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Prove encoding/decoding of map
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yunshengtw committed Nov 26, 2024
1 parent cc57262 commit c4a2c09
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Showing 4 changed files with 274 additions and 1 deletion.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/program_proof/tulip/program/prelude.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ Defined.

Instance dbval_into_val_for_type : IntoValForType dbval (boolT * (stringT * unitT)%ht).
Proof. constructor; [done | done | intros [v |]; by auto]. Defined.
Proof. by constructor; [| | intros [v |]; auto]. Defined.

Definition dbmod_to_val (x : dbmod) : val :=
(#(LitString x.1), (dbval_to_val x.2, #())).
Expand All @@ -54,6 +54,11 @@ Proof.
by destruct v.

Instance dbmod_into_val_for_type :
IntoValForType dbmod (stringT * (boolT * (stringT * unitT) * unitT)%ht).
Proof. by constructor; [| | intros [k [s |]]; auto 10]. Defined.

Definition ppsl_to_val (v : ppsl) : val := (#v.1, (#v.2, #())).

Definition ppsl_from_val (v : val) : option ppsl :=
Expand Down
115 changes: 115 additions & 0 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/program/util/decode_kvmap_into_slice.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program Require Import prelude.
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program.util Require Import decode_write_entry.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import marshal_stateless_proof.

Section program.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !paxos_ghostG Σ}.

Theorem wp_DecodeKVMapIntoSlice
(bsP : Slice.t) (m : dbmap) (mdata : list u8) (bstail : list u8) :
encode_dbmap m mdata ->
{{{ own_slice_small bsP byteT (DfracOwn 1) (mdata ++ bstail) }}}
DecodeKVMapIntoSlice (to_val bsP)
{{{ (entsP : Slice.t) (dataP : Slice.t), RET (to_val entsP, to_val dataP);
own_dbmap_in_slice entsP m ∗
own_slice_small dataP byteT (DfracOwn 1) bstail
iIntros (Hmdata Φ) "Hbs HΦ".
destruct Hmdata as (xs & Hmdata & Hxs).
iDestruct (own_slice_small_sz with "Hbs") as %Hlenbs.
assert (Hlenxs : length xs < 2 ^ 64).
{ rewrite length_app in Hlenbs.
assert (Hlen : (length mdata ≤ uint.nat bsP.( by lia.
rewrite Hmdata in Hlen.
apply encode_dbmods_length_inv in Hlen.

(*@ func DecodeKVMapIntoSlice(bs []byte) ([]tulip.WriteEntry, []byte) { @*)
(*@ n, bs1 := marshal.ReadInt(bs) @*)
(*@ @*)
rewrite Hmdata /encode_dbmods -app_assoc.
wp_apply (wp_ReadInt with "Hbs").
iIntros (p) "Hxs".

(*@ var data = bs1 @*)
(*@ var ents = make([]tulip.WriteEntry, 0, n) @*)
(*@ @*)
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first done.
iIntros (dataP) "HdataP".
wp_apply (wp_NewSliceWithCap (V:= dbmod)); first word.
iIntros (entsbaseP) "Hents".
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first done.
iIntros (entsP) "HentsP".

