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finish helper lemmas for insertionsort
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samuelgruetter committed May 5, 2021
1 parent 6169de9 commit 9298bb5
Showing 1 changed file with 146 additions and 5 deletions.
151 changes: 146 additions & 5 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2Examples/insertionsort.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Section WithParameters.
match l with
| nil => True
| x :: tl1 => match tl1 with
| y :: tl2 => word.ltu y x = false /\ Sorted tl1
| y :: tl2 => word.ltu y x = false /\ Sorted0 tl1
| nil => True
Expand All @@ -66,17 +66,158 @@ Section WithParameters.
(forall k, (k < List.length l)%nat -> word.ltu a (nth l k) = false) ->
Sorted (l ++ [a]).
unfold Sorted. intros. rewrite List.app_length in *. cbn in *.
assert (j < List.length l \/ j = List.length l)%nat as C by Lia.lia.
unfold nth.
destruct C as [C | C].
- rewrite ?List.app_nth1 by Lia.lia. apply H. Lia.lia.
- subst j. rewrite List.nth_middle. rewrite ?List.app_nth1 by Lia.lia.
apply H0. Lia.lia.

(* TODO define word.leu and move to coqutil *)
Lemma word__leu_trans: forall (a b c: word),
word.ltu b a = false ->
word.ltu c b = false ->
word.ltu c a = false.
intros *. rewrite ?word.unsigned_ltu, ?Z.ltb_ge. Lia.lia.

Lemma Sorted_insert: forall left a1 a2 right,
Sorted (left ++ a2 :: right) ->
(forall k, (k < List.length left)%nat -> word.ltu a1 (nth left k) = false) ->
word.ltu a2 a1 = false ->
Sorted (left ++ [a1; a2] ++ right).
unfold Sorted, nth in *.
intros. rewrite ?List.app_length in *. cbn in *.
assert (j < List.length left \/ j = List.length left \/ j = List.length left + 1 \/
List.length left + 1 < j < List.length left + 2 + List.length right)%nat as C by Lia.lia.
destruct C as [C | [C | [C | C]]].
- rewrite ?List.app_nth1 by Lia.lia.
assert (i < j < Datatypes.length left + S (Datatypes.length right))%nat as A by Lia.lia.
specialize H with (1 := A). clear A.
rewrite ?List.app_nth1 in H by Lia.lia. exact H.
- subst j.
rewrite List.nth_middle.
rewrite ?List.app_nth1 by Lia.lia.
apply H0. Lia.lia.
- subst j.
change (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right) with (left ++ [a1] ++ a2 :: right).
rewrite List.app_assoc.
replace (Datatypes.length left + 1)%nat with (List.length (left ++ [a1])). 2: {
rewrite List.app_length. cbn. reflexivity.
rewrite List.nth_middle.
rewrite <- List.app_assoc.
assert (i < List.length left \/ i = List.length left)%nat as C by Lia.lia. destruct C as [C | C].
+ rewrite List.app_nth1 by Lia.lia.
eapply word__leu_trans. 2: eassumption. apply H0. assumption.
+ subst i. change (left ++ [a1] ++ a2 :: right) with (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right).
rewrite List.nth_middle. assumption.
- rename j into j0. destruct j0 as [|j]. 1: exfalso; Lia.lia.
replace (List.nth (S j) (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right) (word.of_Z 0))
with (List.nth j (left ++ a2 :: right) (word.of_Z 0)). 2: {
change (left ++ a2 :: right) with (left ++ [a2] ++ right).
rewrite List.app_assoc.
rewrite List.app_nth2; rewrite List.app_length; cbn. 2: Lia.lia.
change (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right) with (left ++ [a1] ++ a2 :: right).
rewrite List.app_assoc.
rewrite List.app_nth2; rewrite List.app_length. 2: cbn; Lia.lia.
change (Datatypes.length [a1]) with 1%nat.
replace (S j - (Datatypes.length left + 1))%nat with (S (j - (Datatypes.length left + 1))) by Lia.lia.
assert (i < List.length left \/ i = List.length left \/ i = List.length left + 1 \/
List.length left + 1 < i <= j)%nat as D by Lia.lia.
destruct D as [D | [D | [D | D]]].
+ rewrite (List.app_nth1 left (a1 :: a2 :: right)) by assumption.
assert (i < j < Datatypes.length left + S (Datatypes.length right))%nat as A by Lia.lia.
specialize H with (1 := A). clear A.
rewrite (@List.app_nth1 _ left (a2 :: right) _ i) in H by assumption. exact H.
+ assert (i < j < Datatypes.length left + S (Datatypes.length right))%nat as A by Lia.lia.
specialize H with (1 := A). clear A.
subst i. rewrite List.nth_middle. rewrite List.nth_middle in H.
eapply word__leu_trans; eassumption.
+ subst i. change (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right) with (left ++ [a1] ++ a2 :: right).
rewrite List.app_assoc.
replace (Datatypes.length left + 1)%nat with (List.length (left ++ [a1])). 2: {
rewrite List.app_length. reflexivity.
rewrite List.nth_middle.
replace a2 with (List.nth (List.length left) (left ++ a2 :: right) (word.of_Z 0)) at 2. 2: {
apply List.nth_middle.
apply H. Lia.lia.
+ change (left ++ a2 :: right) with (left ++ [a2] ++ right).
rewrite List.app_assoc.
rewrite List.app_nth2; rewrite List.app_length; cbn. 2: Lia.lia.
replace (left ++ a1 :: a2 :: right) with ((left ++ [a1; a2]) ++ right). 2: {
rewrite <- List.app_assoc. reflexivity.
rewrite List.app_nth2; rewrite List.app_length; cbn. 2: Lia.lia.
replace (List.nth (j - (Datatypes.length left + 1)) right (word.of_Z 0)) with
(List.nth j (left ++ a2 :: right) (word.of_Z 0)). 2: {
rewrite List.app_nth2 by Lia.lia.
replace (j - Datatypes.length left)%nat with (S (j - (Datatypes.length left + 1))) by Lia.lia.
replace (List.nth (i - (Datatypes.length left + 2)) right (word.of_Z 0)) with
(List.nth (i - 1) (left ++ a2 :: right) (word.of_Z 0)). 2: {
rewrite List.app_nth2 by Lia.lia.
replace (i - 1 - Datatypes.length left)%nat with (S (i - (Datatypes.length left + 2))) by Lia.lia.
apply H. Lia.lia.

Lemma ptsto_nonaliasing: forall addr b1 b2 m (R: mem -> Prop),
(ptsto addr b1 * ptsto addr b2 * R)%sep m ->
intros. unfold ptsto, sep, map.split, map.disjoint in *.
repeat match goal with
| H: exists _, _ |- _ => destruct H
| H: _ /\ _ |- _ => destruct H
specialize (H4 addr b1 b2). rewrite ?map.get_put_same in H4. auto.

Axiom TODO: False.
(* TODO generalize *)
Lemma array_scalar32_max_size: forall addr xs (R: mem -> Prop) m,
(array scalar32 (word.of_Z 4) addr xs * R)%sep m ->
4 * Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length xs) <= 2 ^ width.
assert (4 * Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length xs) <= 2 ^ width \/ 2 ^ width < 4 * Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length xs))
as C by Lia.lia. destruct C as [C | C]; [exact C | exfalso].
pose proof (List.firstn_skipn (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4)) xs) as E.
pose proof @List.firstn_length_le _ xs (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4)) as A.
assert (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4) <= Datatypes.length xs)%nat as B by ZnWords.
specialize (A B). clear B.
destruct (List.firstn (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4)) xs) as [|h1 t1] eqn: E1. {
destruct (List.skipn (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4)) xs) as [|h2 t2] eqn: E2. {
pose proof @List.skipn_length _ (Z.to_nat (2 ^ width / 4)) xs as B.
rewrite E2 in B. cbn [List.length] in B. ZnWords.
rewrite <- E in H.
SeparationLogic.seprewrite_in @array_append H.
SeparationLogic.seprewrite_in @array_cons H.
SeparationLogic.seprewrite_in @array_cons H.
replace (word.add addr (word.of_Z (word.unsigned (word.of_Z 4) * Z.of_nat (Datatypes.length (h1 :: t1)))))
with addr in H by ZnWords.
unfold scalar32 at 1 3 in H.
unfold truncated_word, truncated_scalar, littleendian, ptsto_bytes.ptsto_bytes in H.
cbn in H.
eapply (ptsto_nonaliasing addr (PrimitivePair.pair._1 (LittleEndian.split 4 (word.unsigned h2)))
(PrimitivePair.pair._1 (LittleEndian.split 4 (word.unsigned h1))) m).

Local Infix "*" := sep. Local Infix "*" := sep : type_scope.

Expand All @@ -97,7 +238,7 @@ Section WithParameters.
repeat straightline.

assert (4 * Z.of_nat (List.length xs) <= 2 ^ 32). {
case TODO. (* because we have an array of that size, otherwise it would wrap & alias *)
eapply array_scalar32_max_size. eassumption.

refine (tailrec HList.polymorphic_list.nil
Expand Down

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