Original Repository: open-mmlab/OpenPCDet
pclpy Repository: davidcaron/pclpy
- Add a file convert_pcd2bin.py
📌 needpclpy
- pcdet/datasets/kitti/kitti_dataset.py
- tools/cfgs/kitti_models/voxel_rcnn_car.yaml
- tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/kitti_dataset.yaml
- Add a file match_label.py
- label이 없는 calib, image, velodyne 파일 삭제
- Convert pcd files to bin files
$ conda activate pclpy
$ python convert_pcd2bin.py
$ conda deactivate
- Generate the data infos
kitti_dataset.yaml에서 DATA_PATH 변경해주기!
$ conda activate OpenPCDet
$ cd ~/OpenPCDet
$ python -m pcdet.datasets.kitti.kitti_dataset create_kitti_infos tools/cfgs/dataset_configs/kitti_dataset.yaml
- Train with a single GPU
voxel_rcnn_car.yaml, pv_rcnn.yaml 사용
$ cd ~/OpenPCDet/tools
$ python train.py --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/voxel_rcnn_car.yaml --batch_size 1 --epochs 10000
- Run the demo with the trained model and custom point cloud data
$ cd ~/OpenPCDet/tools
$ python demo.py --cfg_file cfgs/kitti_models/voxel_rcnn_car.yaml \
--ckpt pv_rcnn_8369.pth \
--data_path ${POINT_CLOUD_DATA}
- Test and evaluate the trained models
- To test the specific checkpoint, use
--ckpt ${CKPT}
- To test all the saved checkpoints, use
- To test the specific checkpoint, use
$ python test.py --cfg_file ${CONFIG_FILE} --batch_size ${BATCH_SIZE} --ckpt ${CKPT}
$ python test.py --cfg_file ${CONFIG_FILE} --batch_size ${BATCH_SIZE} --eval_all
nas에 있는 파일을 불러오는 경우 permission denied 에러 뜰 수 있음.
이땐conda activate ${환경이름}
후에 python 명령어 쓰지 말고,sudo ~/anaconda3/envs/${환경이름}/bin/python
뒤에 명령어 쓰기
ex)python convert_pcd2bin.py
대신sudo ~/anaconda3/envs/pclpy/bin/python convert_pcd2bin.py