(*@ var i uint64 = 0 @*)
(*@ for i < n { @*)
(*@ x, bsloop := DecodeWriteEntry(data) @*)
(*@ ents = append(ents, x) @*)
(*@ data = bsloop @*)
(*@ i++ @*)
(*@ } @*)
(*@ @*)
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first by auto.
iIntros (iP) "HiP".
set P := (λ cont : bool, ∃ (i : u64) (p1 p2 : Slice.t),
let remaining := encode_dbmods_xlen (drop (uint.nat i) xs) ++ bstail in
"HdataP" ∷ dataP ↦[slice.T byteT] p1 ∗
"HentsP" ∷ entsP ↦[slice.T (struct.t WriteEntry)] p2 ∗
"HiP" ∷ iP ↦[uint64T] #i ∗
"Hxs" ∷ own_slice_small p1 byteT (DfracOwn 1) remaining ∗
"Hents" ∷ own_slice p2 (struct.t WriteEntry) (DfracOwn 1) (take (uint.nat i) xs) ∗
"%Hbound" ∷ ⌜cont || bool_decide (length xs ≤ uint.nat i)%nat⌝)%I.
wp_apply (wp_forBreak_cond P with "[] [-HΦ]"); last first; first 1 last.
{ by iFrame. }
{ clear Φ.
iIntros (Φ) "!> HP HΦ".
iNamed "HP".
rewrite Z_u64; last first.
{ clear -Hlenxs. lia. }
set b := bool_decide _.
destruct b eqn:Hb; wp_pures; last first.
{ iApply "HΦ".
subst b.
case_bool_decide as Hi; first done.
apply bool_decide_pack.
subst b. apply bool_decide_eq_true_1 in Hb.
assert (is_Some (xs !! uint.nat i)) as [x Hx].
{ apply lookup_lt_is_Some_2. word. }
rewrite (drop_S _ _ _ Hx) encode_dbmods_xlen_cons -app_assoc.
wp_apply (wp_DecodeWriteEntry with "Hxs").
iIntros (bsloopP) "Hbsloop".
wp_apply (wp_SliceAppend with "Hents").
iIntros (entsP') "Hents".
do 2 wp_store. wp_load. wp_store.
iApply "HΦ".
iFrame "∗ %".
rewrite uint_nat_word_add_S; last word.
rewrite (take_S_r _ _ _ Hx).
by iFrame.
iNamed 1.
case_bool_decide as Hi; last done.
do 2 wp_load.

(*@ return ents, data @*)
(*@ } @*)
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite take_ge; last apply Hi.
rewrite drop_ge; last apply Hi.
by iFrame.

End program.
79 changes: 79 additions & 0 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/program/util/encode_kvmap.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program Require Import prelude.
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program.util Require Import encode_write_entry.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import marshal_stateless_proof.

Section program.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !paxos_ghostG Σ}.

Theorem wp_EncodeKVMap (bsP : Slice.t) (mP : loc) (bs : list u8) q (m : dbmap) :
{{{ own_slice bsP byteT (DfracOwn 1) bs ∗ own_map mP q m }}}
EncodeKVMap (to_val bsP) #mP
{{{ (dataP : Slice.t) (mdata : list u8), RET (to_val dataP);
own_slice dataP byteT (DfracOwn 1) (bs ++ mdata) ∗ own_map mP q m ∗
⌜encode_dbmap m mdata⌝
iIntros (Φ) "[Hbs Hm] HΦ".

(*@ func EncodeKVMap(bs []byte, m tulip.KVMap) []byte { @*)
(*@ var data = marshal.WriteInt(bs, uint64(len(m))) @*)
(*@ @*)
wp_apply (wp_MapLen with "Hm").
iIntros "[%Hszm Hm]".
wp_apply (wp_WriteInt with "Hbs").
iIntros (p) "Hp".
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first done.
iIntros (dataP) "HdataP".

(*@ for k, v := range(m) { @*)
(*@ x := tulip.WriteEntry{ @*)
(*@ Key : k, @*)
(*@ Value : v, @*)
(*@ } @*)
(*@ data = EncodeWriteEntry(data, x) @*)
(*@ } @*)
(*@ @*)
set P := (λ (mx : dbmap), ∃ (px : Slice.t) (ml : list dbmod),
let l := encode_dbmods_xlen ml in
"HdataP" ∷ dataP ↦[slice.T byteT] px ∗
"Hdata" ∷ own_slice px byteT (DfracOwn 1) (bs ++ u64_le (W64 (size m)) ++ l) ∗
"%Hml" ∷ ⌜ml ≡ₚ map_to_list mx⌝)%I.
wp_apply (wp_MapIter_fold _ _ _ P with "Hm [-HΦ]").
{ iExists _, []. rewrite map_to_list_empty. by iFrame. }
{ clear Φ.
iIntros (mx k v Φ) "!> [HP %Hk] HΦ".
destruct Hk as [Hmxk Hmk].
iNamed "HP".
wp_apply (wp_EncodeWriteEntry _ (k, v) with "Hdata").
iIntros (py) "Hdata".
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite -2!(app_assoc _ _ (encode_dbmod (k, v))).
iExists _, (ml ++ [(k, v)]).
rewrite encode_dbmods_xlen_snoc.
rewrite map_to_list_insert; last apply Hmxk.
rewrite Hml.
apply Permutation_cons_append.
iIntros "[Hm HP]".
iNamed "HP".

