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Releases: microsoft/FluidFramework

Fluid Framework v2.30.0 (minor)

18 Mar 18:36
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🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

TreeBranchEvents now exposes the rootChanged event (#24014)

TreeBranchEvents now includes the rootChanged event from TreeViewEvents.

Change details

Commit: 702a08a

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

New SchemaFactoryAlpha.scopedFactory method (#23987)

The SchemaFactoryAlpha.scopedFactory method has been added, providing an easy way to create a new SchemaFactory with a nested scope string.

Change details

Commit: cddd513

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

Rules regarding how and when lazy schema references are resolved have been clarified (#24030)

A lazy schema reference is a LazyItem referencing a TreeNodeSchema. They typically look like () => MySchema and are used when a forward reference from one schema to another is required (including but not limited to recursive and co-recursive schema).

TreeViewConfiguration now documents its significance with respect to lazy schema references. Additionally some implicit assumptions like no modifications of AllowedTypes after resolving of lazy schema references have been enforced (such modifications would previously cause undefined behavior in the future, and now an error is thrown when trying to modify them).

evaluateLazySchema has been added as an @alpha API that is now consistently used by all internal code when evaluating lazy schema references. This ensures consistent behavior and error reporting, but also adds caching. Therefore it is now supported for applications to have lazy schema references which compute the schema when invoked, without having to implement their own caching as long as those applications use evaluateLazySchema anytime they need to evaluate a lazy schema reference.

Change details

Commit: 23f3279

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

Alpha APIs for replacing handles in export formats have been redesigned (#24061)

The various import and export VerboseTree and ConciseTree APIs no longer include valueConverter options. Instead the resulting tree can be further processed to do any desired replacements. The following @alpha APIs have been added to assist with this:

  1. cloneWithReplacements
  2. replaceHandles
  3. replaceConciseTreeHandles
  4. replaceVerboseTreeHandles

Change details

Commit: 34b319c

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

⚠️ Deprecations

IContainer.getContainerPackageInfo() is now deprecated (#23840)

The IContainer.getContainerPackageInfo() function is now deprecated. This API will be removed in version 2.40.0. Use IFluidCodeDetails.package returned by IContainer.getLoadedCodeDetails() instead.

See issue #23898 for details.

Change details

Commit: 521be72

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-definitions
  • @fluidframework/container-loader

⬆️ Table of contents

Legacy API Changes

Unnecessary exports are now removed from container-runtime (#23981)

The following types in the @fluidframework/container-runtime are now removed. These types are unnecessary for external users of this package.

  • currentDocumentVersionSchema
  • DeletedResponseHeaderKey
  • DocumentSchemaValueType
  • DocumentsSchemaController
  • GCFeatureMatrix
  • GCNodeType
  • GCVersion
  • IBlobManagerLoadInfo
  • ICancellableSummarizerController
  • ICancellationToken
  • IConnectableRuntime
  • IContainerRuntimeMetadata
  • ICreateContainerMetadata
  • IDocumentSchema
  • IDocumentSchemaChangeMessage
  • IDocumentSchemaCurrent
  • IDocumentSchemaFeatures
  • IGCMetadata
  • IGCStats
  • IMarkPhaseStats
  • IRefreshSummaryAckOptions
  • ISerializedElection
  • ISubmitSummaryOptions
  • ISummarizerInternalsProvider
  • ISummarizerRuntime
  • ISummaryCancellationToken
  • ISummaryMetadataMessage
  • ISweepPhaseStats
  • Summarizer

Change details

Commit: 74896b9

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime

⬆️ Table of contents

The process and processDocumentSchemaOp functions have been removed (#24018)

process has been replaced by processMessages from the following:

  • FluidDataStoreRuntime
  • IDeltaHandler
  • IFluidDataStoreChannel
  • MockFluidDataStoreRuntime
  • MockDeltaConnection

processDocumentSchemaOp has been replaced by processDocumentSchemaMessages from DocumentsSchemaController.

See the deprecation release note for more details.

Change details

Commit: bc35d54

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime
  • @fluidframework/datastore
  • @fluidframework/datastore-definitions
  • @fluidframework/runtime-definitions
  • @fluidframework/test-runtime-utils

⬆️ Table of contents

Deprecated ILoaderOptions have been removed (#24046)

Previously ILoaderOptions exported from container-loader was extending the base ILoaderOptions defined in container-definitions to add an experimental summarizeProtocolTree property which was used to test single-commit summaries. The option is no longer required or in use, so...

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Fluid Framework v2.23.0 (minor)

04 Mar 18:30
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✨ New Features

Local value changes in presence now raise events (#23858)

The presence value managers now raise events for local value changes. The new events are as follows:

  • LatestValueManager

    • localUpdated raised when local is assigned
  • LatestMapValueManager

    • localItemUpdated raised when local.set is called
    • localItemRemoved raised when local.delete is called

Change details

Commit: 2896983

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/presence

⬆️ Table of contents

🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

Op bunching performance enhancements (#23732)

SharedTree now takes advantage of a new feature called "op bunching" where contiguous ops in a grouped batch are bunched and processed together. This improves the performance of processing ops asymptotically; as the number of local ops and incoming ops increase, the processing time will reduce.

