Title: DogWalker
Team Members: Jaemin Kim, Mike Wang, Lavanya Mittal
Demo Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ip0X578sQ0
Idea: An application where dog-owners can sign up and post requests for their dog(s) to be walked at a certain date and time. In addition, users can volunteer to respond to requests and walk dogs of other owners.
Models and Description:
- Has requests and dogs.
- Has a name, age, location, email, and password.
- Belongs to a user.
- Has a name, age, and breed.
- Belongs to a user.
- Includes the name of user, the name of the dog, email of the user, a begin time, an end time, and a date.
- Users may register for an account as well as sign in
- Users may view all dogs available
- Users may submit a request for their dog to be walked
- Users may respond to a dog walking request
- Users may edit their profile
- Users may make a profile for their dog
- Users may cancel their account
Division of Labor
Jaemin : Imported the new gem and implemented it - made views for devise as well as made everything work and oversaw the project
Mike : Made controllers, models, and views for users and made some migrations
Lavanya : Made views for home, requests, dogs, and made some migrations and seed file