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Port over (most of) Ralf's tid generation proof to Tulip
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jtassarotti committed Dec 7, 2024
1 parent 248852b commit ce604f6
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Showing 3 changed files with 304 additions and 14 deletions.
14 changes: 13 additions & 1 deletion src/program_proof/tulip/base.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -357,6 +357,7 @@ Definition trmlmR := gmap_viewR chan unitR.
Definition group_trmlmR := gmapR u64 trmlmR.
Canonical Structure dbhistO := leibnizO dbhist.
Definition phistmR := gmapR dbkey (dfrac_agreeR dbhistO).
Definition sid_ownR := gmapR u64 (exclR unitO).

Class tulip_ghostG (Σ : gFunctors) :=
{ (* common resources defined in res.v *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -400,6 +401,10 @@ Class tulip_ghostG (Σ : gFunctors) :=
#[global] local_gid_tokenG :: ghost_mapG Σ u64 unit;
(* replica local resources defined in program/replica/res.v *)
#[global] phys_histG :: inG Σ phistmR;
(* tid *)
#[global] gentid_predG :: savedPredG Σ val;
#[global] gentid_reservedG :: ghost_mapG Σ u64 gname;
#[global] gentid_sidG :: inG Σ sid_ownR;

Definition tulip_ghostΣ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -443,7 +448,10 @@ Definition tulip_ghostΣ :=
ghost_mapΣ dbkey dbval;
ghost_mapΣ u64 unit;
(* program/replica/res.v *)
GFunctor phistmR
GFunctor phistmR;
ghost_mapΣ u64 gname;
savedPredΣ val;
GFunctor sid_ownR

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -487,9 +495,13 @@ Record tulip_names :=
replica_token : gname;
(* res_network.v *)
group_trmlm : gname;
(* tid *)
sids : gname;
gentid_reserved : gname;

Definition sysNS := nroot .@ "sys".
Definition tulipNS := sysNS .@ "tulip".
Definition tsNS := sysNS .@ "ts".
Definition txnlogNS := sysNS .@ "txnlog".
Definition tidNS := sysNS .@ "tid".
302 changes: 290 additions & 12 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/program/txn/txn_begin.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,303 @@
From Perennial.base_logic Require Import ghost_map saved_prop mono_nat.
From Perennial.program_proof Require std_proof.
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program Require Import prelude.
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program.txn Require Import txn_repr.

Local Ltac Zify.zify_post_hook ::= Z.div_mod_to_equations.

Section program.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !tulip_ghostG Σ}.
Locate tulip_ghostG.

Local Definition zN_TXN_SITES : Z := 64.
Local Definition sid_of (ts: u64) : u64 := word.modu ts (W64 zN_TXN_SITES).

Definition sid_own (γ : tulip_names) (sid : u64) : iProp Σ :=
own γ.(sids) ({[ sid := Excl () ]}).

Local Definition gentid_au γ (sid : u64) (Φ : val → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
(|NC={⊤ ∖ ↑tidNS,∅}=>
∃ ts : nat, own_largest_ts γ ts ∗
(∀ ts' : nat, own_largest_ts γ ts' ∗ ⌜(ts < ts')%nat⌝ -∗
|NC={∅,⊤ ∖ ↑tidNS}=> ∀ tid : u64, ⌜uint.nat tid = ts'⌝ ∗ sid_own γ sid -∗ Φ #tid)).

Local Definition reserved_inv γ γr now (ts : u64): iProp Σ :=
∃ Φ, let sid := sid_of ts in
saved_pred_own γr DfracDiscarded Φ ∗
sid_own γ sid ∗
if bool_decide (uint.nat ts ≤ now)%nat then
(* This ts has already happened *)
sid_own γ sid -∗ Φ #ts
(* This ts is still in the future *)
gentid_au γ sid Φ

Local Definition gentid_inv (γ : tulip_names) now : iProp Σ :=
∃ prev (reserved : gmap u64 gname),
⌜prev ≤ now⌝%nat ∗ own_largest_ts γ prev ∗ tsc_lb now ∗
ghost_map_auth γ.(gentid_reserved) 1 reserved ∗
[∗ map] ts ↦ 'γr ∈ reserved,
reserved_inv γ γr now ts.

Definition have_gentid (γ : tulip_names) : iProp Σ :=
inv tidNS (∃ now, gentid_inv γ now).

Local Definition tid_reserved γ γr ts (Φ : val → iProp Σ) : iProp Σ :=
ghost_map_elem γ.(gentid_reserved) ts (DfracOwn 1) γr ∗
saved_pred_own γr DfracDiscarded Φ.

Global Instance have_gentid_persistent γ : Persistent (have_gentid γ).
Proof. apply _. Qed.

Definition gentid_init γ : iProp Σ :=
own_largest_ts γ 0%nat ∗ ghost_map_auth γ.(gentid_reserved) 1 (∅ : gmap u64 gname).

Lemma init_GenTID γ E :
gentid_init γ -∗
|={E}=> have_gentid γ.
iIntros "[Hts Hres]".
iMod tsc_lb_0.
iApply inv_alloc. iNext. iExists _, 0%nat, ∅.
iFrame. rewrite big_sepM_empty. eauto.

Local Lemma gentid_reserve γ now sid Φ :
gentid_inv γ now -∗
sid_own γ sid -∗
gentid_au γ sid Φ -∗
|==> tsc_lb now ∗
(* The user can pick a timestamp with the right sid, but only gets something
out of this if they pick one that is strictly greater than [clock]. *)
(∀ ts, ⌜sid = sid_of ts⌝ ==∗
(if bool_decide (now < uint.Z ts) then ∃ γr, tid_reserved γ γr ts Φ else True) ∗
gentid_inv γ now).
iIntros "(%last & %reserved & %Hlast & Hts & #Htsc & Hreserved_map & Hreserved) Hsid HAU".
iFrame "Htsc". iIntros "!> %ts %Hsid".
iAssert (⌜reserved !! ts = None⌝)%I as %Hfresh.
{ destruct (reserved !! ts) as [γr|] eqn:Hts; last done. iExFalso.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup _ _ _ _ Hts with "Hreserved") as (Φ2) "(_ & Hsid2 & _)".
rewrite -Hsid.
iDestruct (own_valid_2 with "Hsid Hsid2") as %Hval. iPureIntro. move:Hval.
rewrite singleton_op singleton_valid. done. }
case_bool_decide; last first.
{ (* They gave us an outdated timestamp. *)
iSplitR; first done. eauto with iFrame. }
iMod (saved_pred_alloc Φ DfracDiscarded) as (γr) "#HΦ"; first done.
iMod (ghost_map_insert ts γr with "Hreserved_map") as "[Hreserved_map Hreserved_ts]"; first done.
iSplitL "Hreserved_ts".
{ rewrite /tid_reserved. eauto. }
iExists last, _. iFrame "Hreserved_map Hts". iSplitR; first done.
iApply big_sepM_insert; first done.
iFrame. rewrite /reserved_inv. rewrite bool_decide_false; last lia.
iExists Φ. iFrame "HΦ". rewrite -Hsid. iFrame. done.

Local Lemma reserved_inc_clock γ now reserved :
reserved !! (W64 (S now)) = None →
([∗ map] ts↦γr ∈ reserved, reserved_inv γ γr now ts) -∗
[∗ map] ts↦γr ∈ reserved, reserved_inv γ γr (S now) ts.
intros Hnotnow.
iIntros "Hm". iApply (big_sepM_impl with "Hm").
iIntros "!> %ts %γr %Hts (%Φ & HΦ & Hsid & HAU)".
assert (uint.nat ts ≠ S now).
{ intros Heq. rewrite -Heq in Hnotnow.
replace (W64 (uint.nat ts)) with ts in Hnotnow by word. congruence. }
iExists _. iFrame.
- rewrite bool_decide_true. 2:lia. done.
- rewrite bool_decide_false. 2:lia. done.

Local Lemma gentid_inc_clock γ old now :
(old ≤ now)%nat →
(now < 2^64) →
gentid_inv γ old -∗
tsc_lb now -∗
|NC={⊤∖↑tidNS}=> gentid_inv γ now.
induction 1 using le_ind.
{ eauto. }
iIntros (?) "Hgentid #Htsc".
iDestruct (IHle with "Hgentid [Htsc]") as ">Hgentid".
{ lia. }
{ iApply tsc_lb_weaken; last done. lia. }
iDestruct "Hgentid" as "(%last & %reserved & %Hlast & Hts & _ & Hreserved_map & Hreserved)".
set ts := S m.
destruct (reserved !! (W64 ts)) as [γr|] eqn:Hts; last first.
{ (* Nothing reserved at this timestamp, not much to do. *)
iExists _, _. iFrame. iSplitR; first by eauto with lia.
iFrame "Htsc".
iApply reserved_inc_clock; done. }
(* Bump our timestamp. *)
iExists ts, _. iFrame. iFrame "Htsc".
iSplitR; first done.
rewrite !(big_sepM_delete _ _ _ _ Hts).
iDestruct "Hreserved" as "[Hthis Hreserved]".
rewrite !assoc. iSplitR "Hreserved"; last first.
{ iApply reserved_inc_clock; last done.
rewrite lookup_delete. done. }
iDestruct "Hthis" as (Φ) "(HΦ & Hsid & HAU)".
rewrite bool_decide_false. 2:word.
iMod "HAU" as (ts') "[Hts' Hclose]".
rewrite /own_largest_ts.
iDestruct (mono_nat_auth_own_agree with "Hts Hts'") as %[_ <-].
iCombine "Hts Hts'" as "Hts".
iMod (mono_nat_own_update ts with "Hts") as "[[Hts $] _]".
{ lia. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hts]") as "Hfin".
{ iFrame. eauto with lia. }
iModIntro. iExists _. iFrame. rewrite bool_decide_true.
iIntros "Hsid". iApply "Hfin". iFrame. word.