For example, with 10 local ops + 10 incoming ops, the performance increases by 70%; with 100 local ops + 100 incoming ops, the performance increases by 94%.

This will help improve performance in the following scenarios:

  • A client makes a large number of changes in a single JS turn. For example, copy pasting large data like a table.
  • A client has a large number of local changes. For example, slow clients whose changes are slow to ack or clients with a local branch with large number of changes.

Change details

Commit: a98b04f

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

Invalid schema base classes in now throw an error instead of returning false (#23938)

As documented in TreeNodeSchemaClass, there are specific rules around sub-classing schema, mainly that only a single most derived class can be used. One place where it was easy to accidentally violate this rule and get hard-to-debug results was This has been mitigated by adding a check in which detects this mistake (which used to result in false being returned) and instead throws a UsageError explaining the situation. The error will look something like:

Two schema classes were used (CustomObjectNode and Derived) which derived from the same SchemaFactory generated class ("com.example.Test"). This is invalid.

For applications wanting to test if a given TreeNode is an instance of some schema base class, this can be done using instanceof which includes base classes when doing the check.

Change details

Commit: 0099565

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

Creating large transactions and processing inbound changes is now faster (#23929)

SharedTree sometimes composes several sequential changes into a single change. It does so whenever a transaction is created and when processing inbound changes.

Version 2.23.0 makes this composition process asymptotically faster. For example, creating a transaction that performs 1000 edits on a single array now takes 170ms instead of 1.5s (an 89% improvement).

See Change #23902 for more details.

Change details

Commit: 35847b5

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

Faster processing of events for large transactions (#23939)

In versions prior to 2.23.0, event processing time could scale quadratically (O(N^2)) with the change count when processing a batch of changes.

This performance characteristic has been corrected. See change #23908 for more details.

Change details

Commit: 2a1e7e0

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

⚠️ Deprecations

The FluidDataStoreRuntime.process function is now deprecated (#23866)

A new function processMessages has been added in place of process. The new function will be called to process multiple messages instead of a single one on the data store runtime. This is part of a feature called "op bunching" where contiguous ops of a given type and to a given data store / DDS are bunched and sent together for processing.

Note that process may still be called in scenarios where this data store runtime (Datastore layer) is running with an older version of data store context (Runtime layer) in the same client. This is to support Fluid layer compatibility.

Change details

Commit: 3f44d43

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/datastore

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Fluid Framework v2.22.1 (patch)

27 Feb 19:38
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What's Changed

  • [release/2.22] fix(merge-tree): Correctly bookkeep insert into local-only obliterate #23937
  • build(client): Update typetests in release branch after minor release 2.22.0 #23896
  • [bump] client: 2.22.0 => 2.22.1 (patch) #23891

Full Changelog: client_v2.22.0...client_v2.22.1

Fluid Framework v2.22.0 (minor)

20 Feb 06:10
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🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

Add leaves and statics to SchemaFactory. (#23787)

SchemaFactory now has a leaves member that is an array of all leaf schema.

SchemaFactory now has static members to access leaf schema and create field schema.

Change details

Commit: efa90f6

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

⚠️ Deprecations

Deprecate processCore on SharedObject and SharedObjectCore in favor of processMessagesCore (#23836)

A new function processMessagesCore has been added in place of processCore, which will be called to process multiple messages instead of a single one on the channel. This is part of a feature called "Op bunching" where contiguous ops in a grouped batch are bunched and processed together by the shared object.

Implementations of SharedObject and SharedObjectCore must now also implement processMessagesCore. A basic implementation could be to iterate over the messages' content and process them one by one as it happens now. Note that some DDS may be able to optimize processing by processing the messages together.

Change details

Commit: 5eb19a0

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/shared-object-base

⬆️ Table of contents

Other Changes

Target ES2021 (#23307)

The TypeScript build for Fluid Framework packages has been updated to target ES2021 instead of ES2020. This may result in newer JavaScript language features being used. This does not change TypeScript types, nor the JavaScript libraries being used. We only support users which support ES2022, so updating to target ES2021 should not break any supported use-case. Any users which do not have at least ES2021 language feature support may need to transpile out some additional cases after this change.

This should result in slightly reduced bundle size and slightly improved performance for users not transpiling these features out. No major impact is expected.

Change details

Commit: 091b2df

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

odsp-driver no longer depends on node-fetch (#23796)

The @fluidframework/odsp-driver package had a dependency on node-fetch to provide consistent behavior of the Fetch API across Node.js and browsers. Since v18 of Node.js, the Node-native Fetch API implementation no longer requires extra flags to be enabled, so the Fetch API is effectively now natively available on all browsers and Node.js. This dependency removal should reduce Fluid Framework's contribution to application bundle sizes.

