This repository is archived. We have moved forward with a new repository for the ZK Thunder implementation. For the latest and most secure code, please refer to the ZK Thunder Repository.
Do not use this repository!
This codebase contains known flaws and security vulnerabilities that we will not resolve. It is provided solely for historical reference and should not be deployed in any production or security-sensitive environment.
Originally, this repository served as an early prototype for a ZK Rollup implementation. However, due to inherent security issues and design flaws, we have ceased its maintenance and development.
- Status: Archived
- Issues: Contains known security flaws and bugs
- New Development: Ongoing work is now hosted in the ZK Thunder Repository
This project is provided "as is," with no warranties or guarantees of any kind. The maintainers are not responsible for any issues arising from its use.
This repository is preserved for historical purposes only.