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Simplify proof since leaf nodes are never created in the Put loop
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upamanyus committed Dec 2, 2024
1 parent b24b8ff commit bbbe3bf
Showing 1 changed file with 2 additions and 116 deletions.
118 changes: 2 additions & 116 deletions src/program_proof/pav/merkle.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -611,121 +611,8 @@ Proof.
rename n into remainingHeight.
destruct (remainingHeight).
{ (* case: leaf *)
repeat iExists _.
{ rewrite last_snoc //. }
iSplitL "HchildNode Hsl".
iApply own_node_except_unfold.
repeat iExists _.
iDestruct (struct_fields_split with "HchildNode") as "H".
iNamed "H".
rewrite zero_slice_val.
iDestruct (own_slice_small_nil) as "$"; first done.
iSplitR; first done.
iSplitR; first done.
instantiate (1:=Leaf _).
repeat (iSplitR; try iPureIntro).
{ rewrite length_app /=. word. }
{ intros ?. apply new_leaf_eq_map. }
{ by replace (uint.nat _ - uint.nat _)%nat with (O) by word. }

iDestruct (big_sepL2_length with "Hchildren") as %Hchildren.
iIntros (?) "Hnode' %Heq' %Hheight'".
iApply ("Hrest" with "[-]").
iApply own_node_except_unfold.
repeat iExists _.
iFrame "Hptr_hash Hptr_children ∗".
iSplitR; first done.
{ rewrite length_insert //. }
replace (uint.nat (W64 (uint.Z pos))) with (uint.nat pos) by word.
instantiate (1:=Interior (<[uint.nat pos := Some sub_tree' ]> children)).
iDestruct (big_sepL2_lookup_2_some with "Hchildren") as %[? Hchildren_lookup].
{ done. }
iDestruct (big_sepL2_insert_acc _ _ _ (uint.nat pos) with "Hchildren") as "[_ Hchildren]".
{ done. }
{ done. }
iApply "Hchildren".
rewrite [in drop (uint.nat i) _](drop_S _ pos) //.
rewrite decide_True //.
iExactEq "Hnode'".
repeat f_equal.
intros ?.
replace (uint.nat (w64_word_instance.(word.add) i (W64 1))) with (S (uint.nat i)) in Heq', Hheight' by word.
replace (uint.nat full_height - S _)%nat with (O) in Hheight' by word.
erewrite drop_S; last done.
assert (drop (S (uint.nat i)) id = []) as Heq.
apply drop_ge.
rewrite /full_height in Hdepth.
rewrite Heq in Heq' |- *.
rewrite insert_insert in Heq'.
destruct (decide (k = [pos])).
- subst.
rewrite lookup_insert /=.
rewrite /= list_lookup_insert //.
2:{ word. }
specialize (Heq' []).
simpl in Heq'.
- rewrite lookup_insert_ne //.
specialize (Hsubmap k).
destruct k.
+ simpl in *. done.
+ simpl in *.
specialize (Heq' []).
simpl in *.
destruct sub_tree'; try done.
destruct k.
2:{ (* In this case, the lookup must be None. *)
destruct (decide (pos = w)).
- subst.
rewrite list_lookup_insert /=; last word.
opose proof (list_lookup_lt (children) (uint.nat w) _) as
[child Hchild].
{ word. }
rewrite Hchild in Hsubmap.
eapply Forall_lookup in Hheight; last done.
destruct child; try done.
by destruct t.
- rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne /=.
2:{ intros Hbad. apply n0. word. }
opose proof (list_lookup_lt (children) (uint.nat w) _) as
[child Hchild].
{ word. }
rewrite Hchild in Hsubmap |- *.
eapply Forall_lookup in Hheight; last done.
destruct child; try done.
rewrite list_lookup_insert_ne /=.
2:{ intros ?. apply n. f_equal. word. }
apply Forall_insert.
- done.
- destruct sub_tree'; try done.
replace (uint.nat _ - _)%nat with (O) in Hheight' by word.
{ (* case: leaf, can't happen *)
exfalso. rewrite /full_height in Hdepth. word.
{ (* case: interior node *)
repeat iExists _.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -803,7 +690,6 @@ Proof.
simpl in *.
rewrite list_lookup_insert //.
2:{ word. }
specialize []
specialize (Heq' []).
simpl in Heq'.
Expand Down

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