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sanjit-bhat committed Nov 25, 2024
1 parent 7e44a5a commit 8d32fde
Showing 1 changed file with 56 additions and 50 deletions.
106 changes: 56 additions & 50 deletions src/program_proof/pav/client.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -412,8 +412,8 @@ Proof.
wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" $! ( None false)).
iDestruct (big_sepM2_insert_2 (λ _ x y, SigDig.own x y) _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "Hown_dig Hown_sd") as "Hnew_own_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 (λ _ x, is_SigDig x _) _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "His_dig His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "[His_dig] His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd". { by iFrame "His_dig". }
iClear "Hown_sd His_sd Hown_dig His_dig".

(* grow ghost digs. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -488,17 +488,18 @@ Proof.
wp_apply (wp_checkNonMemb with "[$Hown_vrf_pk $Hsl_Dig $Hown_nonmemb]").
iIntros "*". iNamed 1. wp_if_destruct.
{ wp_pures. iApply "HΦ". by iFrame "∗∗#%". }
do 2 wp_loadField. wp_apply (wp_MapInsert_to_val with "[$Hown_sd_refs]").
iNamed "Herr". do 2 wp_loadField.
wp_apply (wp_MapInsert_to_val with "[$Hown_sd_refs]").
iIntros "Hown_sd_refs". wp_loadField. wp_storeField. wp_loadField.
wp_apply wp_allocStruct; [val_ty|]. iIntros (?) "H".
iDestruct (struct_fields_split with "H") as "H". iNamed "H".
wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" $! ( None false)).
iFrame "Evid Err Herr".
iFrame "Evid Err".
(* our impl always inserts, even if the dig was already there. *)
iDestruct (big_sepM2_insert_2 (λ _ x y, SigDig.own x y) _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "Hown_dig Hown_sd") as "Hnew_own_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 (λ _ x, is_SigDig x _) _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "His_dig His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "[His_dig] His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd". { by iFrame "His_dig". }
iClear "Hown_sd His_sd Hown_dig His_dig".
iFrame "Hown_sd_refs Hptr_nextVer Hown_cli Hptr_nextEpoch Hown_vrf_pk #".
destruct (decide ((S $ uint.nat dig.(SigDig.Epoch)) = length digs)).
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -661,8 +662,8 @@ Proof.
wp_pures. iApply ("HΦ" $! ( None false)).
iDestruct (big_sepM2_insert_2 (λ _ x y, SigDig.own x y) _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "Hown_dig Hown_sd") as "Hnew_own_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 (λ _ x, is_SigDig x _) _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "His_dig His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd".
iDestruct (big_sepM_insert_2 _ _ dig.(SigDig.Epoch)
with "[His_dig] His_sd") as "Hnew_is_sd". { by iFrame "His_dig". }
iClear "Hown_sd His_sd Hown_dig His_dig".
iFrame "Evid Err Hown_sd_refs Hptr_nextVer Hown_cli Hptr_nextEpoch
Hown_vrf_pk #".
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -734,21 +735,6 @@ Proof.
- iFrame "#".

(* is_audit says we've audited up *to* (not including) bound. *)
Definition is_audit (cli_γ adtr_γ : gname) serv_vrf_pk (bound : w64) : iProp Σ :=
∃ adtr_st,
"%Hlen_adtr" ∷ ⌜ length adtr_st = uint.nat bound ⌝ ∗
"#Hlb_adtr" ∷ mono_list_lb_own adtr_γ adtr_st ∗
"#Hdigs_adtr" ∷ ([∗ list] x ∈ adtr_st, is_dig (lower_adtr x.1) x.2) ∗
"%Hinv_adtr" ∷ ⌜ adtr_inv (fst <$> adtr_st) ⌝ ∗
"#Hmap_transf" ∷ (□ ∀ (ep : w64) m dig uid ver val,
("%Hlook_adtr" ∷ ⌜ adtr_st !! uint.nat ep = Some (m, dig) ⌝ ∗
"#His_entry" ∷ is_cli_entry cli_γ serv_vrf_pk ep uid ver val)
(∃ label,
"#His_label" ∷ is_map_label serv_vrf_pk uid ver label ∗
"%Hin_adtr" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = val ⌝)).

