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Mathusha API

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API which is written for the Mathusha service. It interacts with user data and also has the ability to perform admin requests


Other project repositories: mobile, web, telegram-bot

πŸ› οΈ Tech Stack

γ…€Python Flask SQLAlchemy Keycloak Yandex GPT Shell Script Docker

🎯 Quick Start

  • Clone the project to your computer from Github using the command:
git clone
  • Install all required dependencies from requirements.txt:
pip install requirements.txt
  • create .env in the project folder and paste these lines there:


  • Run


To create a docker container use Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml


To host the API on Glitch use

πŸ“ Documentation

🧩 SQLAlchemy Database Structure

  • Users Table
    • name - user's name -> str
    • hashed_password - user's hashed password -> str
    • level_amount - number of levels completed by the user -> int (default=0)
    • time - amount of time spent by the user on completion (in seconds) -> int (default=0)

πŸ“¬ Requests

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Admin

  • Achievements Requests
    • GET "/api/admin/achievements"
      • returns list of achievements (body: list[id -> int, name -> str, decription -> str] + list of files)
    • PATCH "/api/admin/achievement" (body: id -> int, name -> str, decription -> str + file)
      • updates achievement data
    • DELETE "/api/admin/achievemnt" (body: id -> int)
      • deletes achievemnt
  • Statistics Requests
    • GET "/api/admin/statistics"
      • returns lists of topics, users and achievements for data analysis (topics -> list, users -> list, achievements -> list)
  • Topics Requests
    • GET "/api/admin/topics"
      • returns topics list (body: list[id -> int, name -> str, decription -> str] + list of files)
    • POST "/api/admin/topic" (body: name -> str, decription -> str + file + excel_file)
      • adds new topic
    • PATCH "/api/admin/topic" (body: id -> int, name -> str, decription -> str + file)
      • updates topic
    • DELETE "/api/admin/topic" (body: id -> int)
      • delete topic

πŸ™β€β™‚οΈ User

  • User profile Requests
    • GET "/api/user"
      • returns user profile information (body: username -> str, rating -> int, place_in_top -> int + file)
    • PUT "/api/user/photo" (body: file)
      • updates user photo
    • DELETE "/api/user/photo"
      • deletes user photo
  • Topics Requests
    • GET "/api/user/topics" (body: lang -> str)
      • returns list of topics (body: list[id -> int, name -> str, photo -> str] + list of files)
    • GET "/api/user/topic_description" (body: id -> int, lang -> str)
      • returns topic description (body: description -> str)
    • GET "/api/user/topics_for_mix" (body: lang -> str)
      • returns list of topics for mix (list[id -> int, name -> str])
  • Tasks Requests
    • GET "/api/user/task" (body: id -> int, complexity -> int, tasks_for_mix -> list, lang -> str)
      • returns topic task (body: problem -> str, solution -> str)
    • PATCH "/api/user/solved_task" (body: id -> int, complexity -> int)
      • updates user and topic ratings
  • Achievements Requests
    • GET "/api/user/achievements" (body: lang -> str)
      • returns list of achievements (body: list[id -> int, name -> str, deccription -> str, photo -> str, unlocked -> int] + list of files)
  • Progress Requests
    • GET "/api/user/progress" (body: lang -> str)
      • returns topics information (body: list[id -> int, name -> str, color -> str, easy_solved_tasks -> int, medium_solved_tasks -> int, hard_solved_tasks -> int, solved_tasks -> int])
  • Rating Requests
    • GET "/api/user/rating"
      • returns sorted user list for rating (body: rating -> list[id -> int, username -> str, rating -> int], user_info -> tuple[list[id -> int, username -> str, rating -> int], place_in_top -> int], leaders -> list[id -> int] + list of files)