Service responsible for managing users and login.
This is a closed community. You require an admin to create an account for you
This is the only entry-point into the microservice network via the
routes. Everything else is hidden behind the authentication. -
There are three different Global-Roles:
Admin: Every permission on everything including invites
Support: Soft-Permissions: adding a user to any project
User: Create project
We have three default users:
username: Peter_Zwegat, password: password, role: ADMIN
username: Kim-Jong-Dos, password: password, role: SUPPORT
username: Kim-Jong-On, password: password, role: USER
The user service is based on the Spring Framework with Webflux and Netty as its HTTP-server stack and ActiveMQ connections as message broker. The service is connected to dedicated PostgreSQL database, where data is persisted.
The API is documented as OpenAPI Specification
To test the API please use the Postman collection.
The service sends events when:
User: Created, Updated or deleted
Extended events with additional information when:-
The user changed its username
The user changed its lastname
The user changed its name
The user changed its email
The user changed its date of birth (lol)
The Global Role of a user got changed
The user service is not listening to any ActiveMQ topic.
The login to the system is realized via HTTP-Basic auth to /login. After that a JWT is issued which contains all relevant information about the user. The JWT is valid for a limited period of time. A reissue mechanism or a blacklist is not (yet) implemented.
Please refer to the README of the Orga-Repository for more information. This service uses the service-lib as a dependency.