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define e1000_read/write_step as a Definition instead of Inductive
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samuelgruetter committed Mar 6, 2024
1 parent 8cc35c5 commit 380cf7b
Showing 1 changed file with 145 additions and 80 deletions.
225 changes: 145 additions & 80 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/e1000_read_write_step.v
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Expand Up @@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ These network cards were launched in the 2000s and discontinued in the 2010s, bu

Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import Coq.micromega.Lia.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd.
Require Import coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.Properties.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Interface coqutil.Word.Properties coqutil.Word.Bitwidth.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -182,6 +183,17 @@ Section WithMem.
getRDH t s.(rx_queue_head) /\
getTDH t s.(tx_queue_head).

Lemma e1000_initialized_unique: forall [s1 s2 t],
e1000_initialized s1 t ->
e1000_initialized s2 t ->
s1 = s2.
unfold e1000_initialized.
intros. fwd.
destruct s1. destruct s2. cbn in *.

(* Potential notations for (circular_buffer_slice elem n i vs addr):
* addr |-(->i, mod n)-> vs
* addr [⇥i ⟳n]-> vs
Expand All @@ -195,86 +207,93 @@ Section WithMem.
* circular_buffer_slice txq_elem
s.(rx_queue_cap) s.(tx_queue_head) txq s.(tx_queue_base_addr) }>.

Inductive e1000_read_step:
forall (sz: nat), (* number of bytes to read *)
trace -> (* trace of events that happened so far *)
word -> (* address to be read *)
(tuple byte sz -> mem -> Prop) -> (* postcondition on returned value and memory *)
Lemma rxq_txq_unique: forall [s rxq1 rxq2 txq1 txq2 m],
e1000_invariant s rxq1 txq1 m ->
e1000_invariant s rxq2 txq2 m ->
rxq1 = rxq2 /\ txq1 = txq2.

(* not using an Inductive because:
- some parts are shared between the different cases
- inversion creates existT equalities on dependently-typed postconditions *)
Definition e1000_read_step
(sz: nat) (* number of bytes to read *)
(t: trace) (* trace of events that happened so far *)
(addr: word) (* address to be read *)
(post: tuple byte sz -> mem -> Prop): (* postcondition on returned value and memory *)
Prop :=
(* Hardware gives newly received packets to software:
New RDH can be anywhere between old RDH (incl) and old RDT (excl),
we receive the memory chunk for each descriptor between old and new RDH,
as well as the buffers pointed to by them, which contain newly received
packets *)
| read_RDH_step: forall t mNIC s rxq txq post,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC ->
e1000_initialized s t ->
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC ->
(forall mRcv (done: list (rx_desc * buf)),
sz = 4%nat /\
exists s mNIC rxq txq,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC /\
e1000_initialized s t /\
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC /\
((addr = register_address E1000_RDH /\
(* Hardware gives newly received packets to software:
New RDH can be anywhere between old RDH (incl) and old RDT (excl),
we receive the memory chunk for each descriptor between old and new RDH,
as well as the buffers pointed to by them, which contain newly received
packets *)
forall mRcv (done: list (rx_desc * buf)),
len done <= len rxq -> fst done = fst rxq[:len done] ->
(* snd (new buffer) can be any bytes *)
circular_buffer_slice (rxq_elem s.(rx_buf_size))
s.(rx_queue_cap) s.(rx_queue_head) done s.(rx_queue_base_addr) mRcv ->
post (LittleEndian.split 4 ((s.(rx_queue_head) + len done)
mod s.(rx_queue_cap))) mRcv) ->
e1000_read_step 4 t (register_address E1000_RDH) post
(* Hardware gives back transmitted buffers to software:
New TDH can be anywhere between old TDH (incl) and TDT (excl),
increased TDH means some packets were sent, and we get back the memory chunk
for each descriptor between old and new TDH, as well as the buffers pointed to
by them, so we can start reusing these descriptors & buffers for new packets *)
| read_TDH_step: forall t mNIC s rxq txq post,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC ->
e1000_initialized s t ->
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC ->
(forall mRcv nDone,
post (LittleEndian.split sz ((s.(rx_queue_head) + len done)
mod s.(rx_queue_cap))) mRcv)
(addr = register_address E1000_TDH /\
(* Hardware gives back transmitted buffers to software:
New TDH can be anywhere between old TDH (incl) and TDT (excl),
increased TDH means some packets were sent, and we get back the memory chunk
for each descriptor between old and new TDH, as well as the buffers pointed to
by them, so we can start reusing these descriptors & buffers for new packets *)
forall mRcv nDone,
0 <= nDone <= len txq ->
circular_buffer_slice txq_elem
s.(tx_queue_cap) s.(tx_queue_head) txq[:nDone] s.(tx_queue_base_addr) mRcv ->
post (LittleEndian.split 4 ((s.(tx_queue_head) + nDone)
mod s.(tx_queue_cap))) mRcv) ->
e1000_read_step 4 t (register_address E1000_TDH) post.

