This is a trainer to play blackjack
- Class = Hand. Extends Player and Dealer - Array = for optimal play - Array = Dealer playing rules - Counter helper variables for counting cards
- A deck of cards
- array of suits, array of name, array of value. Combine as needed/best.
- # of decks
- Deck penatration setting/current
- Shuffle Methods
- Running count
- Total value
- is it a pair?
- is it a soft hand?
- each card in array
- Deal both players
- Layout buttons: Hit/Stand/Split/Double
- Feedback Screen/"hidden hints" toggle
- Bet Big Button?
Click button:
- Check against optimal array, Offer Correct/incorrect feedback.
- Provide logical feedback if possible
- Proceed w/ Game
- give player another card
- if bust, start new hand
- Dealer begins to play
- Create new player hand using one of each card
- Make hands classes and create a new instance?
- One hit, then dealer plays
- Uses dealer rules, plays hand
- Peak, or ignore dealer 21s all together?
- Treatment of ace as high and low
- Creating and checking array for optimal play, specifically since there are 3 different arrays (normal, one for soft hands, and one for pairs)
- Do i need to track suits?
- User can set number of decks and specific rules that a casino may offer.
- Give user expected value of the settings
- Display mistakes in terms of expected value.
- Keep track of correct/incorrect actions over a session, track expected value in percentage and bets/per
- Professional/subdued response vs. "Fun" responses to correct/incorrect
- Sounds