We expect this change to have no impact for Fluid Framework consumers. However, if you are running Fluid in a Node.js environment with the --no-experimental-fetch flag, this is no longer supported.

Change details

Commit: b17276c

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/odsp-driver

⬆️ Table of contents

Change when the pre-op and op events on ISharedObjectEvents are emitted (#23836)

Previous behavior - pre-op was emitted immediately before an op was processed. Then the op was processed and op was emitted immediately after that.

New behavior - pre-op will still be emitted before an op is processed and op will still be emitted after an op is processed. However, these won't be immediate and other ops in a batch for the shared object may be processed in between.

Note that these events are for internal use only as mentioned in the @remarks section of their definition.

Change details

Commit: 5eb19a0

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/shared-object-base

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🛠️ Start Building Today!

Please continue to engage with us on GitHub Discussion and Issue pages as you adopt Fluid Framework!

Fluid Framework v2.21.0 (minor)

03 Feb 21:21
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🐛 Bug Fixes

SharedMap, SharedIntervalCollection and AttributableMap now throw an error when they encounter unrecognized Ops (#23659)

To avoid future versions of DDSes with new Op types causing silent data corruption and de-sync between clients, DDSes should error when unable to apply an Op. This prevents data loss and corruption scenarios like a summary client using old code discarding all Ops from newer clients.

If updating applications using SharedMap, SharedIntervalCollection and AttributableMap use a newer version which adds Ops types in the future, old clients which are old enough to be from before this fix will ignore the new ops instead of erroring. Therefore it may be useful to ensure this update is deployed as widely as possible before migrating any to newer versions which add new op formats to these DDSes.

Change details

Commit: 3dd4208

Affected packages:

  • @fluid-experimental/attributable-map
  • @fluidframework/map
  • @fluidframework/sequence

⬆️ Table of contents

⚠️ Deprecations

Many unnecessary exports have been deprecated in the container-runtime package (#23607)

The following types in the @fluidframework/container-runtime package are now deprecated. These types are unnecessary for external users of this package.

  • currentDocumentVersionSchema
  • DeletedResponseHeaderKey
  • DocumentSchemaValueType
  • DocumentsSchemaController
  • GCFeatureMatrix
  • GCNodeType
  • GCVersion
  • IBlobManagerLoadInfo
  • ICancellableSummarizerController
  • ICancellationToken
  • IConnectableRuntime
  • IContainerRuntimeMetadata
  • ICreateContainerMetadata
  • IDocumentSchema
  • IDocumentSchemaChangeMessage
  • IDocumentSchemaCurrent
  • IDocumentSchemaFeatures
  • IGCMetadata
  • IGCStats
  • IMarkPhaseStats
  • IRefreshSummaryAckOptions
  • ISerializedElection
  • ISubmitSummaryOptions
  • ISummarizerInternalsProvider
  • ISummarizerRuntime
  • ISummaryCancellationToken
  • ISummaryMetadataMessage
  • ISweepPhaseStats
  • Summarizer

Change details

Commit: 3da5b42

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime

⬆️ Table of contents

The IContainerContext.supportedFeatures property is now deprecated (#22877)

The IContainerContext.supportedFeatures optional property was used internally to communicate features supported by the Loader layer to the Runtime layer. This has since been replaced with functionality that is not exposed externally.

Change details

Commit: 4c06412

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-definitions

⬆️ Table of contents

ITokenClaims and ScopeType types are now deprecated (#23703)

The ITokenClaims and ScopeType types in @fluidframework/azure-client are now deprecated. These were isolated types re-exported for convenience but they do not directly interact with typical azure-client APIs.

See issue #23702 for details and alternatives.

Change details

Commit: f679945

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/azure-client

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Fluid Framework v2.20.0 (minor)

23 Jan 00:43
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🐛 Bug Fixes

Fix 'Error: PR-008: Trying to remove a non-existing entry' error in IndexedCollection class (#23243)

The IndexedCollection class would throw the following error when applying a changeset:

Error: PR-008: Trying to remove a non-existing entry:

The underlying problem has been fixed and this error should no longer occur.

Thanks to @neerajcharokar for submitting this fix!

Change details

Commit: 5996be1

Affected packages:

  • @fluid-experimental/property-changeset

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⚠️ Deprecations

Events-related interfaces have been moved to core-interfaces (#23313)

The following interfaces and types have been moved from the @fluidframework/tree package into the @fluidframework/core-interfaces package. As such, they are now deprecated in the @fluidframework/tree package.

  • Listeners
  • IsListener
  • Listenable
  • Off

Users should now import them from either @fluidframework/core-interfaces or fluid-framework.

These deprecated interfaces will be removed from the @fluidframework/tree package in Fluid Framework v3.0.

Change details

Commit: 69a755e

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

Legacy API Changes

The MockLogger class has been removed (#23010)

The MockLogger class, which was previously part of the alpha+legacy API in @fluidframework/telemetry-utils, has been removed. No replacement is provided. This class was only intended for use in testing scenarios and should be trivial to re-implement in any codebase that still needs it.

Change details

Commit: 32ff6b9

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/telemetry-utils

⬆️ Table of contents

Previously deprecated Merge-Tree and SharedString ISegment members have been removed (#23448)

The current ISegment interface over-exposes a number of properties which do not have an external use case, and any external usage could result in damage to the underlying merge-tree including data corruption. In Fluid Framework release 2.12.0 these properties and associated types were deprecated.

The only use case that will continue to be supported is determining if a segment is removed. For this purpose we've added the free function segmentIsRemoved(segment: ISegment): boolean.

For example, checking if a segment is not removed would change as follows:

- if(segment.removedSeq === undefined){
+ if(!segmentIsRemoved(segment)){

The following properties are removed from ISegment and its implementations:

  • clientId
  • index
  • localMovedSeq
  • localRefs
  • localRemovedSeq
  • localSeq
  • movedClientsIds
  • movedSeq
  • movedSeqs
  • ordinal
  • removedClientIds
  • removedSeq
  • seq
  • wasMovedOnInsert

Additionally, the following types are also removed:

  • IMergeNodeCommon
  • IMoveInfo
  • IRemovalInfo
  • LocalReferenceCollection

Change details

Commit: e98574f

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/merge-tree
  • @fluidframework/sequence

⬆️ Table of contents

The IContainerRuntimeOptions.flushMode property has been removed (#23337)

The IContainerRuntimeOptions.flushMode property was deprecated in version 2.12.0 and has been removed.

Only the default value, FlushMode.TurnBased, is supported when calling ContainerRuntime.loadRuntime directly, so there's no need for consumers to pass this option in.

Change details

Commit: fe8279c

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime

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The ContainerRuntime class has been removed (#23341)

The ContainerRuntime class was deprecated in version 2.12.0 and has been removed. Use IContainerRuntime to replace type usages and use the free function loadContainerRuntime to replace usages of the static method ContainerRuntime.loadRuntime.

See the deprecation announcement for more details about how to update existing code.

Change details

Commit: 61ba06a

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/aqueduct
  • @fluid-experimental/attributor
  • @fluidframework/container-runtime
  • @fluidframework/test-utils

⬆️ Table of contents

The createDataStoreWithProps APIs on ContainerRuntime and IContainerRuntimeBase have been removed (#22996)

ContainerRuntime.createDataStoreWithProps and IContainerRuntimeBase.createDataStoreWithProps were deprecated in version 0.25.0 and have been removed.

Replace uses of these APIs with PureDataObjectFactory.createInstanceWithDataStore and pass in props via the initialState parameter.

These changes were originally announced in version 0.25.0. See the following issues for more details:

Change details

Commit: bd243fb

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/aqueduct
  • @fluidframework/container-runtime
  • @fluidframework/container-runtime-definitions
  • @fluidframework/datastore
  • @fluidframework/runtime-definitions
  • @fluidframework/test-runtime-utils

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Replace 'any' in return type for several APIs ([#23238](#23238...

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Fluid Framework v2.13.0 (minor)

06 Jan 23:26
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🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

New alpha APIs for schema evolution (#23362)

There are now @alpha APIs for schema evolution which support adding optional fields to object node types without a staged rollout.

SharedTree has many safety checks in place to ensure applications understand the format of documents they must support. One of these checks verifies that the view schema (defined in application's code) aligns with the document schema (determined by the document data at rest). This helps to ensure that clients running incompatible versions of the application's code don't collaborate at the same time on some document, which could cause data loss or disrupt application invariants. One general solution application authors can perform is to stage the rollout of a feature which changes document schema into multiple phases:

  1. Release an application version which understands documents written with the new format but doesn't attempt to upgrade any documents
  2. Wait for this application version to saturate in the app's ecosystem
  3. Release an application version which upgrades documents to start leveraging the new format.

