A Vagrantfile for use with the Softcover publishing platform
Vagrantfile and README originally prepared 29 October 2015 by Mike Weilgart
If you haven't installed vagrant and virtualbox, do so.
Clone this project to your local box
git clone [email protected]:mikeweilgart/softcover-vagrant.git
Change directories into the project.
cd softcover-vagrant
Run the following very long running command (read on before you do it!)
vagrant up
This will take roughly an hour and a half, as it will first download a minimal basebox, then download and install ALL software needed to run softcover, including the several GB worth of tex packages. Do it with a good internet connection. Run it as
time vagrant up
if you're curious how long it will take. -
Log in to the vagrant box:
vagrant ssh
You are now logged in to the vagrant box. Don't do your work yet, though!
The point of Vagrant is a disposable, reproducible virtual environment. You don't want to run a 90 minute command every time you need to refresh your environment! So next we'll repackage this vagrant box for later reuse.
If you want other packages to be available on your system each time you
vagrant up
, install them now. For example:sudo apt-get -y install vim sudo apt-get -y install git
Do the following to make your vagrant box as small and clean as possible for repackaging:
sudo apt-get clean sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/EMPTY bs=1M sudo rm -f /EMPTY cat /dev/null > ~/.bash_history && history -c && exit
Do the following (on your host system, of course) to repackage your box:
vagrant package --output softcover-ubuntu-14.04.box
Do the following to add the box to your system in vagrant and make it usable:
vagrant box add softcover-ubuntu-14.04 softcover-ubuntu-14.04.box
After you've done this the softcover-ubuntu-14.04.box file will not be used again. However you can save it if you want to by skipping the next step. (If you are setting up this vagrant environment for a whole team of people, this box is the file you should distribute! It's not included in this git repository because it is almost 3 GB.)
Remove the box now that it's been added and vagrant is storing it elsewhere:
rm softcover-ubuntu-14.04.box
Clean up the box we used for provisioning:
vagrant destroy
Make a new folder where you will have the new vagrant box, cd into it and initialize your new vagrant box using the packaged VM you've just created:
mkdir -p /path/to/new/vagrant/location/my-softcover-box cd /path/to/new/vagrant/location/my-softcover-box vagrant init softcover-ubuntu-14.04
You can now vagrant up
and vagrant destroy
all you want, and
softcover and asciidoc will be fully usable from the moment you vagrant ssh
The directory on your host computer where the Vagrantfile is stored will be accessible
from the guest as /vagrant
and I recommend keeping all softcover project directories in there.
The following web pages were extremely helpful in preparing the Vagrantfile and these installation instructions: