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Releases: midraed/water

Landsat 8 easier than ever!

31 Mar 19:48
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  • Added a new function loadImageSR to load surface reflectance from
    Landsat 8 from ESPA files
  • calcSR only works for L7
  • calcTOAr() now estimates TOA reflectance for Landsat 8
  • surfaceTemperature() uses the scene in DN and estimates the brightness
    temperature for Landsat 7 or 8. Argument thermalband is deprecated.
  • Added a new example of weather station for the new Landsat 8 example
  • Added a Landsa 8 scene as example dataset in raw format complete with the
    surface reflectance estimated by ESPA
  • Added a new vignette describing how to use Landsat 8 data in water package

endmembers overhauled

01 Aug 22:13
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  • Added maxit parameter to calcH to control the maximun number of iterations.
  • Added an optional constrain to the selection of anchors pixels using the
    location of the weather station and a 30km buffer.
  • Changed default value for in calcH. (From 0.0018 to 0.03)
  • Added a new parameter to calcAnchors, available for both methods: buffer.
    buffer allow to set the minimun distance between two anchor pixels of the same
  • Added a new method for calcAnchors = "CITRA-MCBbc". This method chooses the
    coldest and hottest anchors pixels availables. Previous method ("CITRA-MCBr")
    chooses random pixel who meets the conditions. CITRA-MCBbc is now the default
    method for calcAnchors
  • General remote sensing functions moved to a separate file
  • loadImage detects when there is more than 1 image on the working folder
  • Rn, G, H, LE are restricted to values > 0
  • Improvements to anchors pixels selection: more releaxed hot
    temperature criterium, distance, mean of many pixels, etc
  • Added two methods for land surface estimation: single channel and split windows.
    Split windows only works for Landsat 8.
  • loadImage now loads thermal data also: low gain for L7 and both bands for L8
  • Fixed big bug when estimating ETo with a large weather station file

L8&L7 tested

03 May 14:39
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  • Solved errors when using non ASCII characters
  • Fixes some bug who prevent using water with L8 data
  • More flexibility on band names and changes to reflect the changes on USGS's
    ESPA file naming
  • Improvement to plot.waterWeatherStation to plot only data from the sattelite
    overpass when the object was created using a MTL file.

First CRAN release!

09 Oct 12:04
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change log. From 09/09/2015. Most recent changes first / on top.

Guillermo OLMEDO


  • First release to CRAN!


  • Added dailyET function to calc and sum hourly ET for a complete day
  • Added new parameter to hourlyET and dailyET to choose between ETo or ETr
  • read.WSdata doesn't require a Landsat metadata anymore. Now you can process
    weatherstation data without a landsat flyby. print method changed to reflect
  • function METRIC.EB now accepts many parameters for method of the included
    functions. For example, you can set with method you choose for LAI estimation
  • We're approaching CRAN launch date. Changed version numbering to reflect this.
    First CRAN version will be 0.3


  • Added function to prepare data from Weather Station and calc weather
    conditions at satellite flyby.
  • Added function to calculate Surface Energy Balance using METRIC


  • Rename sensibleHeatFlux() to sensibleHeatFlux_old()
  • Remove sensibleHeatFlux.CITRA()
  • Split sensibleHeatFlux in 2 new functions:
    • calcAnchors() for anchors points
    • calcH() for the iterative process to calculate H and dT
  • Added function to estimate Net Radiation

Beta 2.3

10 Sep 13:18
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Beta 2.3 Pre-release
  • Rename sensibleHEatFlux() to sensibleHEatFlux_old()
  • Remove sensibleHEatFlux.CITRA()
  • Split sensibleHeatFlux in 2 new functions:
    • calcAnchors() for anchors points
    • sensibleHeatFlux() for the iterative process to calculate H and dT
  • Added function to estimate Net Radiation


26 Aug 21:09
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Beta1 Pre-release

All features complete. Now should work with Landsat 7 or Landsat 8. Needs meta-functions. Needs documentation.


20 Aug 22:40
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alpha4 Pre-release

Now works from start to G. Takes 4.84 minutes using ON aoi. Still need to solve iteractive process.


19 Aug 02:26
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alpha Pre-release

Start preparing the package to distribute. All files created, need more documentation, and the iteractive functions doesn't really works... but I have a tar.gz So I Got That Goin For Me Which Is Nice.