Service responsible for collecting events, extrapolating news and serving them to the users. News may be read by logged-in users. The service saves a timestamp at which the user last retrieved its news and only sends News occured after that timestamp.
The project service is based on the Spring Framework with Webflux and Netty as its HTTP-server stack and ActiveMQ connections as message broker. The project service is connected to dedicated MongoDB. This database is chosen for its ability to store unstructured data.
The database consists of two collections of documents: DomainNews and DataNews. (see orga-docs)
The API is documented as OpenAPI Specification in news-service.yaml
To test the API please use the Postman collection.
This service does not send any requests.
This service is listening to all topics within the system, except for microservices.sagaEvents. Incoming Events from ActiveMQ are wrapped with meta data and stored as documents within MongoDB.
Please refer to the README of the Orga-Repository for more information. This service uses the service-lib as a dependency.