However, this process can be cumbersome for application authors: for many types of changes, an app author doesn't particularly care if older application code collaborates with newer code, as the only downside is that the older application version might not present a fully faithful experience. As an example, consider an application which renders circles on a canvas (similar to what is presented here). The application author might anticipate adding support to render the circle with various different other properties (border style, border width, background color, varying radius, etc.). Therefore, they should declare their schema using SchemaFactoryObjectOptions.allowUnknownOptionalFields like so:

import { SchemaFactoryAlpha } from "@fluidframework/tree/alpha";
// "Old" application code/schema
const factory = new SchemaFactoryAlpha("Geometry");
class Circle extends factory.object(
    x: factory.number,
    y: factory.number,
  { allowUnknownOptionalFields: true },
) {}

Later, they add some of these features to their application:

import { SchemaFactoryAlpha } from "@fluidframework/tree/alpha";
// "New" application code/schema
const factory = new SchemaFactoryAlpha("Geometry");
class Circle extends factory.object(
    x: factory.number,
    y: factory.number,
    // Note that radius and color must both be declared as optional fields since this application must
    // support opening up existing documents that didn't have this information.
    radius: factory.optional(factory.number),
    color: factory.optional(factory.string), // ex: #00FF00
  { allowUnknownOptionalFields: true },
) {}

When they go to deploy this newer version of the application, they could opt to start upgrading documents as soon as the newer code is rolled out, and the older code would still be able to open up (and collaborate on) documents using the newer schema version. Note that it's only important that the old application code elected to allow opening documents with unknown optional fields. This policy is not persisted into documents in any form, so applications are free to modify it at any point.

For specific API details, see documentation on SchemaFactoryObjectOptions.allowUnknownOptionalFields. For a more thorough discussion of this topic, see Schema Evolvability in the SharedTree README.

Change details

Commit: 2406e00

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

⬆️ Table of contents

Metadata can be associated with Node Schema (#23321)

Users of TreeView can now specify metadata when creating Node Schema, via SchemaFactoryAlpha. This metadata may include system-understood properties like description.


const schemaFactory = new SchemaFactoryAlpha(...);
class Point extends schemaFactory.object("Point", {
	x: schemaFactory.required(schemaFactory.number),
	y: schemaFactory.required(schemaFactory.number),
	metadata: {
		description: "A point in 2D space",
}) {}

Functionality like the experimental conversion of Tree Schema to JSON Schema (getJsonSchema) leverages such system-understood metadata to generate useful information. In the case of the description property, it is mapped directly to the description property supported by JSON Schema.

Custom, user-defined properties can also be specified. These properties will not be used by the system by default, but can be used to associate common application-specific properties with Node Schema.

SchemaFactoryAlpha Updates

  • object and objectRecursive, arrayRecursive, and mapRecursive now support metadata in their options parameter.
  • (new) arrayAlpha - Variant of array that accepts an options parameter which supports metadata
  • (new) mapAlpha - Variant of map that accepts an options parameter which supports metadata


An application is implementing search functionality. By default, the app author wishes for all app content to be potentially indexable by search, unless otherwise specified. They can leverage schema metadata to decorate types of nodes that should be ignored by search, and leverage that information when walking the tree during a search.

interface AppMetadata {
	 * Whether or not nodes of this type should be ignored by search.
	 * @defaultValue `false`
	searchIgnore?: boolean;

const schemaFactory = new SchemaFactoryAlpha(...);
class Point extends schemaFactory.object("Point", {
	x: schemaFactory.required(schemaFactory.number),
	y: schemaFactory.required(schemaFactory.number),
	metadata: {
		description: "A point in 2D space",
		custom: {
			searchIgnore: true,
}) {}

Search can then be implemented to look for the appropriate metadata, and leverage it to omit the unwanted position data from search.

Potential for breaking existing code

These changes add the new property "metadata" to the base type from which all node schema derive. If you have existing node schema subclasses that include a property of this name, there is a chance for potential conflict here that could be breaking. If you encounter issues here, consider renaming your property or leveraging the new metadata support.

Change details

Commit: 58619c3

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree
  • fluid-framework

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Fluid Framework v2.12.0 (minor)

17 Dec 21:44
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✨ New Features

New APIs to create and load containers without using the Loader object (#22902)


Provide standalone APIs to create and load containers instead of using the Loader object to do so. Before, hosts were supposed to create the Loader object first and then call methods on it to create and load containers. Now they can just utilize these APIs directly and get rid of the Loader object.

Use createDetachedContainer to create a detached container
export async function createDetachedContainer(
  createDetachedContainerProps: ICreateDetachedContainerProps,
): Promise<IContainer> {}

ICreateDetachedContainerProps are the properties that need to be supplied to the above API and include props like URL Resolver, IDocumentServiceFactory, etc., which were previously used to create the Loader object.

Use loadExistingContainer to load an existing container
export async function loadExistingContainer(
  loadExistingContainerProps: ILoadExistingContainerProps,
): Promise<IContainer> {}

ILoadExistingContainerProps are the properties that need to be supplied to the above API and include props like URL Resolver, IDocumentServiceFactory, etc., which were earlier used to create the Loader object.

Use rehydrateDetachedContainer to create a detached container from a serializedState of another container
export async function rehydrateDetachedContainer(
  rehydrateDetachedContainerProps: IRehydrateDetachedContainerProps,
): Promise<IContainer> {}

IRehydrateDetachedContainerProps are the properties that need to be supplied to the above API and include props like URL Resolver, IDocumentServiceFactory, etc., which were earlier used to create the Loader object.

