) with ?s => s end in
let Hcall := lazymatch goal with H: callee_spec functions |- _ => H end in
repeat destruct Hcall as [?f Hcall];
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.Proper_call; cycle -1;
[ eapply Hcall | try eabstract (solve [Morphisms.solve_proper]) .. ];
[ .. | intros ? ? ? ?]
Expand All @@ -406,8 +406,19 @@ Ltac straightline_call_ex :=
[ .. | intros ? ? ? ? ]

(*for use when the spec of callee has been written using Semantics, not LeakageSemantics*)
Ltac straightline_call_from_plain :=
lazymatch goal with
| |- ?functions ?callee _ _ _ _ _ =>
let callee_spec := lazymatch constr:(_:spec_of callee) with ?s => s end in
let Hcall := lazymatch goal with H: callee_spec functions |- _ => H end in
eapply LeakageWeakestPreconditionProperties.Proper_call; cycle -1;
[ eapply leakage_to_plain_call; eapply Hcall | try eabstract (solve [Morphisms.solve_proper]) .. ];
[ .. | intros ? ? ? ?]

(* TODO: once we can automatically prove some calls, include the success-only version of this in [straightline] *)
Ltac straightline_call := straightline_call_noex || straightline_call_ex.
Ltac straightline_call := straightline_call_noex || straightline_call_ex || straightline_call_from_plain.

Ltac current_trace_mem_locals :=
lazymatch goal with
Expand Down
171 changes: 0 additions & 171 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/MetricLeakageSemantics.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,10 +6,8 @@ Require Import coqutil.Z.Lia.
Require Import bedrock2.Syntax coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.OfListWord.
Require Import BinIntDef coqutil.Word.Interface coqutil.Word.Bitwidth.
Require Export bedrock2.Memory.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Require Import bedrock2.MetricLogging.
Require Import bedrock2.MetricCosts.
Require Import bedrock2.MetricSemantics.
Require Import bedrock2.Semantics.
Require Import bedrock2.LeakageSemantics.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -546,173 +544,4 @@ Section WithParams.
- eassumption.
- eapply exec.extend_env; eassumption.

Lemma to_plain_eval_expr: forall m l e v,
Semantics.eval_expr m l e = Some v ->
forall k mc, exists k' mc', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _, Semantics.eval_expr _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ =>
specialize (IH _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: leakage, forall _: MetricLog, exists _: leakage, exists _: MetricLog,
eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH k mc)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_metric_eval_expr: forall m l e mc v mc',
MetricSemantics.eval_expr m l e mc = Some (v, mc') ->
forall k, exists k', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _ _, MetricSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _
=> specialize (IH _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: leakage, exists _: leakage, eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH k)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_leakage_eval_expr: forall m l e k v k',
LeakageSemantics.eval_expr m l e k = Some (v, k') ->
forall mc, exists mc', eval_expr m l e k mc = Some (v, k', mc').
induction e; cbn; intros;
repeat match goal with
| H: Some _ = Some _ |- _ => eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H; subst
| IH: forall _, Some _ = Some _ -> _ |- _ => specialize IH with (1 := eq_refl)
| IH: forall _ _ _, LeakageSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ -> _ |- _
=> specialize (IH _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption))
| IH: forall _: MetricLog, exists _: MetricLog, eval_expr ?m ?l ?e _ _ = Some _
|- context[eval_expr ?m ?l ?e ?k ?mc] => specialize (IH mc)
| |- _ => progress fwd
| |- _ => Tactics.destruct_one_match

Lemma to_plain_eval_call_args: forall m l arges args,
Semantics.eval_call_args m l arges = Some args ->
forall k mc, exists k' mc', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- eapply Option.eq_of_eq_Some in H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_plain_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (k' & mc' & E). rewrite E.
specialize IHarges with (1 := eq_refl). specialize (IHarges k' mc').
destruct IHarges as (k'' & mc'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Lemma to_metric_eval_call_args: forall m l arges mc args mc',
MetricSemantics.eval_call_args m l arges mc = Some (args, mc') ->
forall k, exists k', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- inversion H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_metric_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (k' & E). rewrite E.
specialize (IHarges _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption) k').
destruct IHarges as (k'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Lemma to_leakage_eval_call_args: forall m l arges k args k',
LeakageSemantics.eval_call_args m l arges k = Some (args, k') ->
forall mc, exists mc', eval_call_args m l arges k mc = Some (args, k', mc').
induction arges; cbn; intros.
- inversion H. subst. eauto.
- fwd.
eapply to_leakage_eval_expr in E. destruct E as (mc' & E). rewrite E.
specialize (IHarges _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption) mc').
destruct IHarges as (mc'' & IH). rewrite IH. eauto.

Definition deleakaged_ext_spec : Semantics.ExtSpec :=
fun t mGive a args post => ext_spec t mGive a args (fun mReceive resvals klist => post mReceive resvals).

Lemma deleakaged_ext_spec_ok {ext_spec_ok: ext_spec.ok ext_spec}:
Semantics.ext_spec.ok deleakaged_ext_spec.
destruct ext_spec_ok. cbv [deleakaged_ext_spec]. constructor; eauto.
intros. cbv [Morphisms.Proper Morphisms.respectful Morphisms.pointwise_relation Basics.impl] in *.
intros. eapply weaken; eauto. intros. apply H. simpl in *. assumption.

Context (e: env).
Existing Instance deleakaged_ext_spec.
Existing Instance deleakaged_ext_spec_ok.

Lemma to_plain_exec: forall c t m l post,
Semantics.exec e c t m l post ->
forall k mc, exec e c k t m l mc (fun _ t' m' l' _ => post t' m' l').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: Semantics.eval_expr _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_plain_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & ? & H)
| H: Semantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_plain_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & ? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_metric_exec: forall c t m l mc post,
MetricSemantics.exec e c t m l mc post ->
forall k, exec e c k t m l mc (fun _ t' m' l' mc' => post t' m' l' mc').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: MetricSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_metric_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & H)
| H: MetricSemantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_metric_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_leakage_exec: forall c t m l k post,
LeakageSemantics.exec e c k t m l post ->
forall mc, exec e c k t m l mc (fun k' t' m' l' _ => post k' t' m' l').
induction 1; intros;
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: LeakageSemantics.eval_expr _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_leakage_eval_expr in H; destruct H as (? & H)
| H: LeakageSemantics.eval_call_args _ _ _ _ = Some _ |- _ =>
eapply to_leakage_eval_call_args in H; destruct H as (? & H)
try solve [econstructor; eauto].

Lemma to_plain_call: forall f t m args post, e f t m args post ->
forall k mc, call e f k t m args mc (fun _ t' m' rets _ => post t' m' rets).
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_plain_exec.

Lemma to_metric_call: forall f t m args mc post, e f t m args mc post ->
forall k, call e f k t m args mc (fun _ t' m' rets mc' => post t' m' rets mc').
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_metric_exec.

Lemma to_leakage_call: forall f k t m args post, e f k t m args post ->
forall mc, call e f k t m args mc (fun k' t' m' rets _ => post k' t' m' rets).
unfold call, intros. fwd. eauto 10 using to_leakage_exec.
End WithParams.

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