Graph Explorer - v4.18.0
- #1553: Chore (release): 4.18.0
- #1445: Fix: hanging run query button
- #1435: Fix: Narrator announces Tab items activation
- #1438: Fix: Remove search box outline
- #1433: Fix: Resize sidebar
- #1439: Task: Add Manifest Generator task for EO compliance
- #1395: Task: Migrate from webpack v4 to webpack v5
- #1461: Fix/toolkit component padding
- #1455: Enhancement: Changes position of feedback button
- #1434: Task: Improve test coverage
See More
- #1476: Chore: update dependencies
- #1464: Disable invalid space error on url on carriage returns
- #1487: Chore: remove unnecessary packages
- #1484: Fix: Selectively disable invalid url warning
- #1492: Fix: Corrects position of feedback button and GE title
- #1496: Task: adjust feedback popup time
- #1459: Fix:share button enhancement
- #1495: Fix: try-it experience layout
- #1494: Enhancement: Code snippets UI
- #1526: fix: Accessibility test
- #1498: Fix: Show correct information on Modify Permissions tab
- #1500: Fix: Add Fluent Responsive stylesheet
- #1514: Chore: cut a release github workflow
- #1547: Fix: Authentication error handling
- #1549: Chore (release): 4.17.0
- #1481: Chore: reorganise test files
- #1497: Tests: move spec files closer to file under test
- #1511: Chore: change build agent
This list of changes was auto generated.