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Porting shaders from FXC to DXC

Tex Riddell edited this page Jan 30, 2021 · 5 revisions

Porting shaders from FXC to DXC


This topic should be used as a reference point when porting your existing high-level shader language (HLSL) shaders over from D3DCompiler (FXC) to DXCompiler (DXC). Specifically, this topic provides details about the following:

  1. Enable some of the old FXC compilation behaviors that are disabled by default on DXC. This is supported on DXC through the following compiler flags:

    • -Gec: Enable Direct3D 9 backward compatibility (for example, enable support for COLOR semantic that's supported only until Direct3D 9).

    • -HV: Enable FXC backward compatibility by setting the language version to 2016 (that is, -HV 2016). This enables a certain legacy language semantic that's available on FXC.

    • -flegacy-macro-expansion: Expand the operands before performing token-pasting operation (FXC behavior).

    • -flegacy-resource-reservation: Reserve unused explicit register assignments for compatibility with shader model 5.0 and earlier.

  2. Provide information about the old deprecated HLSL syntaxes that were supported on FXC but are no longer supported on DXC.

Compiler .dll interface changes

We recommend using the new IDxcCompiler3::Compile function for compiling DXC shaders. For more information about helper routines that will make porting existing code to the new interface easier, along with sample code, see Using DXC.

Backward compatibility with FXC behaviors

Multiplication-only pattern for the intrinsic function pow

By default, DXC always uses log-mul-exp pattern (explained as follows) to implement the pow function. In contrast, FXC also uses the mul-only pattern instead to implement the pow function in some scenarios. For example, for smaller constant values of y (such as pow(x, 3)), FXC uses the mul-only pattern. This could lead to the pow function producing different results when compiled by using FXC and DXC in some cases. For example, for a runtime value of x=0, pow(x,3) evaluates to NaN and 0 on DXC and FXC, respectively. To achieve the FXC behavior with respect to the pow function on DXC, set the language version to 2016 (by using the flag -HV 2016) during compilation.

Example of pow implementation by using the log-mul-exp pattern

pow(x,y) = e^(log(x) * y)

Example of pow implementation by using the mul-only pattern

pow(x,3) = (x * x) * x 

Out-of-bound array accesses

By default, DXC errors out when finding constant index references to an array, which is out of bound. For example, the following HLSL shader fails to compile with an error message: error: array index 3 is out of bounds. You could turn this error into a warning by setting the language version to 2016 (that is, by using the -HV 2016 flag) only when the out-of-bound access happens in the unused or dead code.

void main()
  uint x[2];
  x[3]=1.f; // Out-of-bound access.

Warn when unroll attribute can't be honored

When the unroll attribute is applied on a loop and if the loop-trip–count can't be ascertained at compile-time or if it's above a certain threshold, then by default, DXC fails to compile shaders such as the following. To turn this failure into a warning, set the language version to 2016. When the following shader is compiled on DXC with the -HV 2016 flag, it compiles successfully without unrolling the loop and generates a warning message: warning: Could not unroll the loop.

uint main(uint x : IN) : OUT
   uint r = 0;
   for(uint i=0; i<x; i++)
   return r;

COLOR semantic

The semantic COLOR isn't supported on DXC by default. When writing new HLSL shaders targeting DXC, you should instead use SV_Target. However, DXC also provides an option to compile shaders referencing the COLOR semantic by passing it the -Gec flag. For example, the following HLSL code should compile successfully on DXC when the -Gec flag is used.

float main() : COLOR
    return 1.f;

Length property on constant arrays

The Length property on constant arrays is supported on DXC under the -Gec flag as shown in the following example.

uint main() : OUT
    int x[5];
    return x.Length;

Writing to globals

Global variables are treated as constants in HLSL, but just like FXC, DXC also enables support for writing to globals with the -Gec flag as shown in the following example.

float gvar; // Write enabled with "-Gec"

float4 main(uint a : A) : SV_Target
  gvar = a * 2.0f;  
  return (float4) gvar;

Legacy resource reservation by using the -flegacy-resource-reservation flag

For shader model 5.0 or earlier, FXC would factor in the register allocation of unused resources when doing register allocation for used ones. For example, when compiling the following shader on FXC with SM5.0 and 5.1, Tex1[1] is bound to t4 and t0, respectively. When using DXC, to achieve the FXC resource allocation behavior with SM5.0 or earlier, use the -flegacy-resource-reservation flag.

Texture2D Tex0[2] : register(t1);
Texture2D Tex1[2];

float4 main() : SV_Target
    return Tex1[1].Load((uint3)0);

Resource binding on FXC with SM5.0

// Resource bindings:
// Name                                 Type  Format         Dim      HLSL Bind  Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- -------------- ------
// Tex1[1]                           texture  float4          2d             t4      1

Resource binding on FXC with SM5.1

// Resource bindings:
// Name                                 Type  Format         Dim      ID      HLSL Bind  Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- ------- -------------- ------
// Tex1                              texture  float4          2d      T0             t0      2

Resource binding on DXC with SM6.0 without the -flegacy-resource-reservation flag

// Resource bindings:
// Name                                 Type  Format         Dim      ID      HLSL Bind  Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- ------- -------------- ------
// Tex1                              texture     f32          2d      T0             t0     2

Resource binding on DXC with SM6.0 with the -flegacy-resource-reservation flag

// Resource bindings:
// Name                                 Type  Format         Dim      ID      HLSL Bind  Count
// ------------------------------ ---------- ------- ----------- ------- -------------- ------
// Tex1                              texture     f32          2d      T0             t3     2

Legacy macro expansion by using the -flegacy-macro-expansion flag

The following HLSL shader compiles successfully on FXC, but errors out on DXC as b##slot is replaced with bSLOT_VAL instead of b3, thus causing compilation failure. To achieve the FXC token replacement behavior on DXC, compile with the additional flag "-flegacy-macro-expansion".

#define SLOT_VAL 3
#define CBUFFER_ALIGNED( name, slot ) cbuffer name : register( b##slot )
       float4        val;

You can avoid the usage of the -flegacy-macro-expansion flag in this case by following standard preprocessor rules.

#define SLOT_VAL 3
#define PASTE1(a, b) a##b
#define PASTE(a, b) PASTE1(a, b)
#define CBUFFER_ALIGNED( name, slot ) cbuffer name : register( PASTE(b, slot) )
       float4        val;

-flegacy-macro-expansion doesn't help for cases where the tokens are not macro arguments, though fxc still expands these. The following will result in an error even if -flegacy-macro-expansion is used.

#define C 4
#define A4 float4
#define TYPE A##C

#define FUNC(ty) ty main() : OUT { return 0; }

The following change will bring the HLSL into compatibility with standard preprocessor rules, no longer requiring the -flegacy-macro-expansion option.

#define C 4
#define A4 float4
#define PASTE1(a, b) a##b
#define PASTE(a, b) PASTE1(a, b)
#define TYPE PASTE(A, C)

#define FUNC(ty) ty main() : OUT { return 0; }

Unsupported FXC behaviors

Effect framework

Features related to the effects framework are no longer supported.

Uniform parameters on entry functions

Uniform parameters on entry functions are no longer supported.

There is a rewriter utility that may help port shaders that use this feature to DXC. The command line tool is called dxr.exe, and the API is in dxctools.h.

The option to use is -extract-entry-uniforms, along with the entry name, and any other options necessary to parse the shader, such as -I include and -D define options. See dxr.exe -? for a full option list. For the API, use the IDxcRewriter2::RewriteWithOptions method.

Rewritten HLSL will have the uniform resource and values extracted into the global scope for a single entry point. Name collisions are possible if parameter names collide with global names. It's meant to be used on one entry for one compilation, not on all entries in one file, otherwise name collisions will likely occur. Additionally, resources will only be extracted if identified with the uniform keyword at this time.

Uniform values extracted into global space will be placed in a constant buffer named _Params, since the equivalent in FXC would have been to put them in a constant buffer named $Params.


float4 main(float4 color : INPUT,
    uniform float scale,
    uniform SamplerState sam,
    uniform Texture2D<float2> tex,
    uniform RWStructuredBuffer<float2> buf : register(u1)
    ) : SV_TARGET
  buf[int(color.x)] = tex.SampleLevel(sam, color.xy * scale, 0).xy;
  return color;

Use the rewriter tool:

dxr.exe example.hlsl -extract-entry-uniforms -E main -Fo output.hlsl

To produce something like this in output.hlsl:

uniform SamplerState sam;
uniform Texture2D<float2> tex;
uniform RWStructuredBuffer<float2> buf : register(u1);
cbuffer _Params {
uniform float scale;
float4 main(float4 color : INPUT) : SV_TARGET {
  buf[int(color.x)] = tex.SampleLevel(sam, color.xy * scale, 0).xy;
  return color;


Interfaces are no longer supported.

Dimension-specific texture sample functions no longer supported

Support for tex1D, tex2D, and similar functions for sampling are now deprecated. To learn how to port to supported sampling functions, see the following example.

Example using the old syntax for sampling, which is no longer supported

sampler FontTextureSampler : register(s0);
struct VS_OUT
   float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

float4 PSMain_Unsupported( VS_OUT In ) : SV_Target
    return tex2D( FontTextureSampler, In.TexCoord0 ).zyxw; // tex2D is unsupported.

Example showing supported syntax for sampling

SamplerState FontTextureSampler : register(s0);
Texture2D FontTexture2D : register( t0 ); // Step 1. Declare texture.

struct VS_OUT
   float2 TexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0;

float4 PSMain( VS_OUT In ) : SV_Target
    // Step 2. Use "Sample" method of the texture declared in the previous step.
    return FontTexture2D.Sample( FontTextureSampler, In.TexCoord0 ).zyxw;

Semantic overlap not supported

DXC disallows the use of duplicate semantics. For example, the following shader will fail compilation on DXC.

uint main(uint a : SV_VertexID, uint b : SV_VertexID) : OUT
    return a + b;

"ConstantBuffer" as constant buffer name not supported

Starting with SM5.1, HLSL supports indexable constant buffers by using the ConstantBuffer template construct. Therefore, ConstantBuffer is a reserved keyword and DXC disallows using it as a buffer name.

cbuffer ConstantBuffer : register(b0) // ConstantBuffer as buffer name not allowed.
 float2 field1;
 float field2;
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