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Functional Requirements:

  1. User Authentication
  2. User Authorization
  3. MFA
  4. User management
  5. Logging And Auditing
  6. Password Policies

Non- Functional Requirements:

  1. Security
  2. High Availability
  3. Scalability
  4. Reliability
  5. Logging and Monitoring

Estimation And Contraints


  • Assume we have:

    • 50 million total users
    • 5 million daily active user (DAU)
    • Each user 3 write time(login or register) a day
    • Each user read info 1 time a day

    This give 15 million users login per day

$$ 5 \space million \times 3 \space login \space times = 15 \space million/day $$

Requests Per Second (RPS) for our system?

Read per second: 57 requests/second

$$ \frac{5 \space million \times \space 1 \space time/day }{(24 \space hrs \times 3600 \space seconds)} = \sim 57 \space requests/second $$

Write per Second: 173 requests/seconds

$$ \frac{5 \space million \times \space 3 \space time/day }{(24 \space hrs \times 3600 \space seconds)} = \sim 173 \space requests/second $$

Write = 3 x Read => This is write-heavy system



  • int_account_id : BIGINT => 8 bytes
  • str_email: VARCHAR(10) = > 10 bytes
  • str_hashed_password: VARCHAR(128) => 128 bytes
  • str_password_salt: VARCHAR(128) => 128 bytes
  • str_last_login_ip: VARCHAR(128) => 128 bytes
  • dt_created_date: DATETIME => 8 bytes
  • dt_modified_date: DATETIME, => 8 bytes
  • dt_password_changed: DATETIME => 8 bytes
  • dt_last_login: DATETIME => 8 bytes

=> 8+10+128+128+128+8+8+8+8= 552 bytes

Total: 552 bytes per user

Total Storage = Number of Users * Storage per User

$$ Total storage = 50 \space million * 552 \space bytes = 27.6 \space GB $$


Read Bandwidth:

Assuming an average request size of 552 bytes (as calculated for storage per user), the read bandwidth can be estimated as follows:

Read Bandwidth: = Read Requests/second * Average Request Size

$$ ReadBandwidth= 57 \space requests/second \times 552 \space bytes/request = 31,464 \space bytes/second $$

Convert KB:

$$ ReadBandwidth= \frac{31,464 \space bytes/second}{1024 \space KB} = 31,5 \space KB/second $$

Write Bandwidth:

$$ WriteBandwidth= 173 \space requests/second \times 552 \space bytes/request = 95,496 \space bytes/second $$

Convert KB:

$$ WriteBandwidth= \frac{95,496 \space bytes/second}{1024 \space KB} = 93.33 \space KB/second $$

System Estimates Overview


Metric Value
Total Users 50 million
Daily Active Users (DAU) 5 million
Login/Registration RPS 173 (write-heavy)
Read RPS 57


Data Element Size (bytes)
int_account_id (BIGINT) 8
str_email (VARCHAR(10)) 10
str_hashed_password 128
str_password_salt 128
str_last_login_ip 128
dt_created_date (DATETIME) 8
dt_modified_date (DATETIME) 8
dt_password_changed 8
dt_last_login (DATETIME) 8
Total per User 552

Total Storage Estimate: 27.6 GB


Operation Requests/second Average Request Size Bandwidth (KB/second)
Read 57 552 bytes ~30.72
Write 173 552 bytes ~93.3

Clean Architecture



1. User Registration

  • Endpoint: /register
  • Method: POST
  • Description: Registers a new user in the system.
  • Request Body:
  "account": {
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "password": "123456"
  "info_user": {
    "name": "Ngoc Phu",
    "phone_number": "1234567890",
    "date_of_birth": "2023-11-12T08:00:23.719000",
    "gender": true,
    "address": "Ha Noi"
  • Response:

    • Success Response:

      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Description: Registration is successful.
    • Bad Request Response:

      • Status Code: 400 Bad Request
      • Description: The request is malformed or missing required fields.
    • Conflict Response:

      • Status Code: 409 Conflict
      • Description: The email is already registered.
    • Internal Server Error Response:

      • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
      • Description: Other server-side errors.

2. User Login

  • Endpoint: /login

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Authenticates a user and generates a session token.

  • Request Body:

      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "user_password",
      "mfa_code": "optional_mfa_code"
  • Response:

    • Success Response:

      • Status Code: 201 Created
      • Description: Registration is successful.
    • Unauthorized Response:

      • Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
      • Description: Authentication fails due to incorrect credentials or MFA code.
    • Not Found Response:

      • Status Code: 404 Not Found
      • Description: The user account does not exist.
    • Internal Server Error Response:

      • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
      • Description: Other server-side errors.

3. User Logout

  • Endpoint: /logout

  • Method: POST

  • Description: Logs out the currently authenticated user, invalidating the session token.

  • Request Cookie:

    • access_token: <session_token>
  • Response:

    • Success Response:

      • Status Code: 204 No Content
      • Description: Logout is successful.
    • Unauthorized Response:

      • Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
      • Description: The session token is invalid or expired.
    • Internal Server Error Response:

      • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
      • Description: Other server-side errors.

4. Update User Profile

  • Endpoint: /user/profile
  • Method: PUT
  • Description: Updates the user's profile information.
  • Request Cookie:
    • access_token: <session_token>
  • Request Body:
      "email": "[email protected]",
      "password": "new_password",
      "additional_fields": "..."
  • Response:
    • Success Response:

      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Description: The update is successful.
    • Bad Request Response:

      • Status Code: 400 Bad Request
      • Description: The request is malformed or contains invalid data.
    • Unauthorized Response:

      • Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
      • Description: The session token is invalid or expired.
    • Internal Server Error Response:

      • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
      • Description: Other server-side errors.

5. Change Password

  • Endpoint: /user/password

  • Method: PUT

  • Description: Changes the user's password.

  • Request Cookie:

    • access_token: <session_token>
  • Request Body:

      "old_password": "current_password",
      "new_password": "new_password"
  • Response:

    • Success Response:

      • Status Code: 200 OK
      • Description: The password change is successful.
    • Bad Request Response:

      • Status Code: 400 Bad Request
      • Description: The request is malformed or contains invalid data.
    • Unauthorized Response:

      • Status Code: 401 Unauthorized
      • Description: The session token is invalid or expired.
    • Internal Server Error Response:

      • Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
      • Description: Other server-side errors.