Inductive e1000_write_step:
forall (sz: nat), (* number of bytes to write *)
trace -> (* trace of events that happened so far *)
word -> (* address to be written *)
tuple byte sz -> (* value to be written *)
mem -> (* memory whose ownership is passed to the external world *)
post (LittleEndian.split sz ((s.(tx_queue_head) + nDone)
mod s.(tx_queue_cap))) mRcv)).

Definition e1000_write_step
(sz: nat) (* number of bytes to write *)
(t: trace) (* trace of events that happened so far *)
(addr: word) (* address to be written *)
(val: tuple byte sz) (* value to be written *)
(mGive: mem): (* memory whose ownership is passed to the external world *)
Prop :=
(* Software gives fresh empty buffers to hardware:
Software may set new RDT to anywhere between old RDT (incl) and
RDH (excl, because otherwise queue considered empty), and by doing so, abandons
the memory chunks corresponding to these descriptors and the buffers pointed to
by them, thus providing more space for hardware to store received packets *)
| write_RDT_step: forall t mNIC s rxq txq newRDT (fresh: list (rx_desc * buf)) mGive,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC ->
e1000_initialized s t ->
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC ->
len rxq + len fresh < s.(rx_queue_cap) ->
LittleEndian.combine 4 newRDT = (s.(rx_queue_head) + len rxq + len fresh)
mod s.(rx_queue_cap) ->
circular_buffer_slice (rxq_elem s.(rx_buf_size)) s.(rx_queue_cap)
((s.(rx_queue_head) + len rxq) mod s.(rx_queue_cap))
fresh s.(rx_queue_base_addr) mGive ->
e1000_write_step 4 t (register_address E1000_RDT) newRDT mGive
(* Software gives buffers to be sent to hardware:
Software may set new TDT to anywhere between old TDT (incl) and
TDH (excl, because otherwise queue considered empty), and by doing so, indicates
that between old and new TDT, there are new packets to be sent, and yields
the descriptor chunks and the buffers pointed to by them to hardware *)
| write_TDT_step: forall t mNIC s rxq txq newTDT (toSend: list (tx_desc * buf)) mGive,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC ->
e1000_initialized s t ->
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC ->
len txq + len toSend < s.(tx_queue_cap) ->
LittleEndian.combine 4 newTDT = (s.(tx_queue_head) + len txq + len toSend)
mod s.(tx_queue_cap) ->
circular_buffer_slice txq_elem s.(tx_queue_cap)
((s.(tx_queue_head) + len txq) mod s.(tx_queue_cap))
toSend s.(tx_queue_base_addr) mGive ->
e1000_write_step 4 t (register_address E1000_TDT) newTDT mGive.
sz = 4%nat /\
exists s mNIC rxq txq,
externally_owned_mem t mNIC /\
e1000_initialized s t /\
e1000_invariant s rxq txq mNIC /\
((addr = register_address E1000_RDT /\
(* Software gives fresh empty buffers to hardware:
Software may set new RDT to anywhere between old RDT (incl) and
RDH (excl, because otherwise queue considered empty), and by doing so, abandons
the memory chunks corresponding to these descriptors and the buffers pointed to
by them, thus providing more space for hardware to store received packets *)
exists (fresh: list (rx_desc * buf)),
len rxq + len fresh < s.(rx_queue_cap) /\
LittleEndian.combine sz val = (s.(rx_queue_head) + len rxq + len fresh)
mod s.(rx_queue_cap) /\
circular_buffer_slice (rxq_elem s.(rx_buf_size)) s.(rx_queue_cap)
((s.(rx_queue_head) + len rxq) mod s.(rx_queue_cap))
fresh s.(rx_queue_base_addr) mGive)
(addr = register_address E1000_TDT /\
(* Software gives buffers to be sent to hardware:
Software may set new TDT to anywhere between old TDT (incl) and
TDH (excl, because otherwise queue considered empty), and by doing so, indicates
that between old and new TDT, there are new packets to be sent, and yields
the descriptor chunks and the buffers pointed to by them to hardware *)
exists (toSend: list (tx_desc * buf)),
len txq + len toSend < s.(tx_queue_cap) /\
LittleEndian.combine sz val = (s.(tx_queue_head) + len txq + len toSend)
mod s.(tx_queue_cap) /\
circular_buffer_slice txq_elem s.(tx_queue_cap)
((s.(tx_queue_head) + len txq) mod s.(tx_queue_cap))
toSend s.(tx_queue_base_addr) mGive)).