Note on ICreateAndLoadContainerProps.

The props which were used to create the Loader object are now moved to the ICreateAndLoadContainerProps interface. ICreateDetachedContainerProps, ILoadExistingContainerProps and IRehydrateDetachedContainerProps which extends ICreateAndLoadContainerProps also contain some additional props which will be used to create and load containers like IFluidCodeDetails, IRequest, etc. Previously these were directly passed when calling APIs like Loader.createDetachedContainer, Loader.resolve and Loader.rehydrateDetachedContainerFromSnapshot on the Loader object. Also, ILoaderProps.ILoaderOptions are now replaced with ICreateAndLoadContainerProps.IContainerPolicies since there will be no concept of Loader.

Change details

Commit: 51a1728

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/azure-client
  • @fluidframework/container-definitions
  • @fluidframework/container-loader
  • @fluidframework/fluid-runner
  • @fluidframework/odsp-client
  • @fluid-experimental/property-dds
  • @fluid-private/test-end-to-end-tests
  • @fluidframework/test-utils
  • @fluidframework/tinylicious-client
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

⚠️ Deprecations

SummarizerStopReason, ISummarizeEventProps, and ISummarizerEvents are now deprecated (#23217)

SummarizerStopReason, ISummarizeEventProps, and ISummarizerEvents have all been deprecated from the "@fluidframework/container-runtime" package. Please migrate all uses of these APIs to their counterparts in the "@fluidframework/container-runtime-definitions" package.

Change details

Commit: cd88ee2

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime

⬆️ Table of contents

IContainerRuntimeOptions.enableGroupedBatching is now deprecated (#23260)

The IContainerRuntimeOptions.enableGroupedBatching property is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.20.0. This will mean that the grouped batching feature can no longer be disabled. In versions 2.20.0 and beyond, grouped batching is required for the proper functioning of the Fluid Framework.

The sole case where grouped batching will be disabled is for compatibility with older v1 clients, and this will be implemented without any need for the configurable IContainerRuntimeOptions.enableGroupedBatching option.

Change details

Commit: 49d8e75

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime
  • @fluidframework/fluid-static

⬆️ Table of contents

IContainerRuntimeOptions.flushMode is now deprecated (#23288)

The IContainerRuntimeOptions.flushMode property is deprecated and will be removed in version 2.20.0.

Only the default value FlushMode.TurnBased is supported when calling ContainerRuntime.loadRuntime directly, so there's no need for consumers to pass this option in.

Change details

Commit: af1cd7b

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime

⬆️ Table of contents

Merge-Tree and SharedString ISegment Deprecations (#23323)

The current ISegment interface over-exposes a number of properties which do not have an external use case, and any external usage could result in damage to the underlying merge-tree including data corruption.

The only use case that will continue to be supported is determining if a segment is removed. For this purpose we've added the free function segmentIsRemoved(segment: ISegment): boolean.

For example, checking if a segment is not removed would change as follows:

- if(segment.removedSeq === undefined){
+ if(!segmentIsRemoved(segment)){

The following properties are deprecated on ISegment and its implementations:

  • clientId
  • index
  • localMovedSeq
  • localRefs
  • localRemovedSeq
  • localSeq
  • movedClientsIds
  • movedSeq
  • movedSeqs
  • ordinal
  • removedClientIds
  • removedSeq
  • seq
  • wasMovedOnInsert

Additionally, the following types are also deprecated, and will become internal (i.e. users of the Fluid Framework will not have access to them):

  • IMergeNodeCommon
  • IMoveInfo
  • IRemovalInfo
  • LocalReferenceCollection

Change details

Commit: e8762e3

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/merge-tree
  • @fluidframework/sequence

⬆️ Table of contents

The ContainerRuntime class is now deprecated (#23331)

The class ContainerRuntime is deprecated and will no longer be exported starting in version 2.20.0.

There are two possible migration paths to stop using ContainerRuntime:

  • When using it as a type, replace it with an interface like IContainerRuntime
  • When using the static function ContainerRuntime.loadRuntime replace it with the free function loadContainerRuntime.

BaseContainerRuntimeFactory has some changes as well, since it exposed ContainerRuntime in several function signatures:

  • instantiateFirstTime - Takes the wider type IContainerRuntime instead of ContainerRuntime
  • instantiateFromExisting - Takes the wider type IContainerRuntime instead of ContainerRuntime
  • preInitialize - deprecated as well, since it returns ContainerRuntime

These functions should never be called directly anyway - use `BaseContai...

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Fluid Framework v2.11.0 (minor)

03 Dec 01:03
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✨ New Features

Synchronous Child Datastore Creation (#23143)


This feature introduces a new pattern for creating datastores synchronously within the Fluid Framework. It allows for the synchronous creation of a child datastore from an existing datastore, provided that the child datastore is available synchronously via the existing datastore's registry and that the child's factory supports synchronous creation. This method also ensures strong typing for the consumer.

