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restore loop lemmas with metrics adapted proofs
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tckmn committed Aug 16, 2024
1 parent 5360013 commit 070a202
Showing 1 changed file with 242 additions and 2 deletions.
244 changes: 242 additions & 2 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/MetricLoops.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -295,8 +295,6 @@ Section Loops.
split. { exists v0, g0, l0. split. 1: eapply reconstruct_enforce; eassumption. split; eauto. }
intros vi ti mi lmapi mci (gi&?&?&?&Qi); subst.
destruct (hlist.foralls_forall (hlist.foralls_forall (Hbody vi) gi ti mi mci) _ ltac:(eassumption)) as (brv&brmc&?&X).

exists brv; exists brmc; split; [assumption|]. destruct X as (Htrue&Hfalse). split; intros Hbr;
[pose proof(Htrue Hbr)as Hpc|pose proof(Hfalse Hbr)as Hpc]; clear Hbr Htrue Hfalse.
{ eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hpc].
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,6 +356,248 @@ Section Loops.
constructor. intros [y|] pf; eauto.
constructor. intros [] [].

Lemma atleastonce_localsmap
{e c t} {m : mem} {l mc} {post : _->_->_->_-> Prop}
{measure : Type} (invariant:measure->_->_->_->_->Prop) lt
(Hwf : well_founded lt)
(Henter : exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ (word.unsigned br <> 0 -> exists v', invariant v' t m l brmc)
/\ (word.unsigned br = 0%Z -> post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))
(Hbody : forall v t m l mc, invariant v t m l mc ->
cmd call c t m l mc (fun t m l mc =>
exists br brmc, expr m l e (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc) (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ (word.unsigned br <> 0 -> exists v', invariant v' t m l brmc /\ lt v' v)
/\ (word.unsigned br = 0 -> post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc))))
: cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m l mc post.
eapply wp_while.
eexists (option measure), (with_bottom lt), (fun ov t m l mc =>
exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ ((word.unsigned br <> 0 -> exists v, ov = Some v /\ invariant v t m l brmc)
/\ (word.unsigned br = 0 -> ov = None /\ post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))).
split; auto using well_founded_with_bottom; []. split.
{ destruct Henter as [br [brmc [He [Henterm Henter0]]]].
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec (word.unsigned br) 0).
{ exists None, br, brmc; split; trivial.
split; intros; try contradiction; split; eauto. }
{ destruct (Henterm n) as [v Hinv].
exists (Some v), br, brmc.
split; trivial; []; split; try contradiction.
exists v; split; trivial. } }
intros vi ti mi li mci (br&brmc&Ebr&Hcontinue&Hexit).
eexists; eexists; split; [eassumption|]; split.
{ intros Hc; destruct (Hcontinue Hc) as (v&?&Hinv); subst.
eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hbody; eassumption].
intros t' m' l' mc' (br'&brmc'&Ebr'&Hinv'&Hpost').
destruct (BinInt.Z.eq_dec (word.unsigned br') 0).
{ exists None; split; try constructor.
exists br', brmc'; split; trivial; [].
split; intros; try contradiction.
split; eauto. }
{ destruct (Hinv' ltac:(trivial)) as (v'&inv'&ltv'v).
exists (Some v'); split; trivial. (* NOTE: this [trivial] simpl-reduces [with_bottom] *)
exists br', brmc'; split; trivial.
split; intros; try contradiction.
eexists; split; eauto. } }
eapply Hexit.