Local Lemma gentid_completed γ γr clock ts Φ :
£1 -∗
gentid_inv γ clock -∗
tid_reserved γ γr ts Φ -∗
tsc_lb (uint.nat ts) -∗
|NC={⊤∖↑tidNS}=> ∃ clock', gentid_inv γ clock' ∗ Φ #ts.
iIntros "LC Hgentid Hreserved Htsc".
set clock' := max clock (uint.nat ts).
iAssert (|NC={⊤∖↑tidNS}=> gentid_inv γ clock')%I with "[Htsc Hgentid]" as ">Hgentid".
{ destruct (decide (clock <= uint.nat ts)%nat); last first.
{ replace clock' with clock by lia. done. }
iMod (gentid_inc_clock with "Hgentid Htsc") as "Hgentid"; first done.
{ word. }
replace clock' with (uint.nat ts) by lia. done.
iDestruct "Hgentid" as "(%last & %reserved & %Hlast & Hts & #Htsc & Hreserved_map & Hreserved_all)".
iExists clock'.
iDestruct "Hreserved" as "[Hmap HΦ]".
iDestruct (ghost_map_lookup with "Hreserved_map Hmap") as %Hts.
iMod (ghost_map_delete with "Hreserved_map Hmap") as "Hreserved_map".
iDestruct (big_sepM_delete _ _ _ _ Hts with "Hreserved_all") as "[Hreserved Hreserved_all]".
iDestruct "Hreserved" as (Φ') "(HΦ' & Hsid & HAU)".
iDestruct (saved_pred_agree _ _ _ _ _ (#ts) with "HΦ HΦ'") as "EQ".
iMod (lc_fupd_elim_later with "LC EQ") as "EQ".
iRewrite "EQ". clear Φ.
rewrite bool_decide_true.
iModIntro. iSplitR "Hsid HAU".
- iExists _, _. iFrame. eauto.
- iApply "HAU". done.

Theorem wp_getTimestamp (sid : u64) γ :
{{{ True }}}
uint.Z sid < zN_TXN_SITES →
⊢ have_gentid γ -∗
{{{ sid_own γ sid }}}
<<< ∀∀ (ts : nat), own_largest_ts γ ts >>>
getTimestamp #sid @ ↑tsNS
getTimestamp #sid @ ↑tidNS
<<< ∃∃ (ts' : nat), own_largest_ts γ ts' ∗ ⌜(ts < ts')%nat⌝ >>>
{{{ (tid : u64), RET #tid; ⌜uint.nat tid = ts'⌝ }}}.
{{{ (tid : u64), RET #tid; ⌜uint.nat tid = ts'⌝ ∗ sid_own γ sid }}}.
iIntros (Φ) "!> _ HAU".
iIntros "%Hsid #Hinv !>" (Φ) "Hsid HAU".
rewrite /trusted_time.GetTime.
wp_pure_credit "LC".

(*@ func getTimestamp(sid uint64) uint64 { @*)
(*@ ts := trusted_time.GetTime() @*)
(*@ @*)
wp_apply (wp_GetTSC).
iInv "Hinv" as "Hgentid" "Hclose".
iMod (lc_fupd_elim_later with "LC Hgentid") as (clock) "Hgentid".
iMod (gentid_reserve with "Hgentid Hsid HAU") as "[Hclock Hcont]".
iApply ncfupd_mask_intro.
{ solve_ndisj. }
iIntros "Hclose2".
iExists _. iFrame "Hclock".
iIntros (clock2) "[%Hclock Hclock2]".
iMod "Hclose2" as "_".
set inbounds := bool_decide (uint.Z clock2 + 64 < 2^64).
set clock2_boundsafe := if inbounds then clock2 else 0.
opose proof (u64_round_up_spec clock2_boundsafe (W64 64) _ _) as H.
{ subst clock2_boundsafe inbounds. case_bool_decide; word. }
{ word. }
set rounded_ts := u64_round_up clock2_boundsafe (W64 64).
intros (Hmod & Hbound1 & Hbound2).
set reserved_ts := word.add rounded_ts sid.
assert ((uint.Z rounded_ts + uint.Z sid) `mod` 64 = uint.Z sid) as Hsidmod.
{ rewrite Z.add_mod. 2:lia.
rewrite Hmod. rewrite [uint.Z sid `mod` _]Z.mod_small. 2:split;[word|done].
rewrite Z.mod_small. 1:lia. split;[word|done]. }
assert (uint.Z (sid_of reserved_ts) = uint.Z sid) as Hsid_of.
{ rewrite /sid_of /reserved_ts.
rewrite word.unsigned_modu. 2:done.
rewrite word.unsigned_add. rewrite (wrap_small (_+_)). 2:word.
rewrite wrap_small. 1:done.
- apply Z_mod_nonneg_nonneg. all:try word. all:done.
- trans (uint.Z zN_TXN_SITES). 2:done. apply Z.mod_pos_bound. done.
iMod ("Hcont" $! reserved_ts with "[]") as "[Hreserved Hgentid]".
{ iPureIntro. rewrite /sid_of /reserved_ts. apply word.unsigned_inj. done. }
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hgentid]") as "_".
{ eauto. }
iIntros "!> _".