In this context, "child" refers specifically to the organization of factories and registries, not to any hierarchical or hosting relationship between datastores. The parent datastore does not control the runtime behaviors of the child datastore beyond its creation.

The synchronous creation of child datastores enhances the flexibility of datastore management within the Fluid Framework. It ensures type safety and provides a different way to manage datastores within a container. However, it is important to consider the overhead associated with datastores, as they are stored, summarized, garbage collected, loaded, and referenced independently. This overhead should be justified by the scenario's requirements.

Datastores offer increased capabilities, such as the ability to reference them via handles, allowing multiple references to exist and enabling those references to be moved, swapped, or changed. Additionally, datastores are garbage collected after becoming unreferenced, which can simplify final cleanup across clients. This is in contrast to subdirectories in a shared directory, which do not have native capabilities for referencing or garbage collection but are very low overhead to create.

Synchronous creation relies on both the factory and the datastore to support it. This means that asynchronous operations, such as resolving handles, some browser API calls, consensus-based operations, or other asynchronous tasks, cannot be performed during the creation flow. Therefore, synchronous child datastore creation is best limited to scenarios where the existing asynchronous process cannot be used, such as when a new datastore must be created in direct response to synchronous user input.

Key Benefits

  • Synchronous Creation: Allows for the immediate creation of child datastores without waiting for asynchronous operations.
  • Strong Typing: Ensures type safety and better developer experience by leveraging TypeScript's type system.

Use Cases

Example 1: Creating a Child Datastore

In this example, we demonstrate how to support creating a child datastore synchronously from a parent datastore.

 * This is the parent DataObject, which is also a datastore. It has a
 * synchronous method to create child datastores, which could be called
 * in response to synchronous user input, like a key press.
class ParentDataObject extends DataObject {
  createChild(name: string): ChildDataStore {
      this.context.createChildDataStore !== undefined,

    const { entrypoint } = this.context.createChildDataStore(
    const dir = this.root.createSubDirectory("children");
    dir.set(name, entrypoint.handle);
    entrypoint.setProperty("childValue", name);

    return entrypoint;

  getChild(name: string): IFluidHandle<ChildDataStore> | undefined {
    const dir = this.root.getSubDirectory("children");
    return dir?.get<IFluidHandle<ChildDataStore>>(name);

For a complete example see the following test:

Change details

Commit: 3426b43

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/container-runtime
  • @fluidframework/runtime-definitions

⬆️ Table of contents

Presence-related events now support the off event deregistration pattern (#23196)

Event subscriptions within @fluidframework/presence may now use off to deregister event listeners, including initial listeners provided to Notifications.

Some type names have shifted within the API though no consumers are expected to be using those types directly. The most visible rename is NotificationSubscribable to NotificationListenable. Other shifts are to use types now exported through @fluidframework/core-interfaces where the most notable is ISubscribable that is now Listenable.

Change details

Commit: f7be965

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/presence

⬆️ Table of contents

Presence updates are now grouped and throttled (#23075)

Presence updates are grouped together and throttled to prevent flooding the network with messages when presence values are rapidly updated. This means the presence infrastructure will not immediately broadcast updates but will broadcast them after a configurable delay.

The allowableUpdateLatencyMs property configures how long a local update may be delayed under normal circumstances, enabling grouping with other updates. The default allowableUpdateLatencyMs is 60 milliseconds but may be (1) specified during configuration of a States Workspace or Value Manager and/or (2) updated later using the controls member of a Workspace or Value Manager. The States Workspace configuration applies when a Value Manager does not have its own setting.

Notifications are never queued; they effectively always have an allowableUpdateLatencyMs of 0. However, they may be grouped with other updates that were already queued.

Note that due to throttling, clients receiving updates may not see updates for all values set by another. For example, with Latest*ValueManagers, the only value sent is the value at the time the outgoing grouped message is sent. Previous values set by the client will not be broadcast or seen by other clients.


You can configure the grouping and throttling behavior using the allowableUpdateLatencyMs property as in the following example:

// Create and configure a states workspace
const stateWorkspace = presence.getStates(
    // This value manager has an allowable latency of 100ms.
    position: Latest({ x: 0, y: 0 }, { allowableUpdateLatencyMs: 100 }),
    // This value manager uses the workspace default allowable latency of 60ms.
    count: Latest({ num: 0 }),
  // Set the default allowable latency for all value managers in this workspace to 200ms,
  // overriding the default value of 60ms.
  { allowableUpdateLatencyMs: 200 },

// Temporarily set count updates to send as soon as possible.
const countState = stateWorkspace.props.count;
countState.controls.allowableUpdateLatencyMs = 0;
countState.local = { num: 5000 };

// Reset the update latency to the workspace default of 60ms.
countState.controls.allowableUpdateLatencyMs = undefined;

Change details

Commit: abde76d

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/presence

⬆️ Table of contents

🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

✨ New! Alpha APIs for indexing (#22491)

SharedTree now supports indexing via two new APIs, createSimpleTreeIndex and createIdentifierIndex.

createSimpleTreeIndex is used to create a `SimpleTre...

