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samuelgruetter committed Nov 14, 2024
1 parent 0595cf9 commit 0ad32f6
Showing 1 changed file with 79 additions and 155 deletions.
234 changes: 79 additions & 155 deletions compiler/src/compilerExamples/MetricLightbulbInvariant.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ Definition loop_progress t t' dmc :=
Notation RiscvMetrics := Platform.MetricLogging.MetricLog.

Definition metricAdd(metric: RiscvMetrics -> Z) finalM initialM: Z :=
Z.sub (metric finalM) (metric initialM).
Z.add (metric finalM) (metric initialM).
Definition metricsAdd := Platform.MetricLogging.metricsOp metricAdd.
Infix "+" := metricsAdd : MetricL_scope.

Expand All @@ -131,6 +131,33 @@ Definition mc_spi_mul := riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.mkMetricLog 157 109 169 10
Definition lightbulb_handle_cost :=
riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.mkMetricLog 552 274 639 203.

(* very silly duplication because riscv-coq and bedrock2 don't share any common metrics
library *)
Ltac raise_metrics_const c :=
lazymatch c with
| mc_spi_write_const => bedrock2Examples.metric_SPI.mc_spi_write_const
| mc_spi_read_const => bedrock2Examples.metric_SPI.mc_spi_read_const
| mc_spi_xchg_const => bedrock2Examples.metric_SPI.mc_spi_xchg_const
| mc_spi_mul => bedrock2Examples.metric_SPI.mc_spi_mul
| lightbulb_handle_cost => bedrock2Examples.metric_lightbulb.lightbulb_handle_cost

Ltac raise_metrics_getter g :=
lazymatch g with
| riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.instructions => bedrock2.MetricLogging.instructions
| riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.stores => bedrock2.MetricLogging.stores
| riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.loads => bedrock2.MetricLogging.loads
| riscv.Platform.MetricLogging.jumps => bedrock2.MetricLogging.jumps

Ltac raise_step :=
match goal with
| |- context[?g ?c] =>
let g' := raise_metrics_getter g in
let c' := raise_metrics_const c in
change (g c) with (g' c')

let dmc := metricsSub (MetricsToRiscv.raiseMetrics dmc) (cost_call PreSpill (cost_lit (prefix "reg_") ""%string loop_overhead)) in
Expand All @@ -144,6 +171,15 @@ Arguments lan9250_recv_packet_too_long {word}.
Arguments spi_timeout {word}.
Arguments lan9250_recv_no_packet {word}.

Definition loop_compilation_overhead :=
(cost_call PreSpill (cost_lit (prefix "reg_") ""%string loop_overhead)).

Definition loop_cost(packet_length trace_length: Z): RiscvMetrics :=
(60 + 7 * packet_length) * mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + trace_length * mc_spi_mul +

(*------desired code width for papers: max 88 columns---------------------------------*)

Section WithMetricsScope. Open Scope metricsL.
Expand All @@ -155,18 +191,15 @@ Definition handle_request_spec(t t': trace)(mc mc': RiscvMetrics) :=
(exists packet cmd,
(lan9250_recv packet +++ gpio_set 23 cmd) ioh /\
lightbulb_packet_rep cmd packet /\
((mc-mc' <= (60+7*length packet)*mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + (length ioh)*mc_spi_mul))) \/
(mc' - mc <= loop_cost (length packet) (length ioh))) \/
(* Case 2: Received invalid packet: *)
(exists packet,
(lan9250_recv packet) ioh /\
not (exists cmd, lightbulb_packet_rep cmd packet) /\
((mc-mc' <= (60+7*length packet)*mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + (length ioh)*mc_spi_mul))) \/
(mc' - mc <= loop_cost (length packet) (length ioh))) \/
(* Case 3: Polled, but no new packet was available: *)
(lan9250_recv_no_packet ioh /\
((mc-mc' <= (60 )*mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + (length ioh)*mc_spi_mul))) \/
(mc' - mc <= loop_cost 0 (length ioh))) \/
(* Case 4: Received too long packet *)
(lan9250_recv_packet_too_long ioh) \/
(* Case 5: SPI protocol timeout *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -259,9 +292,9 @@ Lemma successively_weaken_step {State} f g R (s : State) :
successively g R s.
Proof. intros; eapply always_weaken_step; eauto; cbv beta; eauto using eventually_weaken_step. Qed.

Axiom TODO: False.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd.

