FluentVCF is Bioconductor compliant, R package to determine the mutation type for a set of single nucleotide variants in a given genome.
Run the following lines in R to install FluentVCF:
if (!require("devtools")) {install.packages("devtools")}
Then load the package:
Variant Call Format (VCF) is a specification for storing genotype data in a tab-delimited file format. Below is a high-level diagram of a typical bioinformatics pipeline that produces a VCF file:
FluentVCF is a package which takes:
a set of mutations (single nucleotide variants) in VCF format,
the corresponding reference genome (e.g., human genome hg38) and
a parameter “context_length” (see below) and determines for each mutation the corresponding mutation type as follows:
The mutation type is “UP[REF>ALT]DOWN” where:
- “REF>ALT” is the single nucleotide variant from REF base to ALT base, e.g., “C>T”
- “UP” is upstream base from the reference genome (depending on the user parameter “context_length”)
- “DOWN” is one or more downstream bases from the reference genome (same user parameter)
The package provides an additional function, “mut_summary”, which summarizes the mutation types for the set of mutations into a count table (number of mutations per mutation type).
Moreover, graphical outputs are integrated.
FluentVCF relies on R packages to efficiently analyze and visualize variant call format (VCF) data. These dependencies include VariantAnnotation for VCF data extraction and annotation, GenomicRanges for genomic coordinate-based operations, dplyr for streamlined data manipulation, ggplot2 for creating informative plots, and RColorBrewer for aesthetically pleasing color palettes.
# Define the list of packages to be installed
required_packages <- c("VariantAnnotation", "GenomicRanges", "dplyr", "ggplot2", "RColorBrewer")
# Check if each package is already installed, and install if not
for (package in required_packages) {
if (!requireNamespace(package, quietly = TRUE)) {
install.packages(package, dependencies = TRUE)
# Load the installed packages
# You can now use FluentVCF with the required packages loaded