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Fluid Framework v2.10.0 (minor)

19 Nov 05:04
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✨ New Features

New compareFluidHandle function for comparing FluidHandles (#22997)

The new compareFluidHandle function has been added to allow comparing handles without having to inspect their internals.

Change details

Commit: 8d47008

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/runtime-utils

⬆️ Table of contents

SharedString DDS annotateAdjustRange (#22751)

This update introduces a new feature to the SharedString DDS, allowing for the adjustment of properties over a specified range. The annotateAdjustRange method enables users to apply adjustments to properties within a given range, providing more flexibility and control over property modifications.

An adjustment is a modification applied to a property value within a specified range. Adjustments can be used to increment or decrement property values dynamically. They are particularly useful in scenarios where property values need to be updated based on user interactions or other events. For example, in a rich text editor, adjustments can be used for modifying indentation levels or font sizes, where multiple users could apply differing numerical adjustments.

Key Features and Use Cases:

  • Adjustments with Constraints: Adjustments can include optional minimum and maximum constraints to ensure the final value falls within specified bounds. This is particularly useful for maintaining consistent formatting in rich text editors.
  • Consistent Property Changes: The feature ensures that property changes are consistent, managing both local and remote changes effectively. This is essential for collaborative rich text editing where multiple users may be making adjustments simultaneously.
  • Rich Text Formatting: Adjustments can be used to modify text properties such as font size, indentation, or other formatting attributes dynamically based on user actions.

Configuration and Compatibility Requirements:

This feature is only available when the configuration Fluid.Sequence.mergeTreeEnableAnnotateAdjust is set to true. Additionally, all collaborating clients must have this feature enabled to use it. If any client does not have this feature enabled, it will lead to the client exiting collaboration. A future major version of Fluid will enable this feature by default.

Usage Example:

sharedString.annotateAdjustRange(start, end, {
  key: { value: 5, min: 0, max: 10 },

Change details

Commit: d54b9dd

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/merge-tree
  • @fluidframework/sequence
  • @fluidframework/undo-redo

⬆️ Table of contents

🌳 SharedTree DDS Changes

Provide more comprehensive replacement to the commitApplied event (#22977)

Adds a new changed event to the (currently alpha) TreeBranchEvents that replaces the commitApplied event on TreeViewEvents. This new event is fired for both local and remote changes and maintains the existing functionality of commitApplied that is used for obtaining Revertibles.

Change details

Commit: e51c94d

Affected packages:

  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

SharedTree event listeners that implement Listenable now allow deregistration of event listeners via an off() function. (#23046)

The ability to deregister events via a callback returned by on() remains the same. Both strategies will remain supported and consumers of SharedTree events may choose which method of deregistration they prefer in a given instance.

// The new behavior
function deregisterViaOff(view: TreeView<MySchema>): {
	const listener = () => { /* ... */ };"commitApplied", listener); // Register"commitApplied", listener); // Deregister

// The existing behavior (still supported)
function deregisterViaCallback(view: TreeView<MySchema>): {
	const off ="commitApplied", () => { /* ... */ }); // Register
	off(); // Deregister

Change details

Commit: c59225d

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

Allow constructing recursive maps from objects (#23070)

Previously only non-recursive maps could be constructed from objects. Now all maps nodes can constructed from objects:

class MapRecursive extends sf.mapRecursive("Map", [() => MapRecursive]) {}
  type _check = ValidateRecursiveSchema<typeof MapRecursive>;
// New:
const fromObject = new MapRecursive({ x: new MapRecursive() });
// Existing:
const fromIterator = new MapRecursive([["x", new MapRecursive()]]);
const fromMap = new MapRecursive(new Map([["x", new MapRecursive()]]));
const fromNothing = new MapRecursive();
const fromUndefined = new MapRecursive(undefined);

Change details

Commit: 0185a08

Affected packages:

  • fluid-framework
  • @fluidframework/tree

⬆️ Table of contents

Fix typing bug in adaptEnum and enumFromStrings (#23077)

When using the return value from adaptEnum as a function, passing in a value who's type is a union no longer produced an incorrectly typed return value. This has been fixed.

Additionally enumFromStrings has improved the typing of its schema, ensuring the returned object's members have sufficiently specific types. Part of this improvement was fixing the .schema property to be a tuple over each of the schema where it was previously a tuple of a single combined schema due to a bug.

One side-effect of these fixes is that narrowing of the value field of a node typed from the .schema behaves slightly different, such that the node type is now a union instead of it being a single type with a .value that is a union. This means that narrowing based on .value property narrows which node type you have, not just the value property. This mainly matters when matching all c...

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