(* TODO what about 13.4.28 "Reading the descriptor head to determine which buffers are
finished is not reliable" and 13.4.39 "Reading the transmit descriptor head to
Expand All @@ -297,28 +316,74 @@ Section WithMem.

Axiom TODO: False.

Ltac destruct_or :=
lazymatch goal with
| H: _ \/ _ |- _ => destruct H

Context {word_ok: word.ok word} {mem_ok: map.ok mem}.

Global Instance e1000_MemoryMappedExtCallsOk:
MemoryMappedExtCallsOk e1000_MemoryMappedExtCalls.
unfold read_step, write_step, mmio_addrs, e1000_MemoryMappedExtCalls,
e1000_read_step, e1000_write_step; intros; fwd; subst n.
- (* weaken_read_step *)
intros * H. revert post2.
(* we use `case` instead of `inversion` because `inversion` creates an
`existT` equality between post and post1 *)
case H; clear H t; intros; econstructor; eauto.
destruct_or; fwd; eauto 15.
- (* intersect_read_step *)
case TODO.
lazymatch goal with
| H1: externally_owned_mem _ ?m1, H2: externally_owned_mem _ ?m2 |- _ =>
pose proof (externally_owned_mem_unique _ _ _ H1 H2); subst m1
lazymatch goal with
| H1: e1000_initialized ?s1 ?t, H2: e1000_initialized ?s2 ?t |- _ =>
pose proof (e1000_initialized_unique H1 H2); subst s1
lazymatch goal with
| H1: e1000_invariant _ ?rxq1 ?txq1 _, H2: e1000_invariant _ ?rxq2 ?txq2 _ |- _ =>
destruct (rxq_txq_unique H1 H2); subst rxq1 txq1
do 2 destruct_or; fwd.
lazymatch goal with
| H: register_address _ = register_address _ |- _ =>
cbn in H;
apply (f_equal word.unsigned) in H;
rewrite !word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap in H
by (destruct width_cases as [W | W]; rewrite W in *; lia);
discriminate H
all: eauto 15.
- (* read_step_nonempty *)
case TODO.
destruct_or; fwd.
all: specialize (Hp1 map.empty).
1: specialize (Hp1 nil).
2: specialize (Hp1 0).
1: rewrite List.len_nil in Hp1.
all: rewrite Z.add_0_r in Hp1.
all: do 2 eexists; apply Hp1; cbn; try lia; unfold emp; repeat split.
- (* read_step_returns_owned_mem *)
case TODO.
- (* write_step_unique_mGive *)
case TODO.
- (* read_step_addrs_ok *)
case TODO.
destruct_or; fwd; cbn;
unfold PropSet.subset, PropSet.of_list, PropSet.elem_of, E1000_REGS;
rewrite <- ?word.ring_morph_add;
cbn; clear -word_ok BW; intros; repeat destruct_or; try contradiction; subst x;
(rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap; [lia | ]);
destruct width_cases as [W | W]; rewrite W in *; lia.
- (* write_step_addrs_ok *)
case TODO.
destruct_or; fwd; cbn;
unfold PropSet.subset, PropSet.of_list, PropSet.elem_of, E1000_REGS;
rewrite <- ?word.ring_morph_add;
cbn; clear -word_ok BW; intros; repeat destruct_or; try contradiction; subst x;
(rewrite word.unsigned_of_Z_nowrap; [lia | ]);
destruct width_cases as [W | W]; rewrite W in *; lia.

Local Open Scope string_scope.
Expand Down

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