(*@ return data @*)
(*@ } @*)
iApply "HΦ".
exists ml.
split; last done.
rewrite /encode_dbmods.
do 2 f_equal.
by rewrite Hml length_map_to_list.

End program.
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions src/program_proof/tulip/program/util/encode_kvmap_from_slice.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program Require Import prelude.
From Perennial.program_proof.tulip.program.util Require Import encode_write_entry.
From Perennial.program_proof Require Import marshal_stateless_proof.

Section program.
Context `{!heapGS Σ, !paxos_ghostG Σ}.

Theorem wp_EncodeKVMapFromSlice (bsP : Slice.t) (xsP : Slice.t) (bs : list u8) (m : dbmap) :
{{{ own_slice bsP byteT (DfracOwn 1) bs ∗ own_dbmap_in_slice xsP m }}}
EncodeKVMapFromSlice (to_val bsP) (to_val xsP)
{{{ (dataP : Slice.t) (mdata : list u8), RET (to_val dataP);
own_slice dataP byteT (DfracOwn 1) (bs ++ mdata) ∗
own_dbmap_in_slice xsP m ∗
⌜encode_dbmap m mdata⌝
iIntros (Φ) "[Hbs Hm] HΦ".

(*@ func EncodeKVMapFromSlice(bs []byte, xs []tulip.WriteEntry) []byte { @*)
(*@ var data = marshal.WriteInt(bs, uint64(len(xs))) @*)
(*@ @*)
wp_apply wp_slice_len.
wp_apply (wp_WriteInt with "Hbs").
iIntros (p) "Hp".
wp_apply wp_ref_to; first done.
iIntros (dataP) "HdataP".

(*@ for _, x := range(xs) { @*)
(*@ data = EncodeWriteEntry(data, x) @*)
(*@ } @*)
(*@ @*)
iDestruct "Hm" as (xs) "[Hm %Hxs]".
iDestruct (own_slice_small_acc with "Hm") as "[Hm HmC]".
iDestruct (own_slice_small_sz with "Hm") as %Hlenm.
set nW := xsP.(
set P := (λ (i : u64), ∃ (px : Slice.t),
let l := encode_dbmods_xlen (take (uint.nat i) xs) in
"HdataP" ∷ dataP ↦[slice.T byteT] px ∗
"Hdata" ∷ own_slice px byteT (DfracOwn 1) (bs ++ u64_le nW ++ l))%I.
wp_apply (wp_forSlice P with "[] [$Hm $Hp $HdataP]"); last first; first 1 last.
{ clear Φ.
iIntros (i x Φ) "!> [HP %Hloop] HΦ".
destruct Hloop as [Hi Hx].
iNamed "HP".
wp_apply (wp_EncodeWriteEntry with "Hdata").
iIntros (py) "Hpy".
iApply "HΦ".
rewrite uint_nat_word_add_S; last word.
by rewrite (take_S_r _ _ _ Hx) encode_dbmods_xlen_snoc -app_assoc.
iIntros "[HP Hm]".
iNamed "HP".

(*@ return data @*)
(*@ } @*)
iDestruct ("HmC" with "Hm") as "Hm".
iApply "HΦ".
split; first done.
exists xs.
split; last done.
subst nW.
rewrite -Hlenm firstn_all /encode_dbmods Hlenm.
do 2 f_equal.

End program.

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