Lemma atleastonce
{e c t l mc} {m : mem}
(variables : list String.string)
{localstuple : tuple word (length variables)}
{Pl : enforce variables localstuple l}
{measure : Type} (invariant:measure->_->_->_->ufunc word (length variables) Prop)
lt (Hwf : well_founded lt)
{post : _->_->_->_-> Prop}
(Henter : exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ (word.unsigned br <> 0 -> exists v', tuple.apply (invariant v' t m brmc) localstuple)
/\ (word.unsigned br = 0%Z -> post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))
(Hbody : forall v t m mc, tuple.foralls (fun localstuple =>
tuple.apply (invariant v t m mc) localstuple ->
cmd call c t m (reconstruct variables localstuple) mc (fun t m l mc =>
exists br brmc, expr m l e (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc) (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ (word.unsigned br <> 0 -> Markers.unique (Markers.left (tuple.existss (fun localstuple => enforce variables localstuple l /\ Markers.right (Markers.unique (exists v', tuple.apply (invariant v' t m brmc) localstuple /\ lt v' v))))))
/\ (word.unsigned br = 0 -> post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))))
: cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m l mc post.
eapply (atleastonce_localsmap (fun v t m l mc => exists localstuple, Logic.and (enforce variables localstuple l) (tuple.apply (invariant v t m mc) localstuple))); eauto.
1: {
destruct Henter as [br [brmc [He [Henterm Henter0]]]].
do 3 eexists; eauto; split; eauto.
intro Hbr; destruct (Henterm Hbr); eauto.
intros vi ti mi li mci (?&X&Y).
specialize (Hbody vi ti mi mci).
eapply hlist.foralls_forall in Hbody.
specialize (Hbody Y).
rewrite <-(reconstruct_enforce _ _ _ X) in Hbody.
eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hbody].
intros t' m' l' mc' (?&?&?&HH&?).
eexists; eexists; split; eauto.
split; intros; eauto.
specialize (HH ltac:(eauto)).
eapply hlist.existss_exists in HH; destruct HH as (?&?&?&?&?).
eexists; split; eauto.

Lemma tailrec_earlyout_localsmap
{e c t} {m : mem} {l mc} {post : _-> _->_->_-> Prop}
{measure : Type} (spec:_->_->_->_->_->(Prop*(_->_->_->_-> Prop))) lt
(Hwf : well_founded lt)
(v0 : measure) (P0 := (spec v0 t m l mc).(1)) (Hpre : P0)
(Q0 := (spec v0 t m l mc).(2))
(Hbody : forall v t m l mc,
let S := spec v t m l mc in let (P, Q) := S in
P ->
exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc)) /\
(word.unsigned br <> 0%Z -> cmd call c t m l brmc
(fun t' m' l' mc' =>
(exists br brmc,
expr m' l' e (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc') (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ word.unsigned br = 0 /\ Q t' m' l' (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)) \/
exists v', let S' := spec v' t' m' l' (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc') in let '(P', Q') := S' in
P' /\
lt v' v /\
forall T M L MC, Q' T M L MC -> Q T M L MC)) /\
(word.unsigned br = 0%Z -> Q t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))
(Hpost : forall t m l mc, Q0 t m l mc -> post t m l mc)
: cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m l mc post.
eapply wp_while.
eexists (option measure), (with_bottom lt), (fun v t m l mc =>
match v with
| None => exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc)) /\ word.unsigned br = 0 /\ Q0 t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)
| Some v =>
let S := spec v t m l mc in let '(P, Q) := S in
P /\ forall T M L MC, Q T M L MC -> Q0 T M L MC
split; auto using well_founded_with_bottom; []; cbv [Markers.split] in *.
{ exists (Some v0); eauto. }
intros [vi|] ti mi li mci inv_i; [destruct inv_i as (?&Qi)|destruct inv_i as (br&Hebr&Hbr0&HQ)].
{ destruct (Hbody _ _ _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption)) as (br&brmc&?&X); exists br, brmc; split; [assumption|].
destruct X as (Htrue&Hfalse). split; intros Hbr;
[pose proof(Htrue Hbr)as Hpc|pose proof(Hfalse Hbr)as Hpc]; eauto.
eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hpc].
intros tj mj lj mcj [(br'&brmc'&Hbr'&Hz&HQ)|(vj&dP&?&dQ)];
[exists None | exists (Some vj)]; cbn [with_bottom]; eauto 9. }
repeat esplit; destruct HQ; eauto; contradiction.

