Erlang RESTful interface to Amazon DynamoDB
Purpose of this module is to convert RESTful calls to action on Amazon DynamoDB tables.
It is built as a wrapper around erlang ddb module (git://
Ideally you want to use this module within your favourite Erlang web framework.
Working demo is in progress using elli web framework (git:// and it will be posted on github.
Supported REST operations: GET, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE
Prerequisites: erlang, rebar
How to compile:
Get dependencies
rebar get-deps
rebar compile
Run unit tests:
rebar eunit skip_deps=true
Example of use:
Start erlang in the root project folder
erl -pa ebin deps/*/ebin
Start required modules
'ok' = inets:start().
'ok' = ssl:start().
'ok' = application:start(ibrowse).
Replace keys with your AWS ones, region is currently being ignored it is set to us-east-1 by default
'ok' = rest2ddb:init("AccessKeyId", "SecretAccessKey", 900, "us-east-1").
Create table in DynamoDB, and add one record
{ok, _} = ddb:create_table(<<"user">>, ddb:key_type(<<"user_id">>, 'number'), 1, 1).
Wait approximately 30 seconds to get table created on AWS DynamoDB
You should log into your AWS console and check if table "user" is ACTIVE before proceeding to the next step
{ok, _} = ddb:put(<<"user">>, [
{<<"user_id">>, <<"1">>, 'number'},
{<<"email">>, <<"[email protected]">>, 'string'},
{<<"firstName">>, <<"John">>, 'string'},
{<<"lastName">>, <<"Citizen">>, 'string'}
Call this only if you change any of the DynamoDB tables schema
'ok' = rest2ddb:reload_schema().
Now you are ready to make your first GET call
%% GET /user/1?fields=firstName,lastName,email
Url = <<"user/1?fields=firstname,lastname">>.
Path = rest2ddb:extract_path(Url).
Qs = rest2ddb:extract_query(Url).
rest2ddb:get(Path, Qs).
The same as above, except no filter on fields and pass URL path already splitted into the list
%% GET /user/1
rest2ddb:get([<<"user">>,<<"1">>], []).
Get me all users with firstName=John
%% GET /user?firstName=John
rest2ddb:get([<<"user">>,<<"1">>], [{<<"firstName">>,<<"John">>}]).
Get me all users with firstName containing 'J'
%% GET /user?firstName=*J
rest2ddb:get([<<"user">>,<<"1">>], [{<<"firstName">>,<<"*J">>}]).
Delete the user
%% DELETE /user/1
rest2ddb:delete([<<"user">>,<<"1">>], []).
When done, do not forget to remove your table from DynamoDB when not needed anymore, so you are not charged for resources you do not need.