Lemma metric_lightbulb_correct: forall (initial : MetricRiscvMachine) R,
Theorem metric_lightbulb_correct: forall (initial : MetricRiscvMachine) R,
valid_machine initial ->
getLog initial = [] ->
regs_initialized.regs_initialized (getRegs initial) ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,39 +374,50 @@ all : cycle -1.
unfold loop_progress, handle_request_spec.
eapply successively_weaken; eauto; cbv beta.
repeat (intuition Simp.simp); eauto 9; [| |].
all : eexists; split; eauto.
all : eexists; split; eauto.
1: left; exists packet, cmd; intuition eauto.
2: right; left; exists packet; intuition eauto.
3: right; right; left; intuition eauto.
all :
(* metrics accounting *)
repeat (
repeat match goal with | H := _ : MetricLog |- _ => subst H end;
repeat match goal with | H := _ : RiscvMetrics |- _ => subst H end;
repeat match goal with
| H: context [?x] |- _ => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(MetricLog);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
| |- context [?x] => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(MetricLog);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
| H: context [?x] |- _ => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(RiscvMetrics);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
| |- context [?x] => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(RiscvMetrics);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
cbn [Platform.MetricLogging.instructions Platform.MetricLogging.stores Platform.MetricLogging.loads Platform.MetricLogging.jumps] in *;
lazymatch goal with
| H: successively _ _ _ |- _ => rename H into HS
eapply successively_weaken; [exact HS | clear HS].
cbv beta.
intros s s' H.
eexists. split. 1: eauto.
eexists. split. 1: eauto.

Ltac t :=
cbn [Platform.MetricLogging.instructions Platform.MetricLogging.stores Platform.MetricLogging.loads Platform.MetricLogging.jumps] in *;
cbv [metricsAdd metricsMul] in *;
cbv [metricAdd] in *;
cbv [MetricsToRiscv.raiseMetrics MetricsToRiscv.lowerMetrics] in *;
cbv [Spilling.cost_spill_spec cost_call cost_lit loop_overhead ] in *;
change (isRegStr "") with false in *;
change (prefix ?x ?y) with false in *;
MetricLogging.unfold_MetricLog; MetricLogging.simpl_MetricLog;
unfold_MetricLog; simpl_MetricLog);
intuition try blia.
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 : case TODO.
unfold_MetricLog; simpl_MetricLog.

