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Model Compose

Xin Zou edited this page Nov 18, 2020 · 13 revisions

How model compose works?

Model compose allows you to compose a new model from multiple existing models. All existing models used to compose a new model remain unaffected by composing. When analyzing with a composed model, the composed model will choose the most appropriate model to analyze the incoming document.

A real world scenario is: you need to process two type of documents, one is invoice, the other is expense report, you've train 2 individual models with respective training files. You name them "Invoice" and "Expense". Now you have thousands of documents to process, how can you classify with document should go with which model? Model Compose feature can help you, you could compose these 2 models into one model, called "Composed", and run the following process:

```Loop thru incoming form document 
```For each doc, call Analyze() on the "Composed" model 
```GetAnalyze result, and retrieve the docType field of the analyze result 
```If the docType Field contains “Invoice”, then do Invoice-related processing 
```If the docType Field contains “Expense" , do expense-related processing 
```End of loop 

# Steps to create a composed model
1. Go to the Model Compose page  
[[images/Model Compose Page.png]] 
2. Optionally load more pages of models by clicking the Load next page button at the bottom of the list of models  
[[images/Load Next Page.png]]  

3. Select multiple models you want to compose into a new model  
[[images/Select Multiple Models.png]]  

4. Click the compose button at the top-left of the page  
[[images/Click Compose.png]]
5. Review the model composition and optionally give the new composed model a name  
[[images/Model Compose Confirmation.png]]  

6. Click the compose button on the review view  
[[images/Click Compose On Compose View.png]]

# Additional details
* The list of models are initially sorted by their IDs. Loading additional pages of models always appends the next page of models by ID. You can sort and search the currently loaded models by clicking the list headers (e.g. Model name) and using the search bar, but only the currently loaded models are sorted and searched. 

* All composed models have a compose icon to the left of their ID in the list of models, so you can distinguish composed models from your other models   
[[images/Compose Icon.png]]

* You can view the models that make up a composed model's composition by double clicking a composed model from the list of models  
[[images/Composed Model Info.png]]

* You can identify which model was used in analysis, out of the models that make up a composed model, by viewing the model ID in the analysis results
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