(*@ n := params.N_TXN_SITES @*)

(*@ tid := std.SumAssumeNoOverflow(ts, n) / n * n + sid @*)

wp_apply std_proof.wp_SumAssumeNoOverflow. iIntros (Hoverflow).
assert (inbounds = true) as ->.
{ subst inbounds. rewrite bool_decide_true; first done. word. }
subst clock2_boundsafe.
rewrite u64_Z_through_nat in Hclock.
rewrite bool_decide_true.
2:{ subst reserved_ts. word. }
iDestruct "Hreserved" as (γr) "Hreserved".

set tid := (word.add _ _).
assert (tid = reserved_ts) as -> by done.
(*@ @*)
(*@ @*)
(*@ for trusted_time.GetTime() <= tid { @*)
(*@ } @*)
(*@ @*)
(*@ return tid @*)
(*@ } @*)

set P := λ (b : bool), (if b then True else tsc_lb (uint.nat reserved_ts))%I.
wp_apply (wp_forBreak_cond P with "[] []").
{ clear Φ. iIntros "!> %Φ _ HΦ".
wp_apply (wp_GetTSC).
iMod tsc_lb_0 as "Htsc".
iApply ncfupd_mask_intro.
{ solve_ndisj. }
iIntros "Hclose".
iExists _. iFrame "Htsc".
iIntros (new_time) "[%Htime Htsc]". iMod "Hclose" as "_".
iIntros "!> _". wp_pures.
case_bool_decide; wp_pures; iApply "HΦ"; unfold P.
- done.
- iApply tsc_lb_weaken; last done. lia.
{ unfold P. auto. }
iIntros "Htsc". unfold P. clear P.

wp_pure_credit "LC1". wp_pure_credit "LC2".
iInv "Hinv" as "Hgentid" "Hclose".
iMod (lc_fupd_elim_later with "LC1 Hgentid") as (clock3) "Hgentid".
iMod (gentid_completed with "LC2 Hgentid Hreserved Htsc") as (clock4) "(Hgentid & HΦ)".
iMod ("Hclose" with "[Hgentid]") as "_".
{ eauto. }

(*@ @*)
(*@ return tid @*)
(*@ } @*)

iApply "HΦ".

Theorem wp_Txn__begin (txn : loc) γ :
⊢ {{{ own_txn_uninit txn γ }}}
Expand All @@ -44,19 +315,26 @@ Section program.
do 2 iNamed "Htxn". iNamed "Hsid".
wp_apply (wp_getTimestamp).
{ admit. }
{ admit. }
{ admit. }
iNamed "Hts".

(* Not sure which name space to use. *)
assert (↑tidNS = ↑tsNS) as ->.
{ admit. }
iMod "HAU" as (ts) "[Hts HAU]".
iFrame "Hts".
iIntros "!>" (ts') "[Hts %Hts]".
iMod ("HAU" with "[$Hts]") as "HΦ"; first done.
iIntros (tidW HtidW).
iIntros (tidW) "(%Htidw&Hown)".
iApply "HΦ".
iAssert (own_txn_ts txn ts')%I with "[$HtsW]" as "Hts"; first done.
iFrame "∗ #".
rewrite /valid_ts. word.

End program.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/program_proof/tulip/res_txnsys.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ Section res.
(** Largest timestamp assigned. *)

Definition own_largest_ts γ (ts : nat) : iProp Σ :=
mono_nat_auth_own γ.(largest_ts) 1 ts.
mono_nat_auth_own γ.(largest_ts) (1/2) ts.

Definition is_largest_ts_lb γ (ts : nat) : iProp Σ :=
mono_nat_lb_own γ.(largest_ts) ts.
Expand Down

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