Lemma tailrec_earlyout
{e c t localsmap} {m : mem}
(ghosttypes : polymorphic_list.list Type)
(variables : list String.string)
{l0 : tuple word (length variables)} {mc}
{Pl : enforce variables l0 localsmap}
{post : _->_->_->_-> Prop}
{measure : Type} (spec:_->HList.arrows ghosttypes (_->_->ufunc word (length variables) (MetricLog->Prop*(_->_->ufunc word (length variables) (MetricLog->Prop))))) lt
(Hwf : well_founded lt)
(v0 : measure)
: hlist.foralls (fun (g0 : hlist ghosttypes) => forall
(Hpre : (tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v0) g0 t m) l0 mc).(1))
(Hbody : forall v, hlist.foralls (fun g => forall t m mc, tuple.foralls (fun l =>
@dlet _ (fun _ => Prop) (reconstruct variables l) (fun localsmap : locals =>
match tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v) g t m) l mc with S_ =>
S_.(1) ->
Markers.unique (Markers.left (exists br brmc, expr m localsmap e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc)) /\ Markers.right (
(word.unsigned br <> 0%Z -> cmd call c t m localsmap brmc
(fun t' m' localsmap' mc' =>
Markers.unique (Markers.left (hlist.existss (fun l' => enforce variables l' localsmap' /\ Markers.right (
Markers.unique (Markers.left (exists br brmc, expr m' localsmap' e (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc') (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc)) /\ Markers.right ( word.unsigned br = 0 /\ tuple.apply (S_.(2) t' m') l' (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)) ) ) \/
Markers.unique (Markers.left (hlist.existss (fun g' => exists v',
match tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v') g' t' m') l' (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc') with S' =>
S'.(1) /\ Markers.right (
lt v' v /\
forall T M, hlist.foralls (fun L => forall MC, tuple.apply (S'.(2) T M) L MC -> tuple.apply (S_.(2) T M) L MC)) end))))))))) /\
(word.unsigned br = 0%Z -> tuple.apply (S_.(2) t m) l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)))))end))))
(Hpost : match (tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v0) g0 t m) l0 mc).(2) with Q0 => forall t m, hlist.foralls (fun l => forall mc, tuple.apply (Q0 t m) l mc -> post t m (reconstruct variables l) mc)end)
, cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m localsmap mc post).
eapply hlist_forall_foralls; intros g0 **.
eapply wp_while.
eexists (option measure), (with_bottom lt), (fun vi ti mi localsmapi mci =>
exists li, localsmapi = reconstruct variables li /\
match vi with
| None => exists br brmc, expr mi localsmapi e mci (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc))
/\ word.unsigned br = 0 /\ tuple.apply ((tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v0) g0 t m) l0 mc).(2) ti mi) li (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc)
| Some vi => exists gi, match tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec vi) gi ti mi) li mci with S_ =>
S_.(1) /\ forall T M L MC, tuple.apply (S_.(2) T M) L MC ->
tuple.apply ((tuple.apply (hlist.apply (spec v0) g0 t m) l0 mc).(2) T M) L MC end end).
cbv [Markers.unique Markers.split Markers.left Markers.right] in *.
split; eauto using well_founded_with_bottom.
split. { exists (Some v0), l0. split. 1: eapply reconstruct_enforce; eassumption. exists g0; split; eauto. }
intros [vi|] ti mi lmapi mci.
2: { intros (ld&Hd&br&brmc&Hbr&Hz&Hdone).
eexists; eexists; split; eauto.
split; intros; try contradiction.
subst; eapply (hlist.foralls_forall (Hpost ti mi) _ _ Hdone). }
intros (?&?&gi&?&Qi); subst.
destruct (hlist.foralls_forall (hlist.foralls_forall (Hbody vi) gi ti mi mci) _ ltac:(eassumption)) as (br&brmc&?&X).
exists br, brmc; split; [assumption|]. destruct X as (Htrue&Hfalse). split; intros Hbr;
[pose proof(Htrue Hbr)as Hpc|pose proof(Hfalse Hbr)as Hpc]; clear Hbr Htrue Hfalse.
{ eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hpc].
intros tj mj lmapj mcj Hlj; eapply hlist.existss_exists in Hlj.
destruct Hlj as (lj&Elj&HE); eapply reconstruct_enforce in Elj; subst lmapj.
destruct HE as [(br'&brmc'&Hevalr'&Hz'&Hdone)|HE].
{ exists None; cbn. eauto 9. }
{ eapply hlist.existss_exists in HE. destruct HE as (l&?&?&?&HR).
pose proof fun T M => hlist.foralls_forall (HR T M); clear HR.
eexists (Some _); eauto 9. } }
{ pose proof fun t m => hlist.foralls_forall (Hpost t m); clear Hpost; eauto. }