unfold loop_cost, loop_compilation_overhead.
destruct Hp1p1 as [Case1 | [Case2 | [Case3 | [Case4 | Case5] ] ] ]; fwd.
- left. do 2 eexists. do 2 (split; eauto).
clear -Case1p2. forget (getMetrics s') as mc'. forget (getMetrics s) as mc.
destruct mc'. destruct mc. t.
repeat raise_step.
- right. left. eexists. do 2 (split; eauto).
clear -Case2p2. forget (getMetrics s') as mc'. forget (getMetrics s) as mc.
destruct mc'. destruct mc. t.
repeat raise_step.
- right. right. left. split; eauto.
clear -Case3p1. forget (getMetrics s') as mc'. forget (getMetrics s) as mc.
destruct mc'. destruct mc. t.
repeat raise_step.
- right. right. right. left. assumption.
- do 4 right. assumption.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,124 +492,4 @@ PropExtensionality.propositional_extensionality :
functional_extensionality_dep :
forall (A : Type) (B : A -> Type) (f g : forall x : A, B x),
(forall x : A, f x = g x) -> f = g
TODO : False
used in metric_lightbulb_correct to prove
successively riscv.run1
(fun s s' : MetricRiscvMachine =>
exists dt : list Semantics.LogItem,
getLog s' = dt ++ getLog s /\
(exists ioh : list OP,
metric_SPI.mmio_trace_abstraction_relation ioh dt /\
((exists (packet : list Init.Byte.byte) (cmd : bool),
(lan9250_recv packet +++ gpio_set 23 cmd) ioh /\
lightbulb_packet_rep cmd packet /\
(getMetrics s - getMetrics s' <=
(60 + 7 * Datatypes.length packet) * mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + Datatypes.length ioh * mc_spi_mul)%metricsL) \/
(exists packet : list Init.Byte.byte,
lan9250_recv packet ioh /\
~ (exists cmd : bool, lightbulb_packet_rep cmd packet) /\
(getMetrics s - getMetrics s' <=
(60 + 7 * Datatypes.length packet) * mc_spi_xchg_const +
lightbulb_handle_cost + Datatypes.length ioh * mc_spi_mul)%metricsL) \/
lan9250_recv_no_packet ioh \/
lan9250_recv_packet_too_long ioh \/ (any +++ spi_timeout) ioh))) final
(*------desired code width for papers: max 85 columns------------------------------*)
(* OLD STUFF BELOW, may be useful for instantiating some assumptions
Definition bedrock2_invariant
Import ToplevelLoop GoFlatToRiscv regs_initialized LowerPipeline.
Import bedrock2.Map.Separation. Local Open Scope sep_scope.
Require Import bedrock2.ReversedListNotations.
Local Notation run_one_riscv_instr := (mcomp_sat (run1 Decode.RV32IM)).
Local Notation RiscvMachine := MetricRiscvMachine.
Local Notation run1 := (mcomp_sat (run1 Decode.RV32IM)).
Implicit Types mach : RiscvMachine.
Definition initial_conditions mach :=
code_start ml = mach.(getPc) /\
[] = mach.(getLog) /\
EmptyMetricLog = mach.(getMetrics) /\
mach.(getNextPc) = word.add mach.(getPc) (word.of_Z 4) /\
regs_initialized (getRegs mach) /\
(forall a : word32, code_start ml <= a < code_pastend ml -> In a (getXAddrs mach)) /\
valid_machine mach /\
(imem (code_start ml) (code_pastend ml) lightbulb_insns ⋆
mem_available (heap_start ml) (heap_pastend ml) ⋆
mem_available (stack_start ml) (stack_pastend ml)) (getMem mach).
Lemma initial_conditions_sufficient mach :
initial_conditions mach ->
CompilerInvariant.initial_conditions compile_ext_call ml lightbulb_spec mach.
intros (? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ? & ?).
eexists lightbulb_insns.
eexists lightbulb_finfo.
eexists lightbulb_stack_size.
rewrite lightbulb_compiler_result_ok; ssplit; trivial using compiler_emitted_valid_instructions; try congruence.
2,3:vm_compute; inversion 1.
1: econstructor (* ProgramSatisfiesSpec *).
1: vm_compute; reflexivity.
1: instantiate (1:=snd init).
3: instantiate (1:=snd loop).
1,3: exact eq_refl.
1,2: cbv [hl_inv init loop]; cbn [fst snd]; intros; eapply MetricWeakestPreconditionProperties.sound_cmd.
all : repeat MetricProgramLogic.straightline.
{ eapply MetricSemantics.weaken_call; [eapply link_lightbulb_init|cbv beta]. admit. }
{ cbv [isReady lightbulb_spec ExprImpEventLoopSpec.goodObservables goodObservables] in *.
destruct H6 as (?&?&?&?).
eapply MetricSemantics.weaken_call; [eapply link_lightbulb_loop|cbv beta]; eauto.
repeat MetricProgramLogic.straightline.
split; eauto.
unfold existsl, Recv, LightbulbCmd in *.
destruct H10p1p1p1; Simp.simp; (eexists (S n), _; Tactics.ssplit;
[eapply Forall2_app; eauto|..]).
all: try (progress unfold goodHlTrace;
{ unfold "+++" in H7p2|-*. left. left. Simp.simp.
unfold Recv. eexists _, _, _; Tactics.ssplit; eauto. }
destruct H7; Simp.simp.
{ left. right. left. left. eauto. }
destruct H7; Simp.simp.
{ right. unfold PollNone. eauto. }
destruct H7; Simp.simp.
{ left. right. left. right. eauto. }
left. right. right. eauto. }
*) admit).
{ rewrite Nat2Z.inj_succ, <-Z.add_1_l.
Local Ltac metrics' :=
repeat match goal with | H := _ : MetricLog |- _ => subst H end;
repeat match goal with
| H: context [?x] |- _ => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(MetricLog);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
| |- context [?x] => is_const x; let t := type of x in constr_eq t constr:(MetricLog);
progress cbv beta delta [x] in *
cbn -[Z.add Z.mul Z.of_nat] in *;
rewrite ?List.length_app, ?List.length_cons, ?List.length_nil, ?List.length_firstn, ?LittleEndianList.length_le_split in *;
flatten_MetricLog; repeat unfold_MetricLog; repeat simpl_MetricLog; try blia.
Import OmniSmallstepCombinators.
Theorem lightbulb_correct : forall mach : MetricRiscvMachine, initial_conditions mach ->
always run1 (eventually run1 (fun mach' => goodObservables mach'.(getLog) (MetricsToRiscv.raiseMetrics mach'.(getMetrics)))) mach.
intros ? H%initial_conditions_sufficient; revert H.
unshelve rapply @always_eventually_observables; trivial using ml_ok, @Naive.word32_ok.
{ eapply (naive_word_riscv_ok 5%nat). }
{ eapply @compile_ext_call_correct; try exact _. }

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