Definition auditEpoch_post adtr_pk seen_dig : iProp Σ :=
□ ∀ adtr_γ,
("#His_pk" ∷ is_sig_pk adtr_pk (adtr_sigpred adtr_γ))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -781,7 +767,7 @@ Proof.
wp_apply wp_allocStruct; [val_ty|]. iIntros (?) "H".
iDestruct (struct_fields_split with "H") as "H". iNamedSuffix "H" "_stdErr".
wp_apply (wp_callAdtrGet with "Hown_adtr_cli"). iIntros "* H". iNamed "H".
wp_apply (wp_CallAdtrGet with "Hown_adtr_cli"). iIntros "* H". iNamed "H".
{ iApply ("HΦ" $! _ ( None _)). by iFrame "∗#". }
simpl. iNamed "H". iNamed "Hown_info". do 3 wp_loadField.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -837,20 +823,45 @@ Lemma adtr_inv_prefix {l} l' :
l' `prefix_of` l →
adtr_inv l →
adtr_inv l'.
Proof. Admitted.
intros Hpref [Hinv0 Hinv1]. split.
- intros ???? Hlook0 Hlook1 ?.
opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook0 Hpref) as Hlook0'.
opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook1 Hpref) as Hlook1'.
by apply (Hinv0 _ _ _ _ Hlook0' Hlook1').
- intros ????? Hlook0 Hlook1.
opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook0 Hpref) as Hlook0'.
by apply (Hinv1 _ _ _ _ _ Hlook0' Hlook1).

Lemma prefix_lookup_agree {A} l1 l2 i (x1 x2 : A) :
l1 `prefix_of` l2 ∨ l2 `prefix_of` l1 →
l1 !! i = Some x1 →
l2 !! i = Some x2 →
x1 = x2.
intros Hpre Hlook1 Hlook2.
destruct Hpre as [Hpre|Hpre].
- opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook1 Hpre) as ?. by simplify_eq/=.
- opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook2 Hpre) as ?. by simplify_eq/=.
intros Hpref Hlook1 Hlook2.
destruct Hpref as [Hpref|Hpref].
- opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook1 Hpref) as ?. by simplify_eq/=.
- opose proof (prefix_lookup_Some _ _ _ _ Hlook2 Hpref) as ?. by simplify_eq/=.

(* is_audit says we've audited up *to* (not including) bound. *)
Definition is_audit (cli_γ adtr_γ : gname) serv_vrf_pk (bound : w64) : iProp Σ :=
∃ adtr_st,
"%Hlen_adtr" ∷ ⌜ length adtr_st = uint.nat bound ⌝ ∗
"#Hlb_adtr" ∷ mono_list_lb_own adtr_γ adtr_st ∗
"#Hdigs_adtr" ∷ ([∗ list] x ∈ adtr_st, is_dig (lower_adtr x.1) x.2) ∗
"%Hinv_adtr" ∷ ⌜ adtr_inv (fst <$> adtr_st) ⌝ ∗
"#Hmap_transf" ∷ (□ ∀ (ep : w64) m dig uid ver val,
("%Hlook_adtr" ∷ ⌜ adtr_st !! uint.nat ep = Some (m, dig) ⌝ ∗
"#His_entry" ∷ is_cli_entry cli_γ serv_vrf_pk ep uid ver val)
(∃ label adtr_val,
"#His_label" ∷ is_map_label serv_vrf_pk uid ver label ∗
"%Hin_adtr" ∷ ⌜ m !! label = adtr_val ⌝ ∗
"%Henc_val" ∷ ⌜ val = (λ x, MapValPre.encodesF ( x.1 x.2)) <$> adtr_val ⌝)).

