This repository contains data and corresponding code to perform diallel analysis of shoot growth in carrots. Scripts include analyses using Griffing's Method I Model I (Griffing 1956) and BayesDiallel (Lenarcic et al. 2012, Crowley et al. 2014).
- parentalData.csv
phenotypic data for parents used to construct the diallel - diallelRawData.csv
phenotypic observations for diallel progenies, includes variables for year, replication, male parent, and female parent - Diallel tau prior.csv
prior information for BayesDiallel
computes and plots means + 95% confidence intervals for parent phenotypes -
plots phenotypic values and location of missing data by cross, year, and replication -
calculates and plots Pearson's correlations for phenotypes -
uses mice package to impute missing data (see van Buuren and Groothuis-Oudshoorn 2011); generates imputed datasets for pooled diallel analysis -
computes Griffing's ANOVA and effect estimates (i.e. GCA, SCA, reciprocal) for each imputed dataset and combines results. Calls functions from three other scripts (listed below)- 05A_diallel_analysis_functions.R
modified diallele1 function from plantbreeding package (Rosyara 2014); allows calculation of Griffing's ANOVA with multiple environments; includes additional edits to SCA calculation from G. Ramstein - 05B_calcSCA.R
function to calculate SCA estimates for multiple environments and pooling - 05C_calcRecip.R
function to calculate reciprocal effect estimates for multiple environments and pooling - 05D_pool_Griffing_Method3.R
Griffing's ANOVA using method III (without parents) to estimate Baker's ratio
- 05A_diallel_analysis_functions.R
GGE biplots for diallel phenotypes & parents following Frutos et al. (2014) -
applies and stores AFD objects from DiallelAnalyzer function in BayesDiallel -
reads in AFD objects for subsequent analyses in BayesDiallel -
plots observed vs. expected phenotypes, highest posterior density (HPD) intervals, and strawplots (see Lenarcic et al. 2012 and BayesDiallel documentation) -
exports table of posterior PSq values (diallel variance projection [VarP] in Crowley et al. 2014) for all traits -
plots relative contribution of inhertiance classes to VarP -
uses BayesDiallel AFD results to estimate the degree of dominance and the dominance index for crosses in a diallel (see Maurizio et al. 2018) -
applies and stores AFD objects for each environment -
reads in AFD objects by environment -
estimates and hybrid rankings in each environment -
plots hybrid rankings by environment
Crowley JJ, Kim Y, Lenarcic AB, Quackenbush CR, Barrick C, Adkins DE, Shaw GS, Miller DR, Pardo Manuel de Villena F, Sullivan PF, Valdar W (2014) Genetics of adverse reactions to haloperidol in a mouse diallel: A drug-placebo experiment and Bayesian causal analysis. Genetics 196(1):321-47.
Frutos E, Purificación Galindo M (2014) An interactive biplot implementation in R for modeling genotype-by-environment interaction. Stoch Environ Res Risk Assess 28:1629-1641.
Griffing B (1956) Concept of general and specific combining ability in relation to diallel crossing systems. Aust. J. Biol. Sci. 9:463-493.
Lenarcic AB, Svenson KL, Churchill GA, Valdar W (2012) A general Bayesian approach to analyzing diallel crosses of inbred strains. Genetics 190:413-435. doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.132563
Maurizio PM et al (2018) Bayesian diallel analysis reveals Mx1-dependent and Mx1-independent effects on response to influenza A virus in mice. G3 doi:10.1534/g3.117.300438
Rosyara U (2014) plantbreeding: Analysis and visualization of data from plant breeding and genetics experiments.
van Buuren S and Groothuis-Outshoorn K (2011) mice: multivariate imputation by chained equations in R. J. Stat. Softw. 45:1-67
BayesDiallel website: