PndAid is a small PHP library for handling and interrogating Pnd files.
- Get file details (name, path, directory, extension, file size etc.)
- Basic Pnd file validation based on file extension and file type
- Find Pnd archive type (ISO|Squashfs)
- Find and extract the pXML data
- Find and extract the icon data
- Save the pXML to its own file
- Save the icon to its own file
- Ability to iterate over and seek to file data like an array
- Ability to list files in archive
- Ability to extract files from both pnd archive formats (ISO|Squashfs)
- Validate the PXML
- 7z and squashfs-tools installed on your local environment (only tested on linux)
Instantiate a PndFile:
$pnd = FileFactory::create('pnd','/path/to/foo.pnd');
Get the archive type:
$fileType = $pnd->fileType();
Get the pXml as a string:
$pxml = (string)$pnd->pxml;
Save the pXml to disk:
Check if the PXML is valid
foreach($pnd->pxml->getPxmlErrors() as $e){
echo $e;
Get the icon as a string (not much use but still):
$pxml = (string)$pnd->icon;
Save the icon to disk:
Find the position of something in the pnd binary
$position = $pnd->findInFile('<package ');
Or Iterate over any file for any reason
$fileIterator = new ReverseFileDataIterator('/path/to/file');
foreach ($fileIterator as $position => $data) {
if (stripos($data, '<PXML ') !== false) {
echo 'found at position: ' . $position + stripos($data, '<PXML ');
When extracting files from ISO or Squashfs the directory structure is preserved The ability to ignore directory structure could be implemented but I haven't
Extract preview pics from the pnd archive
$position = $pnd->extractPreviewPics('/path/to/save/directory');
You can use this library to extract any file from ISO or Squashfs archives
Extract file from Squashfs archive, same method works for IsoArchiveExtractor
$Extractor = new SquashfsArchiveExtractor('/path/to/foo.pnd');
$Extractor->extractFile('file1.png', '/dir/to/extract/to');
Extract many files from Squashfs archive, same method works for IsoArchiveExtractor
$Extractor->extractFiles(['file1.png',''], '/dir/to/extract/to');
Extract all files from Squashfs archive, same method works for IsoArchiveExtractor
Get an array list all files from Squashfs archive, same method works for IsoArchiveExtractor
$files = $Extractor->listContents();
The library is accompanied by passing unit tests. The library uses phpunit
for testing.
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The PndAid library is created and maintained by Jake Aitchison. Jake is a Solutions engineer Capita Customer Management. Jake also created and maintains OpenPandora Software Repo, a software repository written in PHP to enable easy access to new and great software on the OpenPandora.
The PndAid library is released under the LGPL v2.1 license.