Lemma wp_Client__Audit ptr_c c (adtrAddr : w64) sl_adtrPk adtr_pk :
uint.Z c.(Client.next_epoch) > 0 →
Expand All @@ -864,9 +875,9 @@ Lemma wp_Client__Audit ptr_c c (adtrAddr : w64) sl_adtrPk adtr_pk :
"Hown_err" ∷ ClientErr.own ptr_err err c.(Client.serv_sig_pk) ∗
"Herr" ∷ if err.(ClientErr.Err) then True else
∀ adtr_γ,
("#His_pk" ∷ is_pk adtr_pk (adtr_sigpred adtr_γ))
("#His_pk" ∷ is_sig_pk adtr_pk (adtr_sigpred adtr_γ))
("#His_audit" ∷ is_audit c.(Client.γ) adtr_γ c.(Client.next_epoch))
("#His_audit" ∷ is_audit c.(Client.γ) adtr_γ c.(Client.serv_vrf_pk) c.(Client.next_epoch))
iIntros (? Φ) "H HΦ". iNamed "H". rewrite /Client__Audit.
Expand All @@ -885,7 +896,7 @@ Proof.
"%Hdom" ∷ ⌜ dom sd_ptrs' = dom sd' ⌝ ∗
"%Hsub" ∷ ⌜ sd' ⊆ sd ⌝ ∗
"#Hpost" ∷ ([∗ map] x ∈ sd', auditEpoch_post adtr_pk x)
else True)%I with "Hown_sd_map [$Hown_cli_adtr $Hptr_err0 Herr0]").
else True)%I with "Hown_sd_refs [$Hown_cli_adtr $Hptr_err0 Herr0]").
{ iDestruct (struct_fields_split with "Herr0") as "H". iNamed "H".
iExists ( None false). iFrame. iExists ∅.
iSplit; [done|]. iSplit. { iPureIntro. by eapply map_empty_subseteq. }
Expand All @@ -896,8 +907,8 @@ Proof.
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "His_sd") as "H"; [exact Hlook_dig|].
iNamed "H". wp_apply (wp_auditEpoch with "[$Hown_cli_adtr]"); [iFrame "#"|].
iIntros (??) "Haudit". iNamedSuffix "Haudit" "1".
iDestruct "Haudit" as "#Haudit".
iNamedSuffix "Herr1" "1". wp_loadField. wp_if_destruct.
iDestruct "Herr1" as "#Haudit".
iNamedSuffix "Hown_err1" "1". wp_loadField. wp_if_destruct.
- wp_store. iApply "HΦ". iExists ptr_err, err.
rewrite /ClientErr.own Heqb. by iFrame "∗#".
- iApply "HΦ". iExists ptr_err0, err0.
Expand All @@ -923,21 +934,21 @@ Proof.
2: { exfalso. rewrite lookup_ge_None in Hlast_dig. word. }
opose proof (Hlast_digs _ _) as [??]; [done|]. simplify_eq/=.
rewrite Hlen_digs in Hlast_dig.
replace (pred (uint.nat c.(Client.next_epoch))) with
(Z.to_nat (uint.Z c.(Client.next_epoch) - 1%Z)) in Hlast_dig; [|word].
assert (pred $ uint.nat c.(Client.next_epoch) =
uint.nat (word.sub c.(Client.next_epoch) (W64 1))) as Heq_pred by word.
rewrite Heq_pred in Hlast_dig.
pose proof (Hagree_digs_sd _ _ Hlast_dig) as [? Hlook_sd].
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hpost") as "H"; [exact Hlook_sd|].
iSpecialize ("H" with "His_pk"). iNamed "H". simpl in *.

iExists (take (uint.nat c.(Client.next_epoch)) adtr_st).
iExists (take (uint.nat c.(Client.next_epoch)) adtr_st). do 4 try iSplit.
{ iPureIntro. apply lookup_lt_Some in Hlook_dig.
rewrite length_take_le; [done|word]. }
iSplit. { iApply (mono_list_lb_own_le with "Hlb_adtr"). apply prefix_take. }
iSplit. { iApply (big_sepL_take with "Hdigs_adtr"). }
{ iPureIntro. rewrite fmap_take. refine (adtr_inv_prefix _ _ Hinv_adtr).
apply prefix_take. }
rewrite -Heq_pred in Hlook_dig.
rewrite length_take_le; [done|lia]. }
{ iApply (mono_list_lb_own_le with "Hlb_adtr"). apply prefix_take. }
{ iApply (big_sepL_take with "Hdigs_adtr"). }
{ iPureIntro. rewrite fmap_take.
refine (adtr_inv_prefix _ _ Hinv_adtr). apply prefix_take. }
iClear (Hlook_sd Hlook_dig Hinv_adtr) "Hdigs_adtr".
iRename "Hlb_adtr" into "Hlb_adtr0".

Expand All @@ -949,17 +960,12 @@ Proof.
pose proof (Hagree_digs_sd _ _ Hlook_digs) as [? Hlook_sd].
iDestruct (big_sepM_lookup with "Hpost") as "H"; [exact Hlook_sd|].
iSpecialize ("H" with "His_pk"). iNamed "H". simpl in *.
rewrite w64_to_nat_id in Hlook_dig.
iDestruct (big_sepL_lookup with "Hdigs_adtr") as "Hmerk_dig"; [exact Hlook_dig|].
iDestruct (is_merkle_entry_with_map with "Hhas_merk_proof Hmerk_dig") as %Hlook_final.
iDestruct (mono_list_lb_valid with "Hlb_adtr0 Hlb_adtr") as %Hpref.
apply lookup_take_Some in Hlook_adtr as [Hlook_adtr _].
opose proof (prefix_lookup_agree _ _ _ _ _ Hpref Hlook_adtr Hlook_dig) as ?.
rewrite lookup_fmap in Hlook_final.
opose proof ((option_fmap_eq_inj _ _) _ _ Hlook_final) as ?; [|done].
{ intros [??][??] Hinj.
opose proof (MapValPre.inj _ _ Hinj) as ?. naive_solver. }
rewrite lookup_fmap in Hlook_final. simplify_eq/=. naive_solver.

Lemma wp_newClient (uid servAddr : w64) sl_servSigPk servSigPk (servVrfPk : loc) :
Expand Down

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