Lemma while_zero_iterations {e c t l mc brmc} {m : mem} {post : _->_->_->_-> Prop}
(HCond: expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair (word.of_Z 0) brmc)))
(HPost: post t m l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc))
: cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m l mc post.
eapply (while_localsmap (fun n t' m' l' mc' => t' = t /\ m' = m /\ l' = l /\ mc' = mc) (PeanoNat.Nat.lt_wf 0) 0%nat).
1: unfold split; auto. intros *. intros (? & ? & ? & ?). subst.
eexists. eexists. split. 1: exact HCond.
rewrite Properties.word.unsigned_of_Z_0.
split; intros; congruence.

(* Bedrock-style loop rule *)
Local Open Scope sep_scope.
Local Infix "*" := Separation.sep : type_scope.
Local Infix "==>" := Lift1Prop.impl1.

Lemma tailrec_sep
e c t (m : mem) l mc (post : _->_->_->_-> Prop)
{measure : Type} P Q lt (Hwf : well_founded lt) (v0 : measure) R0
(Hpre : (P v0 t l mc * R0) m)
(Hbody : forall v t m l mc R, (P v t l mc * R) m ->
exists br brmc, expr m l e mc (eq (Datatypes.pair br brmc)) /\
(word.unsigned br <> 0%Z -> cmd call c t m l brmc
(fun t' m' l' mc' => exists v' dR, (P v' t' l' (cost_loop_true isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) mc') * (R * dR)) m' /\
lt v' v /\
forall T L MC, Q v' T L MC * dR ==> Q v T L MC)) /\
(word.unsigned br = 0%Z -> (Q v t l (cost_loop_false isRegStr UNK (Some UNK) brmc) * R) m))
(Hpost : forall t m l mc, (Q v0 t l mc * R0) m -> post t m l mc)
: cmd call (cmd.while e c) t m l mc post.
eapply wp_while.
eexists measure, lt, (fun v t m l mc => exists R, (P v t l mc * R) m /\
forall T L MC, Q v T L MC * R ==> Q v0 T L MC * R0).
split; [assumption|].
split. { exists v0, R0. split; [assumption|]. intros. reflexivity. }
intros vi ti mi li mci (Ri&?&Qi).
destruct (Hbody _ _ _ _ _ _ ltac:(eassumption)) as (br&brmc&?&X); exists br, brmc; split; [assumption|].
destruct X as (Htrue&Hfalse). split; intros Hbr;
[pose proof(Htrue Hbr)as Hpc|pose proof(Hfalse Hbr)as Hpc]; clear Hbr Htrue Hfalse.
{ eapply Proper_cmd; [ |eapply Hpc].
intros tj mj lj mcj (vj&dR&dP&?&dQ).
exists vj; split; [|assumption].
exists (Ri * dR); split; [assumption|].
intros. rewrite (sep_comm _ dR), <-(sep_assoc _ dR), dQ; trivial. }
{ eapply Hpost, Qi, Hpc. }

End Loops.

Ltac loop_simpl :=
Expand Down

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